Chapter 3

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*Tom pov*

Thankfully Zawe has been asleep for pretty much the whole flight from New York to London, in which we are going to land soon.
I, on the other end, couldn't sleep. Too many thoughts about this whole situation. Zawe became one of my closest friends so fast and I can't bare to see her suffer like this, but I hope I can help her, at least a bit.

"Darling...time to wake up, we are landing" I say softly rubbing her shoulder and she stirs awake looking up at me
"Good, can't wait to be home. Even though it's not my home"
"I'll make sure you'll feel home with me"
"All I need"
We fasten our seatbelts and the plane begins to descend.

Just as promised, Luke was waiting for us and brought us to baggage claim with some security.
We only started to talk once in the car.
"It's good to see you again Zawe, I just wish it was under better circumstances"
"Yeah...good to see you too Luke" she says as they share a quick hug
"I'm sure you will be more than safe with this lad" he says pointing at me
"I'll make sure of it" I say smiling at Zawe.

They drive us home and we bid goodbye to Luke promising to catch up in a few days, since the two of us are now pretty knackered from the long flight.

"Welcome home" I say opening the front door and let her step in first as I take our bags and bring them in.
She quickly looks around herself and then turns to me
"You seem to have a very cozy home Tom"
"Yeah...I like to come home and have it nice and comfy"
"Especially after being away"
"Yep! So the bedrooms are upstairs, come I'll show you" I say gently taking her hand
We walk up the stairs and I open the door near mine
"This will be your room. You have an en-suite bathroom and a little walking closet. Don't worry, if the space is not enough I'll make some"
"I'm sure it'll be just fine"
"Good. Make yourself at home, refresh, I'll make a nice cup of tea for us"
"Thank you"
"Sure" I say closing the door behind me before going back down.

Once I get in the kitchen I notice my phone ping and lots of messages coming on my family chat.

Once I get in the kitchen I notice my phone ping and lots of messages coming on my family chat

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"Tea ready?" Zawe says startling me
"Oh...not really. Sorry I was texting with my family"
"It's ok...I'll make some if you tell me where things are"
"Don't worry I'll do it"
"All good with the family?"
"Yes...they just wanted to know why I haven't come back home yesterday" I say looking up at her after filling the pot with water "I didn't tell them why...just that I needed to help a friend"
"You can tell them. I'm going to live here and I'm pretty sure they will want to see you and if they come they will see my bruises"
"Are you sure?"
"Ok" I say going back to putting the pot on the stove
"Yes?" I say turning
"Let them come tomorrow at lunch"
"If it doesn't trouble you"
"Absolutely not, I'll be happy to see them"
"Ok, I'll text them"
I watch her as she takes the initiative to go sit on my sofa and then go back to my phone.

 I'm going to live here and I'm pretty sure they will want to see you and if they come they will see my bruises""Are you sure?""Yeah""Ok" I say going back to putting the pot on the stove "Tom" "Yes?" I say turning "Let them come tomorrow at lunch"...

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"Here's your tea"
I sit near her and bring a blanket over our legs
"That's nice" she says
"It is"
"What did your mum say?" She asks setting her cup on the coffee table and looking at me as she sits crossed leg
"She said that her and Emma will come tomorrow at noon and Sarah said to give you a big hug"
" where's my hug?" She says and I chuckle, also putting down my cup and bring her into a warm embrace.
She leans her head on my shoulder and adjust the blanket on us
"Can we take a walk in the morning?" She quietly says
"Oh I think we have to, I don't have anything in the fridge"
"Right! So grocery shopping and a little walk?"
"Yes, oh and we have to grab breakfast out"
"We have a plan"
"We do. Now I think we best finish our tea and lie in bed"
"That's a good idea"
We finish our beverages and walk upstairs after bringing up and undoing our bags, we say goodbye and walk in our rooms.

I take a nice shower, change in pj and get in bed, falling asleep immediately.

*Zawe pov*

I fell asleep quickly but I'm awoken by a terrible nightmare.

Noah was back and coming for me. He reached me in London and kidnapped me and hurt me, then pointed gun to my head.

My face is covered in tears and sweat.
I don't know what to do, Tom did say I could go to him whenever I wanted but I don't want to disturb his sleep.
But on the other end I need someone now, so I walk to his room and knock lightly on his door, probably too lightly since I get no answer so I decide to just get in.
"Tom" I say getting near to his bed
"Zawe...are you ok?" He says a bit startled
"Come here" he says moving to the other side of his bed to let me in and under the duvet. The spot where I'm laying is warm thanks to Tom being there and smells like him.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks softly
But I just don't answer and scoot closer to him, he opens his arms and brings me as near to his body as he can
"Ok...are you warm enough?"
"Yes" I say between my cries
"It's ok, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere"
He lull me back to sleep, how I don't know, but he manages to.

When I wake up next is just after 8 and Tom is still sleeping next to me, but because of my moving he wakes up
"Sorry" I say
"No problem, how did you sleep?" He asks propping himself on his elbow looking down at me
"Surprisingly good"
"Good" he says running his hand trough his curls "what about we get changed and go grab breakfast and do what we need to do?"
"Absolutely!" I say jumping out of bed and going to my room fixing my hair and do all the other things I do every morning.

When I go downstairs he's already there waiting for me.

Hope you like the third chapter, tell me what you think!❤️

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