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When Chifuyu Found out about Takemichi time travelling, he found that really hard to believe.
I mean if someone was to come up to you and said "Hey Im a time traveler"
Would you believe it?

He began to believe Talemichi when he saved Baji from getting stabbed, he saw takemichi just keep his eyes on Baji like he expected something to happen
And the BOOM Takemichi ended up taking the stab instead.

He survived of course, Takemichi's will to live and desire to save everyone basically pulled him through.
Oh also because he refused to die by being stabbed, he thought it'd be at least a little Embarrassing to have that on his gravestone he wouldn't tell anyone that though cause he knew people would laugh at him for such a silly reason and he decided not to put himself through that.

When Takemichi woke up in hospital, he was confused to say the least. It was the feeling of confusion you have when you first wake up, he was told everything he needed to know by the nurses. Mikey first played off his worries acting like he knew takemichi would be fine, but he and draken made sure takemichi knew that if he wasn't injured they'd beat his ass for being so reckless. All he did was chuckle and later apologise when he realised how worried most of his friends were.

Chifuyu was the one who showed most of his worry out of everyone and basically clinged to takemichi as soon as he was released from the hospital. Since Chifuyu now believe's takemichi about his abilities he found it easier to speak to Chifuyu and not be criptic about it. He slowly got attatched to takemichi, just like the rest.
Why though?
Is it because of his bravery?
His determination to save everyone?
Or maybe they were attatched when the first met.

When they first met of course they were suspicious of takemichi, why wouldn't they? It seemed like takemichi knew future plans they were yet to discuss, he knew when someone was going to get hurt in those plans. And most of all, he seemed to know their Rival gangs and a few of the people inside those gangs.

But Alas what can they do? It's not like they can force the answer out of him, even if they tried, takemichi is as stubborn as they come, he isn't one to share his worries and is the type to deal with them on his own. It doesn't matter if its dangerous or life threatening he doesn't seem to care too much, he could lose a limb and as long as the problem is solved he wouldn't care.

Though he doesn't need to worry anymore, he's saved everyone right? His girlfriend is alive, well ex-girlfriend. One price he had to pay was breaking up with her, they ended on mutual terms and are quite close friends, it was honestly as if nothing happened. All his friends are alive, no deaths he had to be concerned about, so thats it for takemichi. He was ready to go back to the future and tell Naoto the good news and hopefully they can celebrate together. After all, lots of blood was shed, and alot of deaths were seen, a celebration was 100% needed.

So what did he do? He told Chifuyu. Of course he did, takemichi would feel bad going back to the future without saying thank you and goodbye to chifuyu was the best partner to as for, he helped out takemichi so so SO Much.
When he heard about Takemichi going back he nearly cried, his chest tightened as if his heart was ripped out, but he had to accept it there was nothing he could do.

Takemichi ended up saying goodbye to the rest of the Toman Gang too, They were definitely confused because they'd see takemichi tomorrow right? So why was he saying goodbye like it was going to be the last time he'll see them?

And then that was it.
Takemichi had gone back to the future
And everyone wondered why "takemichi" acted like he didn't know them.
Chifuyu knew why though, he made it very obvious he knew something the others didn't. So they confronted him, asking him what the fuck is going on with takemichi, at first he didn't share it sounded stupid.
But the others continued to pester him, until Chifuyu snapped and spilled everything going on.
About takemichi being a time traveler and how he came back to the past to save everyone and had recently gone back to the future.
That set something off, Something Takemichi did not expect at all.

It changed the future once again, but for the worst. The future was that bad and takemichi couldn't even go back to try and salvage what he could.

They were insane
And Takemichi realised that when he finally discussed Chifuyu's behaviour with Naoto in the future.

-To be Continued-

Authors Note:
Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed the prologue as much as i did.
And i hope your excited for the future chapters:)
Hopefully the chapters will be longer then this, but since this is the prologue, it's only short
Make sure to eat and hydrate Yourselves.
Love you all<3

{Word Count:885}

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