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The bowstring rang, several arrows rushed towards Haidu Aling who was wearing a veil, and the tips of the arrows shining with dignified cold light flew past his braids.

His figure flashed, he waved a knife to block with one hand, and held Yuchi Dharma in the other, dodged from side to side in a small space, and tried to break out of the siege with the cover of screens, couches, and long cases.

More and more soldiers are besieging him, and the arrows are pouring down.

There was no fear in his eyes, and his figure leaped into the air, facing the arrow rain, an arrow screamed across his cheek, and a canopy of blood was sprinkled. His tall figure suddenly froze in mid-air.  Rolling to the ground.  When he raised his head again, half of his cheek was bloody.

Seeing that he was injured, the roar of the guard commander became more and more exciting: "Arrow! Kill the assassin, the hundred gold is yours!"

Haidu Aling's complexion was gloomy, his eyes were red, and his pale yellow eyes were full of cold murderous aura. He rolled around on the spot, avoiding the flying arrows, and rolled to the side pillar, still holding Yuchi Dharma tightly in his hand.  , With his right hand tore open the placket of his body, the dilapidated skirt was instantly shattered, revealing the tight-fitting small-sleeved shirt inside.

With an order from Mrs. Ina, the roar of "hundred gold" spread throughout the palace, and all the palace guards rushed over to the hall, and the sound of footsteps merged into a surge, and the entire palace was trembling.

The halls that originally preached noisy turned into a pot of porridge.

Yaoying stood on a high place, hunting in her wind-blooded robe, staring at the fighting in the hall without blinking.

In the shadow of the sword and sword, Haidu Aling struggled hard, like a furious, trapped beast being surrounded and hunted.

In the promenade, the figure swayed, and Mrs. Ina, who was dressed in Chinese clothes, stepped up the stone steps surrounded by her guards, looking at the surrounded Haidu Aling, and sneered: "Haidu Aling, you think I just pretend to be a woman.  Can't recognize you? I think you are also a dignified prince of Beirong, who pretended to be a woman, like a mouse in a gutter, to provoke my husband and me in vain to rebellion. You are also worthy of wearing armor and commanding ten thousand cavalry?"

Haidu Aling did not say anything.

Mrs. Ina raised her voice: "I know it's you! You are a bastard raised up! It was my uncle who pityed you and gave you a way to survive. You are wicked and gracious, and avenge your revenge. You dare to kill Jinbo! You don't deserve to be a wolf!  People of the tribe! Today I will take care of you, a cheap animal for my uncle! Give your skull to Jinbosheng wine!"

Haidu Aling's clothes are messy, embarrassed, and half of his face is dripping with blood. Across the densely packed soldiers, forest-like sword hills, dense arrow rain, and Madam Ina, he laughed: "Ina,  Your brothers are all defeated by me, so you want to kill me?"

Mrs. Ina had a cold expression, snorted coldly, with disdain in her eyes, and said loudly: "Jinbo is blessed by the wolf god, and he won't die. He has returned to the dental court to tell his uncle that you sent someone to assassinate him! Profuse Khan will definitely issue a right.  Your killing order! Haidu Aling, even if you are the first warrior of the Northern Rong, how can you withstand the pursuit of hundreds of warriors by yourself? Starting today, there will be no more of you in the Western Regions of Northern Desert.  Wherever you are, you can’t escape with your wings!"

"If you are acquainted, it is better to catch with your hands, I can make you die faster."

After she finished speaking, she did not even glance at the kidnapped Yuchi Dharma, and pointed her finger in the direction of Haidu Aling.

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