Old memories (part one) chapter 3

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/in yesterday/

/Lance p.o.v./

I can hear the sound of metal clashing from the training room. I debated on going in but decided I'd play video games instead. I got to my room and and started playing video games. 

L: This is probably one of the only things Keith isn't good at.

So far Keith has been better at almost everything then me. I'm pretty sure the thing he can do better then the whole team is fighting. That's all he ever does is train, I bet he doesn't know how to use a gun well. Why am I even thinking about him right now, I need to focus on my game.

I played until 9:00, then I got a shower and got ready for bed. I lay in my bed, same feeling in my stomach. The feeling started maybe two days ago, but it's worse tonight like something much worse is happening then before.

After tossing and turning for what seems like forever I finally fall asleep.

/Next day/

/Keith's p.o.v./

I wake up feeling miserable and with sore arms. I'm going to stay in my room today and see what I can find to do so I don't sleep all day. 

After going through a bag of my stuff, which doesn't have much in it, I found my old journal, sketchbook, and,thank god, my iPod. Full of music I love and helps when I feel like this.

I got my iPod,earbuds,sketchbook and sat on my bed. I flipped through my old sketches and found a fresh page. I haven't drawn in awhile and I don't really have an idea of something to draw. I started to doodle and hope I think of something. I put my earbuds in and go into my own world.

/Lance's p.o.v./

Everyone is done eating and Keith still hasn't come to the kitchen.

L: Has anyone noticed that Keith didn't come and eat this morning?

S: Yeah. What about it?

L: Nothing I was just wondering why.

P: I wouldn't worry, I mean it's Keith he always stays more to himself. Maybe today he just wanted to have ever more alone time by not hanging out today.

L: I'm not worried, but I guess your right.

P: Aren't I always.

Pidge did a smug look and I rolled my eyes.

*Alarms blaring *

A: Paladins! We are under attach, get to your loins! Now!!!

/Keith's p.o.v/

I jump out of bed but automatically regret. I get light headed and fall over. I get up slower this time then make my way to Red.

It's been awhile since the last attack.

S: Lance and Keith take the right! Pidge and hunk take the left!

After a few minutes we almost have them bet. Then one of there ships hits pidge.

Shiro and keith: Pidge!!

K: Pidge are you alright!?!?

No answer

K: Pidge!

H: Pidge come on talk to us!

P:  I- I I'm here. I'm good.

H:  Oh thank God.

S: Alright let's end this.

After about 10 more minutes we won. We all fly back to the castle. When I get back i make my way to pidge.

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