Galra attack ( part 3 ) chapter 6

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/Lance p.o.v./

After my shower I passed out, I'm still am tired but now Allura and coran needs help. I keep replaying Keith waking me up and pulling me out of bed, shiro explained what we have to do but we still don't know how easy this will be.

I'm following beside Keith and looking over I can see him in red staring off, like he's not paying attention to anything. I wave and try to get his attention but it doesn't work, I trun and stare out at the stars. Right now the lions are on autopilot to follow the black loin so it's not like we really have to pay attention until we get there.

I wish I could talk to Keith, or at least get him to pay attention long enough for him to wave back. I wish I could talk to my family, the stars always bring back memories of going out in the fields and lying on my back watching the stars, hoping to see a shooting star. I wanted to see space so bad back then and now I wish I could go and stay on earth for ever.

" everyone were here get ready."

Shiro voice come over the intercom and nearly gave my a heart attack, I looked over to Keith who was already alert and ready I grabbed the controls and we headed into battle.

/Keith p.o.v./

They didn't have that much protect it only took about fifteen minutes to broad the ship, if the have Allura and coran you'd think they would be better protect or at least put up a better fight. Somethings not right about this.

" hey Shiro I-"

" Keith! Ah-"

I feel a shape stab in the back of my neck I hear Shiro call out and a thud and another, I start to pass out, this was there plan all along and I didn't think or speak fast enough.

" Damn it."

" Keith."


I I hear lance saying my name I need to wake up they need me, they might be hurt I need to help.


I open my eyes and look to my left we're lance is, then to my right we're Shiro is.

" lance be quit."

" sorry Shiro."

" hey Keith you awake now?"

" yeah, yeah what's happening?"

" we got knocked out with some space drug and now here we are locked up in this room."

I look at my hands and feet, at the melt cuffs and chains.

" do we have a plan? Shiro?"

" no, right now we're just gonna have to wait and see what happens next."

Fuck. This doesn't look like a cell room, more like them just toasted us. The back of my neck stings, I look at the back of lance and Shiros neck there's a little red dot, we got shot with darts.

The door across the room opened and two galea soldiers came out and stood by the door them another came in the room with Allura and Coran, they were placed in front of the first two soldiers.

The third soldier walk up to us.

" welcome voltron, I hope the darts were to your liking. Now before we get down to it, you."

He pointed to me then walked up.

" a galra? Helping them? HA! Why not join us? Be with you own kind."

/lance p.o.v./

This bitch.

" and why should I?"

I looked to Keith, he had a weird look in his eyes.

" why shouldn't you? Your out of place with them, image what will happen with the whole galaxy finds out a galra is a member of voltron. They'll never trust you."

I'm pissed this guy has the nerve to say this crap.

" hey shut the hell up he's important to this team!"

" you know after all the shit I've been through, the looks they give, why shouldn't I join you. Fine I'll do it I'm tired of be treated like shit! But I want something in return."


" oh and what is that?"

" that I get a punch in on Allura, she's put me through the most bullshit out of all em."

" so be it."

This can't be happening, the galra soldier unlocks Keith cuffs and gives him a sword.

" you seem to hate her as much as I, I'll let you be the one to end her."

Keith smile with such an killer look, I don't even recognize him anymore. He steps up to Allura.

" I can't believe.... you actually fell for that."

Keith swinging the sword around attacks the soldiers. Keith lands a hit on his arm.

" why you little-"

With another quick swing Keith cuts his throat.

" holy shit."

I wish to myself, the other guard grabs Allura and puts a knife up.

" stop right there, put down the sword."

Keith did and the other guard ran around and stabs Keith with a dart.

" NO!"

"Silence! We are gonna transfer you all to a new ship, but your buddy here will go separate. We have plans for him."

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