Nightmare (part one) chapter 2

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/ lance p.o.v./

After Keith left I sat their for a minute. What did I say that made him leave? Did I make him think of bad memories? And what happened to his dad? I guess for now I won't know.

I left the room where me and Keith had been, I walked to my room that wasn't far from where we where unlike Keith's room that was on the other side of the castle. When I got to my room I took a shower, put on pjs and went about my normal skin routine. When I was done I laid on my bed and pulled the covers over me. 

I couldn't sleep, I looked at the clock it was almost 12:00 and I still haven't heard Keith walk to the training room. I guess he's just really tired even though he's been asleep for three days, but I guess finding out you part galra and telling your friends does put you through a lot of emotions. So he's probably more emotional tired then physically tired.

/ Next morning /

/Keith p.o.v./

I woke up and my pillow was still wet from my crying last night, or maybe I had been crying in my sleep. It wouldn't be the first time I cried in my sleep. I went to my bathroom and looked at my face that was puffy and red. I decided to take a shower and then cover the redness under and around my eyes.

When I took my shirt off to get in the shower I looked in the mirror and saw three golf ball sized bruises on my  stomach. My brain had tried to block out what Allura had done last night but these bruises where a painful reminder this morning. I knew Allura hates galra and I known she would need time or just ignore me from now on but I didn't expect her to go this far with her anger and hate. I touch the bruise and winced a little in pain I would have to avoid the others to make sure they don't hug or try to play punch me and it hurt me enough to where they find the bruises.

I got in the shower and clean my hair and body. My shower aren't long I take quick showers. One time I told the others I was going to take a shower and was back in six minutes, lance wouldn't shut up about how there was no way I could have took a shower that fast and if I did there was no way I was actually clean. Later on he finally shut up after pidge throw one of her books at his head after she told him to be quite or she would throw the book, of course lance didn't believe and made another comment and she did it.

I got out of the shower and put on black boxers, black jeans and grabbed a black shirt, but before putting it on I put counsel on the bruises in cause something happens that might cause them to be seen. Then I put a little  concealer under my eyes. The puffyness around my eyes had gone down to normal but the redness under my eyes was still there so at least that was all I had to hide.

I left my room and went to breakfast hating the fact that I had to see her again. I walked in the room and everyone was already there.

H: Good morning Keith.

K: morning.

P: hey Keith?


P: do you think I could ran test on you? I want to see if there are weaknesses we could learn about the galra though your blood. Plus it will let me get more use to you, we haven't hanged out for awhile, so what you say?

K:... You know what sure I don't really have much to do except train.

P: Great! And their will be the  physical tests so it some what will be like training.


The rest of the morning went as usual expect I could feel Allura given me hate  glares and I could have sworn lance kept looking at me, but I doubted it. 

After I was done pidge grabbed my arm and dragged me to the, it would be called on earth lab for the tests.

P: So, how do you feel about needles?

K: I'll be fine.

P: Great! That means we can start with blood work and move on from there.

K: Ok. 

Pidge walked other to a main frame computer and plunged her up to it and was getting it ready for testing. Then when that was done she when to a table and got a small machine. I didn't know hat it was for or what it did.

K: What's that?

P: I don't know what it's called but I asked Corean and he said it was the easiest way to draw blood with out me having to do it myself. Now come over here so this thing can take your blood.

I started to walk over while asking

K: Do you even know how to work that thing.

P: Corean showed me so as long as I can remember what he said to do everything will be fine.

She clamped a bracelet like thing that was attached to the other machines on my upper forearm. I felt a small almost painless prick and the tube plugged in to the bracelet like thing was now had my blood flowing through it.

P: You good?

K: Yeah, I'm good. 

P: k.

Pidge smiled at me then went to her computer. The tube emptied into the machine and pidge came back over to take the bracelet like thing off. 

P: Ok now I'll start testing that and while it's testing we can start on other tests.

I nodded and we started the other tests.

When it was over I was sore and some what light headed form the tests. Me and pidge were on are way to the kitchen. It was almost time to eat dinner. When we got there the team was getting there plates of food. Shiro turned and smiled at us and so did hunk.

S: so how did the tests go?

P: we won't have results till tomorrow and more research is preform on the data gotten today, but I would say it went well.

K: Pidge took alone of blood and put though at least a hundred tests.

S: Pidge you can't take some much blood, Keith is already to pale.

Shiro said in a teasing voice. Every one had now finished there food and was headed to there rooms. Allura was the first to leave and then the rest of us. Right before I could get to my room I was tripped. I looked up to see Allura. 

A: Go die you awful disgrace.

She kicked my in my side once then left without another word. I laid there a minute fighting tears. After a few minutes I got up and walked to my room. I took a shower and got in the bed that's when all my emotions come out I was crying and hating myself. Allura' s words repeated in my head over and over. Finally I fell asleep.

// the beginning of part two will be Keith's dream and sorry for anyone who actually reads these story and was waiting for the next part I have been infer a lot of stress//

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