Chapter 38. Hurting heart

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~TA 2945 8 of October~

"Y/N what did you do when you were a child?" Loki ask as he sit on the floor with Mavil and Nasnia, only the three of them are today morning here. "Well, mostly I drew, played with my brother or alone and I really liked to make little figures out of anything I could find outside" I explain trying to remember what I did when I was younger. 

"Can we build something today" Mavli ask looking up to me. "Of course, do you know what materials you want to use" I ask and follow the three exited dwarves as they run out of my "shop". We walk trough many halls trying to find things that we can use for the figures. We find stick, pine cones, wine corks, stones, smaller stones, an old boot and paint that we asked from Ori. 

We return with the things back in my "shop", there I put everything on a table. Loki, Mavil and Nasnia gather around the table and take what they want to use for their figure. One thing that I like about them is that they never fight over something, they share it or decide who need it more. I myself take pine cone and a few sticks. 

We all work on our figures, at some points one of the little ones ask for help in cutting things. I brake the sticks in four pieces that are equally long. After that I stick them in the pine cone and my pine cone cow is ready. I used make them when I was a little kid and I played with them for hours. 

After I am ready I help Loki to paint a wolf face on his figure. "This is Yavanna" Nasnia say lifting her figure. "And this is Durin" Mavil say proudly. "And what is your figures name" I ask Loki. "Fenrir" he says smiling and showing the little wolf. "What is your cows name?" they all ask. "I think I call it Strawberry" I say. 

Just at that moment we hear the door bell ring. Their parents said that they come today earlier than usually to pick them up. The little ones jump up and run to their parents shouting "Look what we made today", "Isn't this amazing" and showing their figures. They are so happy and they leave the place saying "Thank you Y/N, see you tomorrow". 

I stay there smiling and after they are out I start cleaning the mess that the four of us made. This job is the best that I could ever wish. I always liked to play with kids, but their parents didn't allow me to come near them. 


As I enter my room I am really surprised to see Fili, Kili and Dis sitting around the table. "Hey, what are you doing here" I ask them confused why are they here. "We came to talk to you about something" Dis say. I makes me nervous, because Fili and Kili look serious too. "What is it" I ask trying to be calm. 

"Your feelings for someone" she continue. I feel myself blush really hard. How in Durin's name Dis know about my feelings. Fili and Kili of course noticed that in the beginning of the journey, but I thought that I did a better job hiding it. "W-What do y-you mean" I ask stuttering. They all look at me with the face "are you serious". 

"Y/N we aren't stupid. You can maybe hid t from the other dwarves in the mountain, but to the company it's clear how you feel. We know you" Fili say in a serious voice, but as I look up I see him smirking. "You are sooo in love with him" Kili say smiling and I can see the mischievous plans that he is already thinking, most of them will embarrass me so much that I will never show my face. 

"Shut up. You aren't any better with Tauriel" I hiss at him hiding my face from them. "You don't need to be embarrassed about your feelings" Dis say thinking that I am embarrassed about my feelings. That's the opposite of it, I am proud of my feelings. I dreamed as a little child about finding someone who I could love. 

"I am not embarrassed. I am just scared, I am really no one. Before you start, yes I saved your and Thorin's life and did other things, but I am still just a hobbit from Shire. Thorin is a King and he can't never love me more than a friend, because I am not his One. I don't want to ruin our friendship" I say without taking a breath. The three dwarves look at me a moment not expecting me to say so much in one breath. 

"How can you be sure you aren't his One" Dis ask. "I am sure. He would have told me if I was. What I have heard Ones are special and I can't imagine that any dwarf would deny that. Kili is the perfect example" I explain. 

Fili and Kili look at me before turning to their mother. After a while of staring they walk out of the room saying "We leave and let you two talk about it". "Now when the two stupid dwarves are out, tell me why you don't try to confess to Thorin and see what comes out of it. What have you to loose? You know he can be really stubborn" Dis try to make me confess, but I am too afraid that my heart can't handle regret. 

"Dis, my heart is too broken already. I don't want to risk this friendship that I have with Thorin" I try to make her understand my point. "If you say so" she says after a time just looking at me. Dis walk to me and hugs me before she leaves me alone in my room. 

I walk to my night table and put the pine cone cow on it. After that I let myself fall on the bed and my thoughts start to wander. I have had feelings for Thorin for nearly four years now and I still haven't got over him, even when I have tried. I know we wouldn't never work, we re just too different. I have never been in love with anyone, I don't know how I should act in these situations. 

It hurts to see him, but at the same time he makes me glow. Before I notice tears start to fall down my cheeks. He is so handsome, kind, brave, loyal, ambitious and caring, everything I could wish, but he would never look at me that way. I curl myself in a ball and try to calm my self, but eventually I fall asleep tears soaking my pillow. 

I am so sorry for not updating this book, I really try to write it as often as I can.
This is more a fill chapter, in this chapter you see the conflict that Y/N has with her feelings to Thorin.
The ending is a bit sad and the chapter short, but I promise that it will get better. I don't like sad stories.

And if you wonder what is a pine cone cow it is a real thing in Finland.

They look like these

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They look like these.

Lastly THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 15,7 K READS, that means so much to me. I never thought that I would even get over 10k reads. ~R

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