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The next morning, every muscle inside my body felt tight

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The next morning, every muscle inside my body felt tight. My eyes slowly cracked open and I sat up slowly, glancing around the dimly lit room. I knew Spade was gone, felt him leave when he got out of the bed over an hour ago. It was a little over seven a.m. when he disappeared out the door, but I knew they were planning on burying Amo today, so it made sense.

Though, the void in my heart couldn't seem to understand that.

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and pulled my hair back into a ponytail to get it out of my face when there was a knock at Spade's door. I frowned. "Come in?"

"Hi," Dove said from the threshold, but she wasn't alone. My blue haired best friend was behind her, carrying a longboard filled with food. Confused, I tucked my legs underneath myself. "Morning," Jersey whispered, smiling at me.

Don't get me wrong, I was over the moon happy to see her, but...

"Don't worry, I brought her here. Turns out she knew more than we gave her credit for." Dove nudged Jersey, who simply shrugged, her eyes softening as she gazed at me. "I told her everything, she wouldn't take my lies for an answer. Spade wasn't a fan of us being here, but he cares about you, so he didn't kick us out."

I looked at Jersey, trying to gauge how she felt at the moment. But she only shrugged her shoulders again. "My brother is a cop. Of course I knew about the underground dealings and the Cosa Nostra. I just...didn't know you were so deeply involved."

"Yeah..." I cleared my throat, waving them over to the bed, patting the covers. "What do you have?" I wasn't in the mood to eat, or speak, really, but I could pretend for them.

"Well," Dove piped up, taking the tray from Jersey and placing the breakfast platter on the bed sheet. Jersey climbed in the bed and threw a piece of bacon in her mouth as she snuggled next to me. "All the good stuff, basically." Dove finished, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"How are you feeling?" Jersey asked, her eyes on mine.

"How much do you know?" I whispered.

"Enough. Honestly, I'm just glad you're okay. The rest doesn't matter to me." She said gently. "Whenever you're ready, you can talk to me. I'll just have to ask Dove my questions until then."

I ran my tongue over my bottom lip and swallowed. "You guys are amazing." I said sadly. "But I'm okay." I lied. I didn't know if I was okay, or if I would ever be okay. So much had happened in the past twenty-four hours that I could only digest one thing at a time. Day by day.

Today was Amo.

"Where are the guys?" I switched the subject, finally reaching for a blueberry muffin when I realized Dove was watching me, silently threatening me with her eyes to eat something.

"According to Will, everyone slept here last night and then left early this morning. Levi is here now, downstairs with Nico. The others are still MIA. I'm guessing to prepare everything for Amo's funeral." Dove answered quietly.

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