Chapter 31. New Home

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~TA 2945 8 of June~

We eat the delicious food that Bombur made to us. "How was your time back home?" Bofur ask me from the other side of the table. "Expect everyone judging it was really lovely. It felt good to be home after 13 months, but for 1 year it started lose the feeling of home. I still tired to go on little adventures and paint, it made me happy but I couldn't paint outside because of the other hobbits" I explain to the dwarves around me.

"How is Bilbo doing in these days?" Dori ask. "He is good, the other hobbits don't judge him as much as they do me, so it is easier to him. He planted the acorn in the garden and it's now a young tree. And I think he is happy to be home" I tell Dori.

"How long are you staying" Balin ask smiling at me softly. "As long grumpy let me stay" I say looking at Thorin smirking. "The annoying thing can stay here as long as she want and feels comfortable" Thorin say, how dare he call me annoying? I try to stand up, but luckily for Thorin Fili is holding me back. "Shut up, grumpy" I say sticking my tongue out at him. "You know I am a King?" Thorin ask me. "I know that very well, but I don't care about that" I say proudly, what cause the company burst laughing.

"Dwalin is this normal?" I hear Dis ask Dwalin. "Oh, this. This is pretty normal for them. Let them just do that, Y/N wins every argument that they have and she is the only one that Thorin listens in nearly everything" Dwalin say between the laughter of the others.

"Y/N?" I hear Gloin ask. "Yes, Gloin" I say looking at him. "Now you are here I want you to meet my son Gimli and my wife" Gloin say as he waves his hand in their direction. Gimli looks just like his father and Gloin's wife is very beautiful, even when the beard makes it look a bit strange at the same time.

"It's nice to meet you both" I say smiling at them. "It's nice to meet you Y/N" Gloin's wife say and smile a warm smile. "Did you really saw Smaug and talked to him?" Gimli ask exited. "Yes I did, he didn't like me, it can be partly because I called him a slug" I say looking at the younger dwarf, he doesn't look much younger than Fili and Kili.

After a few more questions we finished eating everyone get up and leave the room, expect me, Fili, Kili, Thorin and Balin. "Y/N, where are your stuff?" Balin ask. "Oh, I left them behind a rock that is just in front of the grate gates" I say. "Let's go, Kee. We go and get them with Dwalin" Fili say and so the are out too. "Please be careful with them" I shout after them. I hear a small yes from them.

"Now we need to find you a free room, where you can live" Thorin say and start walking out and down the halls. I follow him with Balin. "Balin, which rooms are available?" Thorin ask his consort. "I thin there are three on the West side, one on the North and one just next to yours, Frerin's room" Balin say.

"If I can ask who is Frerin?" I ask nervously, because I saw how Thorin's expression changed as he was mentioned. "He was my younger brother. He was more like Fili and Kili, but he died in the battle of Moria with Kili's and Fili's father" Thorin explain looking sad. I feel immediately bad for asking and say "I am so sorry, I shouldn't ask".

"It's not your fault Y/N. But I think his room is perfect for you. We didn't know who we should give it, because Dis has her own room, Fili has mine, Kili my fathers with Tauriel and I have my grandfathers room. And I don't want that someone just lives there and changes everything. I know you would never let Frerin's tough get lost" Thorin say smiling.

I noticed he has smiled more now then back when I first met him. "I will honor him and keep his things in order. Are there many of his things" I ask smiling and happy that I can take care of so important things. "I believe that there are his sword, some toys, books and maybe his ax" Thorin answer.

"Here are they" Fili say appearing behind us. "What have you inside them Y/N. Rocks?" Kili ask as he holds with Fili one chest and my back bag. The other chest is carried by Dwalin and a guard. "I take that, you can go now" Thorin say to the guard and take the other end of the chest saying "Let's bring them into Frerin's old room".

I walk behind them with Balin as we walk to the royal wing of the mountain. "Balin, how is Bard and his family and Dain doing?" I ask the old dwarf next to me. "Bard is now the king of Dale and they all are very good. The first winter here was really hard but most of us all survived. And Dain lives here too, but is now back to the Ironhills getting a few blacksmiths to help us with a few problems we have" Balin explain.

I am really happy to hear that my friends are alright. "We are here" Thorin say and points a door in front of us. Balin walk forwards and takes a key out of his pocket opening the door. Fili, Kili, Thorin and Dwalin walk in and place my chests and back bag on the floor.

I walk inside the room and just look around, it's so beautiful. In one corner is a large bed and next to it a little night desk. On one side of the room were three big windows. Next to the night desk is a bigger writing desk. On the third side is the door where I just came in, a fire place with a armchair and three bookshelves. And on the last side is a door, I assume to the bathroom and a big wardrobe. "Don't be shy go and look inside the bathroom" Thorin say and I walk to it and open it up.

It's a pretty simple bathroom with toilet, a place where you can wash your hands and a big pool kind thing in the corner. I walk out of the bathroom and see on the table a sword, a small wooden goat and a fluffy bear toy. I assume they are Frerin's and the books too, there is just enough place to my books and other stuff what i want out of the chests.

"Thorin, do you have something what I can use so that I can but Frerin's sword on the wall behind the bed?" I ask him. "Wait a second" he say and walk out and comes back after few minutes with two hooks that can hold the sword and a small hammer. "I assume you like it then" Thorin say at the same time as he puts the hook in the wall.

"I love it Thorin, but are you sure I can stay here" I ask worried. "I am sure, don't worry about it. And can you bring the sword here" Thorin say, I bring the sword and he places it on the hooks. I smile, it looks really good there.

I take carefully the two toys and place them on the night table. "We will leave you out backing your things, if you need anything feel free to ask" Thorin say and so the four dwarves walk outside. I start unpacking my things and think how my life will be after this.

Here is a new chapter. I had time to write it, because I am sick. ~R

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