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I slipped inside the bathroom that had the words 'employees only' illuminated above the door outside. With blood staining my hands, I turned around and flipped the lock, closing myself inside. Ambling over to the sink, my fingers grazed over the countertop as I flipped on the faucet, dipping my head down to wet my face.


I didn't have much fucking time before the cops showed up here, no doubt going to figure out I had no where else to hide in this part of the city. They didn't see where I went, but they weren't stupid.

My hair was damp with sweat and my clothes felt ten times fucking tighter, adrenaline making it's rounds throughout my body. I knew the cops were coming before Nico had warned me. There was this cloud of wariness sitting on my shoulder while I went through the motions of torturing Marco. But instead of making me want to leave, it made me angrier.

I wasn't done until that fucker got what he deserved.

Nico and I had been close since we were younger, and the kind of brotherhood we shared wasn't something any family relation could force. It just happened. I had his back and he had mine. He picked up what I put down. And vice versa. His younger brothers, Eli and Ronan, weren't any different. Nico made me swear I would protect the little shits when he wasn't around. Children didn't appeal to me, I didn't like them, but I kept my promise. And so when Eli unwillingly revealed to me that one of my father's underboss' tried to touch him, all I saw was red.

Child molesters had a special place in hell. And I was willing to help them get there faster. The thing was, I was twisted in the head. Torture was worth than death, but I didn't just want to be a nightmare, or a killer. I wanted to be something worse— or better in this case. Like the devil. And what other way to die than to see the devil's face before you go? I wanted Marco to see me. And he did.

Someone tipped the police off, told them where I was, the location of the warehouse, and how exactly to get there. Luckily, I'd swept the place of all the drugs we had and moved them before I dragged Marco there. I wasn't a dumbass.

The police ate that shit up. Even the lies. The feds were always looking for a reason to arrest someone they suspected had any involvement in the Cosa Nostra, and they kne exactly who I was. I had men in the force who worked under me. But there were still those few who wanted me locked up.

Ripping the white and black bandanna out of my back pocket, I quickly tied it around the back of my head and had the piece of fabric only covering my mouth and nose. The smell of blood invaded my nostrils, filling the air all around me and making my head spin. Fuck.

I felt around my waist for my Glock, and when I came up empty handed, I let out an aggravated growl.

I must've dropped it somewhere.

His Greatest Redemption [REUPLOADED]Where stories live. Discover now