Nightmares (part two) chapter 2

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I wake up and walk to the kitchen like ever morning but today something feels off. When I get there every one turns to look at me. 

A: Keith I have decided that we can not have Galra in the voltron team get your things and leave.

I stood there for a minute before turning around and going to my room. I got what little I had I went to the bathroom I looked at my face and froze spots of purple covered my face and my right eye now a glowing yellow. I couldn't move I was sweating and scared. I grabbed my bag and headed for the door at the main door to the castle the others were waiting. When they saw me they all looked as if they were looking at dirt, something useless and not worth their time.

P: Your useless and selfish, Keith.

S: Just some sad little kid who was abandoned. You couldn't do anything right, I always covered for you.

L: I never needed you Keith.

I felt my heart drop and shatter. How could they say these things was I really useless and unneeded as they say.

A: leave and never come back!

I walked out of the castle and when I was hafe way across the bridge shook and clasped.


I jumped up and fell out of bed.

K: It was just a nightmare.

I whispered to myself over and over again. Shiro was a few doors down and must have heard me scream because he busted though the door and before I knew it was beside me.

S: Keith!? What's wrong? I heard you scream. Are you okay?

K: It was just a really bad nightmare.

I was  shaking. Shiro hugged me and sat there with me until I was good.

S: Do you want or need to talk about the dream you had?

K:...... No, not really.

S:[sigh] ok but if you need or want to you can always tell me.ok?

K: Ok.

I watched Shiro stand and leave my room and I was still in the floor with my back up against my bed side.

I finally was able to stand after sitting there for probably ten or more minutes. I got up and walked to my bathroom. I looked in the mirror, I must have been crying in my sleep from the dream because my eyes were red the skin under and around my eyes where red and puffy. I splashed my face with cold water and then drying it gently with a towel so I don't make my skin any more red or more irritated. My skin returned to normal after a few minutes and I covered my bruises with concealer.

I left my room but instead of going to breakfast I when straight to the training room. I needed a distraction from my feelings,  Allura and training was the first thing to come to mind.

/time skip/

I have been training for thirty minutes when lance come in the room.

L: Hey Keith, why wasn't you at breakfast? The others all told me to come and see, well Allura didn't but you know. So?

I jumped out of the way of the training robots staff. I ran at it and cute it's head clean off and a new robot came at me.

K: I just didn't feel like eating.

I said quickly.

L: Why not? 

I blocked a powerful blow for the robots staff.

K: Lance, maybe not the best time. Just tell the others I didn't feel like eating.

I was struggling with talking while trying to fight. I mean I can do it but one of the things I was trying to push out of my mind is Lance.

L: Alright I will. Oh, remember you still owe my a training day.

I nodded and Lance left the room. With him gone I could get full force and in a few quick moves the robot that once had the upper hand is now destroyed.

/Lance p.o.v./

I left the training room with an uneasy feeling. I got back to the kitchen wh kitchen where the others were.

L: He said he just didn't feel like eating breakfast today.

S: Well I guess that makes since. He had a bad nightmare last night.

A: And? It was just a dream.

Allura sounds as if it makes he weak and a dream is a stupid thing to fear.

S: No, it wasn't. I know it wasn't, he didn't tell me what happened in his dream but it was enough to make him scream like he was being murdered and fall out of bed. I wish he would have told me what it was.

Allura didn't say anything after that. When I looked at her I could tell she wanted to say something but held it in.

H: Aw, poor Keith. I hope he's alright.

P: Oh come on hunk it's loner Keith he can handle anything.

H: You sure?

P: Yes Keith is strong, so don't worry to much. Right Shiro?

S: He may be strong but every has their weaknesses, fears and at some point need help.

I wish I could believe in what pidge says but I have this feeling that Keith needs help or at least someone to talk to. I feel bad that keith is the loner of the group.

/time skip/ ( Keith has been training all day with out a break, food or water )

/Keith p.o.v./

I felt weak, hungry and thirsty but I didn't stop training.then I could feel my body about to give out. 

K: End training session!

I fell to my knees. I stayed like that until I got my breathing even some and I got enough strength to got up and walk. I was going to my room. I was going to take a shower and then sleep.

I finally got to my room and took a long hot as stand able shower. I got out of the shower and I put on a black t-shirt and black shorts. I sat on the edge of my bed looking at my knife.

Thoughts and little voices flooded my head saying 

"Just die. Your worthless. Killing yourself is the only way. No one will care. They haven't noticed your pain."

I was staring at my knife and as if my hand was moving on its own I made small cutes on my lower wrist. I didn't stop my hand and I didn't want to. I walked to my bathroom and ran water on my arm. I flinched in pain as the cold water went over the cutes on my arm. When my arm stop bleeding, which didn't take to long the cutes where not that deep, stop bleeding I cleaned the little bit of blood left on my knife off.

I went to my bed and laid down and felt miserable. I so pasted out hoping to never wake up.

( sorry.)

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