Galra Attack ( part 1 ) chapter 6

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/ Keith p.o.v. /

I was a little scared when I woke up, I forgot where I fell asleep. Lance was still in my arms, I normally wake up much earlier than him, I hugged him closer, trying not to wake him.

Lance groaned and and hugged me back.

K: sorry, I didn't mean to wake you.

L: mmm it's fine.

I played with his hair till he started to snore again. I smiled to myself, I'm happy here with him. I want to talk to him about everything, explain and ask about his confession in Red. I felt myself get sleepy again and decided to just let myself fall back asleep.

When I wake up lance is walking to his bathroom.

Keith: thanks for waking me.

Lance jumped.

Lance: oh sorry, but I really needed to pee.

Keith: I was kidding, it's fine.

Lance brushed his teeth and changed.

Lance: so ready to show everyone your awake?

Keith: after I change.

I walk to my room, I felt nervous about telling them. How will Allura react? Putting on some regular clothes I sneak back to lancers room, he was ready and gave me a hug.

L: I'll get them all in the kitchen and when I say so you come out alright?

I nodded, we walked down the hallway and lance went into the kitchen as I hide behind the door way.

/ Lance p.o.v. /

L: hey guys.

Everyone but Allura was here.

H: morning.

P: great news Alluras away in meetings so we won't be seeing her for awhile!

Hunk gave her a look, but her smile didn't drop.

L: well I've got some great news!

I ran back to the door way and waved Keith in, the second they saw him that all ran over giving him hugs, Shiro even started to tear up.

Keith: I missed you guys to.

After the hugs everyone sat down, hunk made Keith and me some breakfast, everyone else had already ate.

We all decided that a movie in the lounge was the best thing to do, we set everything up and started the movie. Hunk and pidge were on the floor, Shiro was on the love seat and me and Keith were on the couch.

After 30 minutes into the movie I started to doze, I thought on it for a second then leaned on Keith. He jumped a little then moved and pulled me over. Now I was laying on his chest with his arms resting on my back. I hugged him , he hugged me back and I let myself fall asleep, enjoying the Warmth coming off him.

/ Keith p.o.v. /

Holding lance was one of the best feelings Ever, I could feel his heart beat slow down and after a few minutes he started to quietly snore. I played with his hair looking up I saw Shiro smiling at me, I narrowed my eyes at him then turned to see hunk and pidge had also fallen asleep.

I closed my eyes and soon after passed out my self, I felt happy and it was great.

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