Chapter 10. Goblins

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~TA 2941 23 of June~

I feel someone shaking me awake. "I get up, I get up" I say, shaking Kili's hand away, he was the someone who shook me awake. After packing all my stuff I followed the others towards Rivedell's exit, we are going to sneak away. Thorin led us along the phat that ran the side of a cliff.

"Be on your guard; we're about to step over the edge of the Wild. Balin, you know these paths; lead on." Thorin say. "Aye." Balin say, and begin to lead us forward on the path. I walk next to Bilbo, he stop and look back at Rivendell. "Bilbo, are you okay" I ask worried. Bilbo was answering but Thorin interrupt us "Master Baggins, I suggest you keep up.". I gently grab Bilbo's arm and pull him forward so we don't lose the others.


~TA 2941 16 of July~

The weather had gone worse since the morning, it rain pouring, and it was thunder and lightning. The path has become slippy and I would have fallen a long time ago if Kili hadn't keep me up. "Hold on! We must find shelter!" Thorin shout. "Look out!" Dwalin shout. I turn looking at what he mean, it is a big piece of a rock that fly trough the air and shares straight above us. I lean against the stone so that the rocks don't hit me, but still small peaces hit my side.

"This is no thunderstorm; it's a thunder battle! Look!" Balin shout while we see a stone giant appear behind the mountain. "Well bless me, the legends are true. Giants; Stone Giants!" Bofur shout excitedly and step closer to the edge. "Take cover: you'll fall!" Thorin shout to Bofur. "What's happening?" Kili ask dazedly. We watch how two stone giants fight each other.

I feel how the ground beneath me start to move, I look forward and see how the rock begin to crack and separate us. "Kili! Grab my hand! Ki..." Fili shout, trying to grab Kili's hand. I hold Kili's hand tight as possible. That was when I realized that we were on the knees of one stone giant. I hold on the stone for my life sake.

When the mountains side get close enough we jump to a other cliff. On of the stone giants throw a rock in other giants head, it start to fall and I watch in horror as the other half of the company strike into the rock. "No! No! Fili!" Thorin cried out in horror for his nephew. I am worried too, I have grow fond for brothers.

We hurry to see what happened to the rest of us, I feel my heart beating really fast because of fear loosing good friends. When we reach the scene I see that everyone is fine, I ran fast as I can straight into Fili's arms and hugged him tightly. "We're all right! We're alive!" Balin say.

"Where's Bilbo? Where's the Hobbit?" Bofur ask anxiously. I hear these words, I feel my concern rise again when I can't find my brother anywhere. "There!" Ori say pointing to in a place where I see Bilbo's hands as he hold on a edge of the cliff. "Get him!" Dwalin shout, as Ori try to grab Bilbo's hand, but then Bilbo falls even lower. I try to go help him but I'm roughly pushed aside.

The person who push me aside is Thorin himself, I watch him swing himself down the cliff and lift Bilbo back up. Just as Thorin is getting up with Dwalin's help, he slip down and almost fall, but at the last moment Dwalin get a grip and pull him up. "I thought we'd lost our burglar." Dwalin say. "He's been lost ever since he left home. He should never have come. He has no place amongst us. Dwalin!" Thorin say hurting both my and Bilbo's feelings.

"You have no right to say that to my brother. You can call me or talk about me how you want, but not my brother!" I shout at Thorin, and to intensify this statement I hit him directly in his arm, I see the pain flash in Thorin's eyes from the hit. I walk back to Fili and Kili, and so we head search a cave.

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