Chapter 25

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*Tom pov*

About a month later we find ourselves on our way to the Graham Norton show to talk about Betrayal and Thor, leaving at home Charlie with my mum.
"Are you nervous love?"
"A bit, but you are with me so..."
"Always" I say giving her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"We have arrived" Luke says
"Thank you man" I say
We exit the car and get in the studios where make up artist adjust our appearances and when the time is right we are called on stage by Graham. I'm first and Zawe will join us short after.


"Give a very warm welcome back to Mr Tom Hiddleston!"
I get on stage greeting the audience and then turning to the host and hugging him
"Hi Graham! Thank you for having me here again"
"My pleasure! Let's sit down and talk a bit yeah?"
"How are you doing?"
"Very good thank you, you?"
"Very good! So we are here talking about Thor Ragnarock, what can you tell us about it?"
"Well...not much really, but filming has been awesome, we had tons of fun, not a day went by without us laughing. This film is awesome, I've seen bits of it and I can tell you that you are going to like it"
"And tell me something...did Mark Ruffalo spoiled anything already?"
"Eheheheh! No, I don't think so"
"Good. You had some new cast members like Cate Blanchett, Tessa Thompson and Jeff Goldblum, how did you find them?"
"Awesome, they are all awesome people. We got on since day one, we enjoyed each other company and that is something not everyone is lucky enough to have on set. Liking all the cast members is never easy but with people like them...very simple!"
"I'm happy you guys had fun and I'm hoping I'm going to have fun watching it"
"One thing I can say is that this movie is going to have some coming scenes, so you are going to have fun"
"This is Thor Ragnarock everyone, premiering October 25!"
The crowd cheers
"Let's welcome now one of Tom's co stars from Betrayal, Zawe Ashton!"
Zawe walks in and on stage saying hi to everyone and hugging Graham.
"Welcome darling!"
"Thank you, thank you all!"
"It's your first time on the show right?"
"So...Betrayal on Broadway ended last winter before Christmas. How was this experience for the both of you?"
"Amazing. Working with Charlie And Tom was so easy, I never thought it could be that easy to work with two guys repeatedly for months. Not once we got in a fight or a disagreement"
"Tom do you agree?"
"Oh absolutely! It was splendid, spending all those hours rehearsing and going on stage with them was a beautiful experience that if I could I would start all over again"
"I came to see it once and you left me without words, it was so well done, you three are so good and very very passionate and awesome performers"
"Thank you Graham"
"Moving on onto some more recent things...Zawe you had a baby a month ago"
"I did, a little boy named Charlie"
"How are you and baby doing?"
"Very good, very good luckily. He is a little angel, almost never fuss or cries. This past month has been full of cuddles with him and I'm looking forward to do some more once I get back home later"
"Oh yes, the cuddles with him! Splendid!"
"And Tom, since she's living with you, how did you do when baby time came?"
"Uhm...I was nervous, but I had to keep my cool so I could help her"
"Yeah sure, now I'm going to ask the same question to you Zawe"
"He was amazing, really. The thing is my water broke and he went to pull up his car in front of the house, he found out the car was stuck by someone else's. So he came back in telling me the bad news and calling an ambulance"
"Then my mother showed up in the middle of contractions..."
"She did, but she was a huge help because, you know, she had three kids. So then the paramedics arrived, Diana holding my hand, tom behind me supporting my back"
"What a story! What did you do while waiting on the ambulance?"
"Well...i breathed a lot! A fun and awkward thing that happened is that while we were on the line with the operator, I felt the urge to push. So the guy told Tom to look if he could see the baby's head..."
"Yup, that happened"
"Well...I'm very happy for you Zawe, congratulations! And look at the adorable baby!"
A photo of Charlie shows on the screens behind us and the crowd goes 'awww'
"There's the little angel"
"One more question and it is for you Tom"
"I'm ready"
"It's has been rumored that you are out of the market"
"Oh yeah?"
"I am, it's true"
"Ooohhh! And she is ok with the fact that Zawe lives with you, like she does not have any problems with that?"
"No, absolutely not"
"That's great! And where is she right now? Watching you from home?"
", actually she's sitting right next to me!"
"Ok...wait what?"
"Zawe is..."
"My girlfriend"
"And he is..."
"My boyfriend"
"That's all we've been waiting for! Congratulations! Give it up for Zawe Ashton and Tom Hiddleston ladies and gentlemen!"
"Thank you!"
"It's been great to have the both of you here, now I'll let you go home and cuddle with the little guy!"

We say goodbye to everyone and get back in the car with Luke
"That went good" he says
"It did, now we don't have to hide anymore"
" we can have a proper date" Zawe says
"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked her seriously
"Good" I say kissing her softly on the lips

Soon after we are home and Luke leaves, now after getting changed, thanking and bidding goodbye to my mother, we lay on the sofa and cuddle with Charlie for the rest of the evening.

Soon after we are home and Luke leaves, now after getting changed, thanking and bidding goodbye to my mother, we lay on the sofa and cuddle with Charlie for the rest of the evening

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Hope you like it, have a nice day!❤️

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