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"This is actually really good..." She threw out around a piece of bacon in her mouth. "Like, really good. Or maybe I'm just hungry and anything tastes good to me at this point."

I leaned back against the couch and watched her, a smirk on my lips. "Probably. As long as it's edible, I don't really care about the taste."

Her lips twisted up. "Not me." She paused. "I'm a picky eater. And I give your food a ten out of ten, by the way. Who taught you how to cook?"

"You remember Elena?"

"Yes, of course I do. She um, cooks for you guys sometimes?"

"Yeah, that's her." I said slowly, running my fingers over my bruised knuckles.

"Oh." I watched her lips move around the word. "So, she worked for your family?"

"No, not really. She was my mother's sister. So, evidently, she was around a lot."

"Oh...so that's why she's like that with you." She said absently, nodding her head as if coming to an understanding.

"Like what?" I slung my arm across the back of the couch and raised my eyebrows at her.

"Uh...what's the word? Motherly, I guess? I don't know, she just had this look in her eyes when I asked about you. She adores you." She said gently, smiling.

I didn't doubt that. Elena was there when her sister went batshit crazy, got addicted to drugs, and started beating me. She knew she couldn't do shit, not without pissing off Vito, so all she could really offer was her emotional support, if that's what you call it. She would constantly remind me that my mom loved me, she just needed help.

I believed her until I got older and grew a mind of my own. Vanessa didn't love me. She hated my fucking guts, seeing my father whenever she gathered the courage to look me in the face.

"Are you okay?"

I drew my attention away from the wall behind Sam's head and stared at her face instead, a slow calm working its way through my body, dousing the flames. Her thick, perfectly arched brows curled in, and I traced the sharp curve of her jawline with my eyes, once again nearly paralyzed by her raw beauty. "Yeah." I cleared my throat. "Are you done?"

She glanced down at her plate and nodded. "You?"

"Yeah, we need to get ready, and you need to pack."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Pack...for what?"

"I'm taking you somewhere."

His Greatest Redemption [REUPLOADED]Where stories live. Discover now