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Insanity, by definition, is the act of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

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Insanity, by definition, is the act of doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

What I felt right now, in this very moment, I would confidently define as insanity.

My eyes followed Pretty Boy as he made his way past a group of men standing in the corner and casually approached me with his hands in his pockets. A small smirk played on his lips, "You and this wall are well acquainted by now, no?"

I looked behind me at the wall I was leaning against, and then turned my head to look at him again with a half shrug, "Eh, not really. He doesn't talk much." Then I added, "I make him nervous, I think."

He laughed, like a full on belly laugh. "Spade isn't going to let anyone hurt you. Don't worry."

"Anyone but himself?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Most likely."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not scared, I'm just being cautious." I cut him off. "Kade is going to make this night hell for me, and he's going to make sure I feel every lash of the burns." Something cold washed over my body and caused goosebumps to arise across my flesh, and I instinctively licked my lips as I rubbed my arms.

Pretty Boy remained silent for a few seconds before he lifted his hand and offered me a piece of Italian flatbread, "I'll fucking throw up if I eat anymore."

I took the yummy looking food, but before I could take a bite, he interrupted, "And don't worry, duchess. I didn't poison it."

I smiled, "I haven't been that lucky yet, so trust me I'm not worried." I popped the flatbread into my mouth, letting the flavor swim around on my tongue. Man, I adored Italian food. Narrowing my eyes as I gazed at the men in the room, I asked, "I thought you guys had meetings in a conference room. Why here?"

"Cosa Nostra meetings, yeah. But this is deeper than just Cosa Nostra business." I didn't ask anymore questions, because I knew that he couldn't tell me. He was forced into silence by the code. I knew that. "We're trying to keep the peace. The men from the outfit won't disrespect the Capo in his own home. They aren't fucking stupid."

"What's your name?" I decided to ask, not that I didn't like calling him Pretty Boy.

"You don't know my name?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I did."

"Smartass." He mumbled, looking away with a smile. "It's Amo."

"Amo." I repeated, testing the name on my lips. "Like the bullets? That's dope."

Spade's office door opened up and two scary looking men stepped out first, their faces contorted with annoyance and anger. Nico came out behind them, smirking as he said something to Spade, who casually sauntered out of the room last, looking stoic and expressionless.

He leaned against the wall, playing with an unlit cigarette in between his fingers. He was wearing the rest of his suit now, looking more like a gentleman than I knew him to be. Nico too, surprisingly. It was odd, because they were the last things even remotely close to a gentleman.

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