Chapter 26. War begins

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~TA 2941 6 of November~

Early the next morning stand at the gate again, after sneaking back to the Mountain. I see Thranduil, his army and Bard approaching us. Thorin shoot an arrow directly in front of them, they look surprised. "I will put the next one between your eyes!" Thorin shout, and rise the bow again while the others cheer.

Many elves point us with arrows, everyone expect Thorin hide behind the wall. "We've come to tell you: payment of your debt has been offered...and accepted." Thranduil say. "What payment? I gave you nothing! You have nothing!" Thorin say angrily. "We have this" Bard say and take the Arkenstone out of his pocket. Thorin look at the stone in shock, lowering his bow.

"They have the Arkenstone? Thieves! How came you by the heirloom of our house? That stone belongs to the king!" Kili shout angrily next to me. " And the king may have it- in our good will" Bard say and put the Arkenstone back in his pocket. "But first he must honor his word" he continues.

Thorin mumble to himself "They are taking us for fools. This is a ruse, a filthy lie." I look at Thorin scared, he is even worse than yesterday, then he shout "THE ARKENSTONE IS IN THIS MOUNTAIN! IT IS A TRICK!". Bilbo walk past me and whisper "Don't intervene in any way, even if Thorin does whatever. You have to stay here and make sure he and the others are okay".

"It-It's no trick. The stone is real. I gave it to them." my brother say. Thorin's expression turn to sadness and anger, everyone look him in shock. "You..." Thorin say. "I took it as my fourteenth share." Bilbo say. "You would steal from me?" Thorin ask. "Steal from you? No. No. I may be a burglar, but I like to think I'm an honest one. I'm willing to let it stand against my claim." Bilbo say, I think bravely.

"Against your claim?! Your claim! You have no claim over me you miserable rat!" Thorin shout angrily and walk towards Bilbo. "I was going to give it to you. Many times I wanted to, but..." Bilbo say. "But what, thief?!" Thorin ask. "You are changed, Thorin! The dwarf I met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word! Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin!" Bilbo say.

"Do not speak to me...of loyalty!" Thorin say, then he shout to the others "Throw him from the rampart!". I look at Thorin in shock, how much that gold have affect him. "DO YOU HEAR ME?!" he ask, trying to grab Fili, but he shake his uncle away. "I will do it myself!" Thorin say and grab Bilbo, shouting "CURSE YOU!".

"No!" Fili shout. The others try to pull Thorin away from Bilbo. I stand at the side, following the instructions of my brother once in my life, I realize that the dwarves would not survive without me. Thorin manage to grab Bilbo properly and pus him over rampart, saying "Cursed be the Wizard that forced you on this Company!".

"IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY BURGLAR... Then please don't damage him. Return him to me! You're not making a very splendid figure as king under the mountain, are you? Thorin son of Thrain!" Gandalf say appearing from the army. Thorin let Bilbo go. "Never again will I have dealings with wizards..." Thorin say. I watch Bofur help my brother to the rope and say quietly "Go.".

"Or Shire-rats!" Thorin finish his sentence. I feel a stitch in my heart at these words and take a step forward, but then I think better. "Are we resolved? The return of the Arkenstone for what was promised." Bard ask. Thorin walk back and front, staring into the distance. "Why should I fight back what is rightfully mine" Thorin say. Bard and Thranduil talk, i can't hear what. "I will kill you. One my one, i will ill you all" Thorin shout.

"Your oath mean nothing. I have hear enough" Thranduil say. "Thorin, lay down your arms. Open these doors. The treasure will be your death" Gandalf say. "Thorin we cannot win this fight"Balin say. "Thorin, please stop, you are my king, so please" I say quietly, Thorin look at me but don't say anything. "Give us your answer! Will you have peace or war?" Bard ask again. Thorin lower his head, but then a raven land next to him. "I will have war!" Thorin say.

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