Chapter 33. Just a bucket

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~TA 2945 12 of June~

After that what I did in the council room the other dwarves don't judge me so much as before, except a few noble women. Naturally the whole mountain know what I did, they spread rumors like birds seeds. That was a few days ago and now some dwarves have come to talk to me and Ori shoved me the library of Erebor.

It's huge and filled with so many books that I can't even count them all. I sit there in a corner on a armchair reading a book about Durin. Next to me is a second armchair and a big fire place, this corner is hidden so it takes a while to find me. I am so concentrate to reading that I don't hear someone calling me.

"Y/N, where are you?!!" I jump as I hear Fili shouting for me. "Shh, be quiet and I am here" I say quietly. After a second Fili and Kili walk behind a corner and walk over to me. "There are you. We have searched you everywhere" Kili say looking at me blaming. "Sorry, I have been reading here" I explain to the brothers.

"Anyway, we need your help" Fili say grinning. "And what would that be?" I ask them. "Well, we need your help in us to make a prank on uncle" Kili say in a low voice. "I love to help you, but why you need my help?" I ask confused.

"We need someone small to climb up in one place and then we give them a water bucket and they throw it on uncle and then slide a rope down and we all three run away" Fili explain and I already like this plan. "Count me in" I say grinning. "We come and get you this afternoon" Kili say before they walk out.


After lunch I clean my room when I hear a knock from the door. "Are you ready Y/N" Fili whisper. "I am ready" I answer him. As I open my door I see them both standing there with a rope and an empty bucket. "Follow us. We fill the bucket and then we help you up" Kili explain.

After this little conversation we sneak through many halls trying to avoid as many dwarves as possible. Finally we reach a room that looks like a old store room or something, in a corner stands a large barrel full of water. "What is this room?" I ask the trouble makers. "I think this was a storage room for water and other drinks" Fili explain as he fills the bucket.

"Now we are ready. Next we need to get you up somewhere" Kili say and then we are sneaking again. This time we need to be even more carefully than before, because we have the water bucket and if someone sees us we are in big trouble.

"I think this place is perfect" Kili say as we stand behind a pillar that has a bridge to a other pillar. "We need to act quick before the council is over" Fili say. With those words they take the rope and swing it over the bridge, with a help of a stone. "Y/N, now hold this tight and we pull you up" he say and Kili helps me to get a right hold on the robe.

As they start to pull me up I realize that I'm not fond of heights. But before I have more time to worry I find myself already up on the bridge. They wave to me as a signal that they are going to pull the bucket up. I watch silent as they slowly pull up the bucket. Luckily it don't drop much water and I get it safely up to me.

I bind the rope around a stone that lies next to me, so I can slide down fast and run with Fili and Kili who are hiding behind the pillar. I lift my thump to inform them that I am ready. Now we need just to wait until the council meeting is over and Thorin walks out.

Finally after a time that feels like an eternity the big doors open in the end of the hall and members of the council start walking out. Luckily most of the members are out of the hall as Thorin walks out. I need to press my hand to my mouth, that I don't laugh too hard.

Just as Thorin walks under me I push the basket full of water. I don't stay looking what happen, I just run to the rope and slide down as fast as I can, even if that hurt in my hands. The second as my feet touch the ground I turn to look at Thorin, he is really soaking wet and he looks really really angry.

I don't hesitate as I start running, Fili and Kili are just behind me as we all three run away from Thorin. "FILI, KILI, Y/N!!!!!!" Thorin shout so angry and loud that I think that the whole mountain heard it. I look behind me and see Thorin chasing us, I try not to laugh so I can continue running.

Just as we turn around a corner Fili and Kili run straight into someone and I run into them. We all three fall down on the floor, I lay half under them. We look up and see Dis standing above us. "What have you done this time?" she ask in a blaming voice.

We don't have time to respond before Thorin appear behind the corner, still wet. I can't hold my laugh anymore, it looks just too funny when he is angry and wet, even he looks still so handsome. "You will be my death one day" Thorin say. "Did you three do this?" Dis ask us, we are still laying on the floor.

"It was Y/N idea" Kili say quickly. "Hey, don't blame me, it was your and Fili's idea. I just helped you to do it" I quickly defend myself. "You three make more problems than half of the other dwarves that live here" Thorin say and sigh. We try to start speaking again, but Dis interrupt us "Fili, Kili you come with me now".

The way she says it make me wonder how Fili and Kili even dear to do something stupid when their mother talks to them like that. "So that leaves you to me" Thorin say as Dis take Fili and Kili somewhere. I look up to him trying to smile and act sweet.

"How can I even be angry to you" Thorin say as we walk back to my room. "What?" I ask surprised that he isn't angry to me. "I can't be angry to you a long time anymore. I can't even be angry to those two idiots that should act like adults" Thorin say in a softer voice. I just simile at him and as joking "Who are you and what have you done to Thorin Oakenshield?"

Thorin just laugh. We walk in a comfortable silence until we reach my door. Then I do something just out of nowhere, I kiss Thorin's cheek whispering "Thank you for everything". Then I turn around and open the door and closing it quickly. I let myself sink against the door and think what I just did. I think I look like a tomato and that I can't face Thorin again.

But without knowing Thorin stand still in the same place as I left him holding his cheek and blushing a bit too...

I hope you enjoy this chapter! If you want to see my video edits follow me on Instagram: thorinstrust. ~R

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