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The deputy general led the soldiers to clean up the battlefield and returned to the city to report: "The people of Beirong really don't have much food and grass. The water sacs are almost empty. There are traces of bloodletting on the horses, and there is only some raw bacon left by the soldiers."

Yaoying nodded and said to the others: "Their dry food is horse blood and raw bacon."

Everyone could not help but be surprised and admired. Knowing that there was no way out, the Bei Rong army outside the city still came to besiege Gaochang to cover Wakhan Khan’s escape from the siege.  Ready to die.

Bodhidharma asked: "Are there any prisoners?"

The deputy general replied: "When the two armies faced each other, no soldiers surrendered. Later, they will sweep the battlefield and find some seriously wounded prisoners."

Bodhidharma glanced at Mobido, who was standing not far away and talking to his subordinates, and asked in a low voice, "What should these prisoners do?"

The Bei Rong cavalry was the remnant that broke through from the Shahai Road. Mobiduo must be unhappy. The prisoner was handed over to him to deal with it before he could explain it to the royal court. However, this cavalry was composed of the trio of Mobiduo, Li Xuanzhen and Li Zhongqian.  After the reinforcements were defeated, Gao Chang had already returned to the Wei Dynasty. How to deal with the captives depends on the attitudes of Li Yaoying and Li Xuanzhen.

Yaoying pondered for a moment, and said: "Leave it to Mobiduo."

Bodhidharma thought so too, and nodded when he heard this.

The scouts sent out returned one after another. After listening to their responses, everyone walked into the chamber. When Li Zhongqian stepped across the threshold, his face changed slightly and he snorted with his arms.

"Brother, are you hurt?"

Yaoying anxiously, unbuttoned Li Zhongqian's white robe, and found that there were bandaged marks on his left arm. After a battle, the wound must have cracked.

Li Zhongqian said lightly: "When he came out of Dahaidao, he encountered an ambush in Fort Asa and was slightly injured."

Yaoying knew that the encounter this time was definitely not that simple. He didn't want her to worry so he said lightly, frowning and calling the doctor, and said: "It's hot, don't get suffocated. Brother, go and treat the wound first."

Li Zhongqian smiled and murmured: "Housekeeper."

He smiled and followed the doctor to the cubicle to clean the wound.

Li Xuanzhen on the side raised her eyes and looked at Yaoying, who watched Li Zhongqian go out with concern, her expression cold.

The wound seems to hurt even more.

After a while, Zheng Jing and several people rushed to Li Xuanzhen to salute Li Xuanzhen, surprised and said: "How come your Royal Highness is so timely? How is the situation in Shazhou, Guazhou, and Ganzhou?"

Li Xuanzhen recovered and ordered the deputy general to spread out a few parchment maps.

Everyone gathered around the long case, and Yaoying also walked over with Dharma.

Li Xuanzhen's face was pale, her eyes were black and her voice was hoarse, and she slowly said: "Beijing is in great chaos. To regain lost ground, you must work hard. It should not be too late, otherwise you will fall into a hard fight. The top priority now is to occupy the important town and slowly regain other counties. West  When the state soldiers regained Guazhou and Shazhou, I led the troops in Heishui City against the 10th Beirong, killed their chiefs, annihilated 40,000 enemies, and captured hundreds of their nobles. The northern desert area will not reappear for ten years.  A strong tribe like Rong. After that, I joined the Xizhou soldiers and they stayed behind to defend the city. I led the Liangzhou Army and other Xizhou soldiers to go straight to Yizhou. Only by regaining Yizhou can we really get through Hexi."

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