Chapter 14. A shorts rest

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~TA 2941 22 of July~

After breakfast we all go separate ways. "Y/N do you still want to learn about herbs and how to use them for healing" Oin ask behind me. "Yes. I can't wait that we start" I say while jumping from excitement. "Can I join you. I need something for my tea" we hear a voice behind us, when I turn around I see Dori. "I don't see any problem that you couldn't join us " I say smiling at him.

We three walk behind Beorn's house to his garden. Beorn promised that we can use everything from his garden. "Come here lass. Do you see this small herb. When you mix it with water and then put on a wound. It helps that the wound heal faster and don't infect so easy" Oin explain while we pick the herb inside a basket.

"And this help if you have stomach ache, just put it in hot water and drink it" Oin tell me pointing at a herb with white little flowers. We continue picking the herbs as I ask "Dori, do you have any recommendations for tea?". "Have you ever tied black tea with vanilla or green tea with apple?" Dori ask. "No I haven't but I will try next time when I get tea" I say smiling.

"Can you please explain for me what you mean when you say One. I heard Gloin talking about it" I ask. "So dwarfs can love only one person. They know immediately when they meet them that they are it. Female dwarfs are rear, so that mean that not everyone find their One" Oin explain.

"Is it possible that someones One is an elf, hobbit or human" I ask, I am a bit worried because what happen to my feelings for Thorin. "I don't know if it ever happen, but I don't think that is impossible" Dori say smiling at me. "How many from the company have found their One?" I ask again worried. "Only Gloin and Bombur have found their One" Dori say.

"Y/N?" A small voice ask behind me, I turn around and see Ori holding his book where he write everything what happen. "Yes Ori" I say softly. "I was just wondering would you like to draw with me?" he ask looking at his feet. "Of course I want. Do you mind, Oin, Dori" I ask them, I am scared that I hurt their feelings. "Go, you helped us so much" Dori say smiling.

"What do you want draw?" I ask Ori while we walk to the stairs of Beorn's house. "What if we both draw the whole company so that I can put them in my book" Ori say. "Yes, yes, that is a amazing idea" I say and rush inside to get my drawing book and pencils. We draw in silence, both focusing on our drawings.

I try to pay attention on Bombur's beard, Bifur's ax, Dori's braids, Bofur's hat, Kili's face, Fili's mustache, Dwalin's head, Balin's beard, Ori's cute face, Nori's hair, Oin's trumpet, Gloin's all hair decorations, Gandalf's hat, Bilbo's feet and ears, my curly hair and Thorin's handsome face.

We draw and draw until we hear Beorn calling that there is food. "Do you get your ready?" I ask Ori. "Yes. Do we show them to the others" he ask and I nod. I walk inside and see everyone sitting around the table. When I try to find a free place, only free place is next to Thorin. Looking at Fili and Kili, I see them smirking at me. If they haven't done anything for this then I am not a hobbit.

I sigh and hold my book closer and go sitting next to him. "I want show you something with Ori. We both drew the company" I say while we both hand our drawings to someone. The dwarfs, Gandalf and Bilbo look at both saying "This is wonderful". "How did you do this". "I have never seen better". "We look really handsome", the last comment is from Fili and Kili.

I sit there with Ori we both don't meet someones gaze. Finally Thorin hand my drawing back to me. I can feel our hands tough and I blush. To my relief the end of dinner goes well. I stand up and walk behind Nori stealing his pipe, he has taught me how to steal. Leaving the room quietly I go back in Beorn's garden.

After climbing in a tree I watch how the dwarfs come outside and start smoking. "Have someone of you seen my pipe?" Nori ask and I can't hold my laughter. My laughter turn into a scream as I nearly fall from the tree. All the dwarf look at the tree worried and Fili and Kili come under it helping me back to the ground.

"Here is your pipe" I say handing Nori his pipe. "When you stole it? How I didn't notice it?" Nori ask surprised. "When we finished eating" I say grinning. The others start laughing and when I look at them I see even Thorin smiling amused. "I truly taught you well. I am proud of you" Nori say smiling after he got over the surprise.

"Who wanna spar?" Dwalin ask lifting his ax. We all follow him to a open place. "Who want go first" Balin ask, he, Dori and Oin aren't gonna fight. "We can go" Kili say lifting his sword and Fili take his swords. They go in the middle and start sparring, their movements look so easy and smooth just like they were dancing.

After a couple minutes Kili lay on his back and Fili hold his swords on Kili's throat. I think everyone knew that Fili is going to win because Kili is better with his bow. "Can I go next?" I ask. They nod. "Uncle why would you don't spar against Y/N" Kili say whit a Cheshire cat grin. One day I will kill those stupid dwarfs.

We both get up and start walking towards the place. When I pass Dwalin I whisper in his ear "I am really happy that you taught me more fighting techniques". I stand face to face with Thorin. "Are you two ready. Go" Balin say and the second he say go Thorin swing his sword towards me, I block it just in time.

All Thorin's strokes are fast and so powerful that I nearly can hold my own sword up. After a while I get a change to attack him, i use my size and agility and try to attack behind him. He manage to block it saying "You aren't gonna give up, little burglar". The nickname give me butterflies, but I ignore it attacking Thorin again. "I am never gonna give up, grumpy" I say grinning.

My nickname make Thorin stumble in surprise, he have never heard me call him that before. I use his surprise and put my feet out so that he fall over it. As Thorin lay on his back I kick Orcrist away and put my sword to his throat. "I think I won" I say sweetly.

The other dwarfs look at me in shock, I have just won their best warrior and king. After a moment Fili and Kili come to me cheering "This is the first time I have seen someone else than Dwalin win Uncle" "You were amazing. How did you do it". I just laugh and hug them. I look back at Thorin and see him still laying there looking up to the sky surprised and and with something that I don't recall.

Fili and Kili walk me back to the edge and we stay there watching others spar and cheer them. Hours after Bilbo call "Are you going to eat". Before I can blink all the dwarfs, expect Thorin, start running to Beorn's house. I walk to Bilbo and say jumping on my place "I won Thorin in sparring". "No you are kidding me" Bilbo say without believing me. "You must believe her, Bilbo. She really won me, I can't still believe it" we hear Thorin's baritone voice say behind us.

I let surprised Bilbo with Thorin and go to Fili and Kili. I sit between them and star eating the delicious meat that Beorn give us. We all talk happily wit each other telling stories and happy memories, even Beorn tell us few stories. "I think all of you should go sleeping, we have a difficult journey to morrow before us" Gandalf say and the dwarf start making themselves comfortable.

Just when I get up from the table I feel someone pulling my hand. I turn around and see Bifur. I have never talked to him much, because he can't speak in common tongue. Bifur open his hand and take my hand dropping something on my hand. I look down at my hand and see a small wooden wolf, it's really beautiful with all the small details. "Is this for me?" I ask surprised. Bifur nod. "It is so beautiful, I love it" I say to him smiling and hoping he understand.


~TA 2941 23 of July~

Beorn kindly gave us ponies and other supplies to continue our journey in the next morning. There are only 14 ponies, so I have to ride with someone. The dwarves of course can't agree so Thorin say that I'm riding with him. I pretty happy because I can't listen to the others arguing.

Thorin help me on the pony before gets up on his own."Gandalf. Time is wasting" Thorin say to Gandalf who talk to Beorn. "Go now, while you have the light. The hunters are not far behind." Beorn say and so we set off to Mirkwood. I warp my hand around Thorin, hoping that I don't fall down...

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrate it.

This is more a filling chapter, but I still hope that you like it.
And thank you so much for 750 reads, I can't still believe it.
If you have any questions for me about the book or something else feel free to ask. ~R

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