Chapter 59

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*Tom pov*

On my eight day in Atlanta we finally have to shoot a big scene, the OG6 and Loki back in 2012 in the battle of New York.
The Russo's made us shoot lots of scene but we don't actually know which one are part of the movie.
We all get ready in our costumes and shoot the elevator scene first and then one where the tesseract appears.
It takes us a couple of hours to shoot them, Evans kept making jokes and everyone laughed and Mark kept messing his line up.
"Good job guys!" Kevin's says making all the people in the room applaud "would you mind getting back there, we are going to take a few photos of you" he says directing us to the 2012 Stark Tower set.
"Ok, make battle faces or something..." they tell us
So I'm in the middle with Evans, Jeremy and Mark on my right while Scarlett, Robert and Hemsworth on my left. We then take a couple of pictures with Joe and Anthony Russo and we are then sent to change back into our normal clothes and get rid of makeup.

"What do you think, a trip to the Aquarium?" Jeremy asks us after I opened my trailer door for him
"Why not, do you want to see fishes?" Zawe asks Charlie
"We are in!" I tell Jeremy
"Good, see you in the parking lot in half an hour?"
I finish to change and out jeans on and a light sweater.
Zawe feeds Oliver as she waits for Charlie and I to be ready, I had to change his clothes because he spilled applesauce on his t-shirt.
Once in the parking lot we took three cars, we went with Hemsworth.
"Charlie, we are going to see fishes! There are sharks and tiny colorful fishes" Chris tells him
"Yay!" He screams making us cover our ears
"He seems terry excited" Chris says
"You think?"

After we arrived we payed for our tickets, both kids can go in for free since that are under three.
We decided not to have a guide and tour the place ourselves.
"The tunnel is that way" Scarlett says after reading the directions
"Oh yeah!"
I have Oliver strapped to my chest while Zawe has Charlie walking near her, hand in hand, he got mad when we tried to put him in the stroller so we left it in the car.
"That shark is so big"
"That's a whale shark"
"Dots!" Charlie says referring to the typical white dots the whale shark has
"Do you like sharks Charlie?" Robert asks him picking him up
"No, scawy!" He says covering his eyes
"They are a bit scary but they can't hurt you, we are safe here" Rob tells him rubbing his back
After he kept shielding his face we decided to move where the tropical fishes are
"Who's that?" Scarlett says picking up my son attention
"The cutest little fish" I say
We then stop for a little break in front of enormous tanks and sit down keeping admiring the sea life.
I gently rock Oliver to sleep singing to him quietly, he makes a few little noises before his eyes close.
We went to see penguins and dolphins next, also a dolphins show. The staff showed us how the play with each other and how they interact with humans before they fed them.
The penguins were pretty cool too, Charlie laughed every time he saw one walking.

The penguins were pretty cool too, Charlie laughed every time he saw one walking

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Fortunately he never complained about walking around he never asked to be held because he was tired, but as soon as he was back n his car seat he fell asleep

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Fortunately he never complained about walking around he never asked to be held because he was tired, but as soon as he was back n his car seat he fell asleep.
Back at the hotel we got showered and change into comfy clothes, spending a few hours to ourselves before dinner time.
"Do you think he'll wake up for dinner?" Zawe asks me as she looks at Charlie
"I don't know...he tired himself out so much"
"He did. It was so fun seeing him looking at all those sea animals"
"He always had a smile on his face"
"Except when we where at the sharks tanks"
"Well, yes..."
We ended up taking a little nap before going to the hotel restaurant and eat a magnificent dinner in our friends company, celebrating the end of the shoots.

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