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It was silent and the room was dim, a little too dim, but I continued walking further inside anyways. My hand brushed over my thigh slowly, right where my knife sat. A light in the corner of the room flicked on and I turned, seeing him stare at me as he stood by the bed, his hand on the lamp. "It's right there, gorgeous." He pointed to the telephone on the wall.

I nodded, walking over to the phone. I picked it up and held it to my ear as I pretended to dial a fake number, pushing random buttons. I watched him out of the corner of my eye as he stepped away from his bed and made his way over to me, tilting his head to the side.

"No answer?" His voice was just as deep and evil as I remembered, and it made my skin crawl. My abuser was taller than me, larger, and older. Way older. It made me sick to my stomach when I thought about the things he said to me that night, and it made me wonder if he'd ever done that to anyone else. Another kid like me.

I cleared my throat and shook my head, acting shy. "No. My boyfriend never answers his phone." I sighed and put the phone back on the hook, rubbing my hands together.

"Boyfriend, eh?"

I shrugged. "Sometimes."

He smiled, dragging his eyes up my body. I felt like puking. "You're probably one of the most beautiful girls I have ever laid eyes on."

"You can't even see me. I'm wearing a mask." I pointed out.

"That doesn't mean I can't see you." He ran his eyes over me and paused. "Or some of you, that is."

I stepped closer to him, but only to see if he'd move or flinch. He did neither. He only smirked. "How old are you?" He was already too comfortable, and the stupid fuck actually thought I was here to use his phone and then maybe fuck him.

"I'm twenty." I said, moving my hip to the side so that he couldn't see me sneaking my hand inside my dress to grab my knife from my garter.

"Who's your boyfriend? I might know him."

I shook my head. "You don't." I think a few years ago, seeing him again might've caused all my wounds to split back open and bleed again, but despite the fact that I felt like the world was closing in on me, I wasn't scared. This man wasn't threatening. I'd met and seen intimidating, and he wasn't it.

"What's your name?" He asked me, a bold smile on his thin lips.

With a smile of my own, I reached up and slowly untied my mask, lowering it away from my face. Still, though, he didn't seem to recognize me. "You don't remember me?" I asked, cocking my head.

His Greatest Redemption [REUPLOADED]Where stories live. Discover now