Chapter 9

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*Zawe pov*

Once the Christmas festivities were over it was time for Tom and I to fly to the USA.
The 30th of January we hop on a plane and fly to Washington DC.
Today, the 31st, i have to go to the courthouse for the case against Noah.
I'm not happy to see him again, I'm pretty scared to relive all the moments more then I do in my nightmares.
Things have been rough lately, he knew about the baby and asked for a paternity test because he didn't believe me.

"Can I come in?" Tom soft voice says, bringing me out of my train of thoughts
"Are you ready to leave?"
He comes closer taking my hand in his big one and after rubbing it in circles a few times, helps me to stood up.

When the cab stops in front of the courthouse I tense a bit and Tom feels it, he doesn't say anything just continues to hold my hand.

"Please stand up, Judge Ransom is in the room" a guard says
We all stand up, I'm sitting near my lawyer, Tom right behind us.
We sit back down once the judge is in place.
"Mr. Moss, you have been charged for domestic violence, how do you plead?"
"At fault, but hell I don't regret it!" He almost shouts
"Mr. Moss calm down or I'll remove you from the room" the judge says

The thing went on for half an hour before they finally called Tom and I to testify.
"Ms. Ashton, how many times has Mr. Moss assaulted you?"
"In which time range?"
"Three months"
"Where did Mr. Moss hit you?"
"The first five times on my body, the last one principally on my face because he knew he could since the play ended two days before"
"Ms. Ashton do you have nightmares because of this experience? And if you do what are they about?"
"Yes...I...I often dream about him being back, hitting me again, pointing guns or knives..." I say my voice breaking a little
"You are pregnant right?"
"I am"
"And Mr. Moss asked for a paternity test because he didn't believe you. Who did he think the father was?"
"Mr. Hiddleston"
"Ok. Judge Ransom we have the test back and the result is positive, so Mr. Moss is the father of the child"
"You are going to let me see him!" He shouts again
"Mr. Moss! Once more and I'll remove you from the room!" The judge says again this time raising his voice "please continue"
"Given the fact that you are now four months pregnant, and correct me if I'm wrong, you already were during the last two episodes"
"Yes, I didn't know it yet"
"I have no more questions your honor"

I'm questioned by Noah's lawyer too then it's Tom's turn to go to the witness stand, with my lawyer.
"Mr Hiddleston, do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"
"I swear"
"So help you God"
"Mr Hiddleston" my lawyer says getting near to him "how did you crossed paths with Ms. Ashton?"
"We were in New York for 'Betrayal on Broadway'. The show ended the 8th December but some if us, like Ms. Ashton and I were still in the city two days after. I exited my hotel room to go catch my flight for London and she stumbled across me. She dismissed me quickly but I noticed something was wrong and when I got her to turn to me I noticed the bruises on her face"
"And what did you do after?"
"I led her to my room, to hide her from him. I promised her I wouldn't let him hurt her anymore"
"The day after you went to the police to charge Mr. Moss and then to the hospital, am I right?"
"Judge Ransom, here's the evidence of the beating. The police took those photos" he says giving the papers to the judge "Ms. Ashton is living with you now and you help her go through this"
"Yes. She's my friend and I felt like I had to"
"Thank you Mr Hiddleston. I have no further questions"
Tom goes back to sit behind us and after all this time where they have been speaking I crumble down and start to cry quietly to myself trying to contain myself so much that I risk to hyperventilate.
"Tom" I say barely a whisper "Tom"
"Judge Ransom, may Mr. Hiddleston sit next to my client? See if he can calm her down"
"Go ahead"
I feel Tom hand rubbing up and down my back and in the distance hear Noah's laugh.
"Ssshhh...darling sshh. Listen to my voice. You are going to be ok, I'm here and not going anywhere, never"

A few minutes pass as the judge speaks with the two lawyers.
"You can leave the room as the jury decides"Judge Ransom says to the audience
Tom helps me up and we are the first to exit the room.
"Look at me love"
I lift my head up, locking my eyes with his baby blues
"Breath" he says
I take a few deep breaths as I still look in his eyes
"That's it"
"I think I'm going to puke" I say
He quickly looks around and then, once he finds it, brings me over the first bin.
I vomit a bit and the rest is just dry heaving. I faintly hear voices near me, but focus on Tom's.
Once I'm done I turn slowly and Tom directs me immediately to a chair.
"Can someone bring some water over!" He asks and a lady soon comes with a bottle
"Drink darling"
"Thank you" I say once I'm done
"You look pale"
"I do feel a bit dizzy"
"It's ok, I've got you. Let's dry those tears before going back in yeah?" He says drying them off

After ten more minutes we are back in and the jury is ready to deliver their choice.
"The jury finds Mr. Moss guilty for domestic violence, and he will have to serve five years for domestic violence, an additional five for violence against a pregnant woman. Mr. Moss also won't be able to see his child until their eighteen birthday, only if the child in question wants to meet their father"
"Case closed!" The judge says
I draw in a deep breath and Tom hugs me.

*Tom pov*

Three hours later we are in our hotel room, on the bed.
Zawe has fallen asleep as soon as she touched the bed and I'm sitting near her reading my book and answering my phone.

When I'm done, I let myself fall back on the comfy bed and close my eyes, not fully being able to go to sleep because I'm worried, but it's enough to rest

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When I'm done, I let myself fall back on the comfy bed and close my eyes, not fully being able to go to sleep because I'm worried, but it's enough to rest.

I'm not sure all I wrote is correct but I did my best.
Hope you like it!

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