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Quite frankly, I didn't really understand exactly how any of this was possible

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Quite frankly, I didn't really understand exactly how any of this was possible.

The underground casino had functioning water and electricity. It was, in simpler terms, mind-blowing. Spade ran all of this, he'd somehow managed to build a casino underneath his club, one that no one was suspicious of.

My eyes grazed over the casino in astonishment. I'd never been to one before. The lights were dimmed and the sound of overlapping voices and chucked came from all around me, from different men sitting around playing poker and blackjack. I scanned the men and women around, my gaze suddenly clashing with a man across the room. He was sitting on one of the couches, a drink in his hand and some other men seated beside him. I'd never been surrounded by so many men in the Cosa Nostra before, and it made my stomach swim with unease.

For surely they wouldn't eat me, right?

I watched as a cocktail waitress stopped by the table, handing each of them another drink. And then she straightened, turned her head, and met my eyes. With a mischievous gleam in her eyes that I recognized instantly, she smiled.

It was one of those heart-stopping smiles, full of love and gentleness. I bet that if I waved at her, she would wave back at me. That's how nice she looked. I smiled back, winking at her, and the lightest blush of red tinted her cheeks before she turned and walked away.

I continued scanning the place. There were plush red and gold carpets and chandeliers, with a long line of chairs that sat around modern round wooden tables, where most men sat. When I looked to the right of me, a guy was snorting a line of snow. See? I knew they were doing drugs down here. 

"You done?" His deep, rough tone caused me to snap my head in his direction, and I realized he was waiting on something.


He ignored me and started looking around the casino himself, taking his time in scanning the place. Everyone was aware of his presence, whether they acknowledged it or not. Subtle side-eyes or respectful nods, it was obvious how much of their attention he had. It was like whenever he opened his mouth (which was rare, I'd gathered), everyone stopped to listen to what he had to say. When he moved, they wanted to see where. He carried this dominant energy around with him, all dark and consuming.

I swallowed hard as I stared at him. He was beautiful. Full of havoc and mayhem, but he was gorgeous nonetheless, something not even I could deny. With high cheekbones and the coldest green eyes framed by dark thick lashes. And the way he carried himself?


"What are you thinking about?" Spade asked from beside me, hooking his arm around my lower waist and guiding me through the casino.

I licked my lips, a small shiver slicing me in half. "How badly I need to re-paint my nails." I then proceeded to show him where my black polish was chipping off on my middle finger, deliberately holding it up for longer than necessary.

His Greatest Redemption [REUPLOADED]Where stories live. Discover now