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I groaned low in my throat as my eyes fluttered open

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I groaned low in my throat as my eyes fluttered open. Everything felt heavy. I stayed in my position on my back as my vision finally started to clear up, and I found myself staring up at a white ceiling. Everything slowly started to come back to me. Or more importantly, the lovely gentlemen —note the sarcasm— that broke into my apartment, threatened to slice my throat open, and then knocked me out.

Where the fuck was I?

Shoving the heavy duvet away from my legs, I sprung off the bed as if it was hot lava against my skin, quickly regretting it. A harsh burst of pain shot to my temple, causing me to stumble back and fall against the mattress again, supporting my suddenly heavy head in my hands.

"Jesus..." I moaned. God, why was my head aching so bad?

I rolled my head to the side and lazily glanced at the digital clock beside the bed that read 8:50 p.m. I glanced out of the floor-to-ceiling window on the other side of the room, but I could barely see anything. My vision was horrible, still slightly blurry.


I stood on my wobbly feet and leaned against the nightstand for support until the room stopped spinning.


I then looked around the bedroom, more than confused. Where was I? When most people are kidnapped, they're tied up and thrown in a basement. I, for one, was not tied up nor in anyone's basement.


Wincing slightly, I slowly raised my arms and pressed down lightly on the sore spot on my scalp. A wet, but sticky moisture rolled between my fingertips and the smell of coppery blood hit my nostrils. Lowering my hand, I stared at the crimson red color smeared on my fingertips. I must've hit something hard on my way down. I continued gazing around the large bedroom, searching for my purse —or any of my things, really— but they were no where to be found.

That's when the panic rose. My knife was gone. The bastard took my knife.

I felt angry tears rising to the surface as I stumbled around the Queen sized bed and made my way across the room to what I assumed what the bedroom door. Wrapping my shaky fingers around the door handle tightly, I attempted to push it down in order to open it, but to no avail. The damn thing was locked from the outside. I tried a few more times, shaking the handle with enough force to break the damn thing. "Shit!" I cursed loudly, listening to the door handle as it simply rattled at my attempts, practically mocking me.

I glanced down at my hoodie and jeans, realizing I was still in my clothes from the last time I remember being conscious. Whoever put me in here was 'nice' enough to take my boots off and place them beside the bed. So thoughtful.

I pathetically tried the door again, on a mission to break the damn thing. "Stop before you break it." I withdrew my hand away from the door as if it had burned me, and I halted quickly at the sudden voice. I stepped back cautiously. I could hear the sound of shuffling on the other her side of the door, followed by the sound of a device beeping and a lock clicking.

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