Takemichi doesn't respond to the man, too shocked to actually say anything?
Why is he suddenly here?
He left this man and his friends years ago, are they still after him?Takemichi Can't seem to stop the tears that start to slowly fall until more and more tears are leaving his eyes
The Man Coo's "Awe Is Michi Still a beautiful crybaby Hm?" The man puts his hands on Takemichi's face, wiping away the tears that seemed to never end. The poor boy can't bring himself to do anything out of fear, so he lets out a small whimper closing his eyes just wishing this was a dream and Just Wishing he would wake back up in his bed and everything was normal again.The Man Soon Grabs Takemichi's hair once again, tightly gripping onto it
"no Hello?" The man mumbles "is this how you treat me after all these years after i looked after you?!" The Man Yells, Yanking on his hair causing him to let out a loud yelp
"Stop, Stop Please!" Takemichi puts his hands on the other mans hands in an attempt to pull him off his hair"Why should i stop when you have caused me so much trouble! Do you know how much Money and Time i spent on trying to find you?!"
"Im sorry! Im sorry"
Takemichi when he glances to the side when he hears someone yelling his name he can guess that it's Izana and Kakucho
"You're lucky they're looking for you, or I'd beat your ass right here right now."
The Man lets go stepping away from Takemichi and merges back into the crowd who didn't seem to care with what just happened.
Izana and Kakucho spot Takemichi sat on the ground, tears in his eyes and they just managed to spot the man before he fully disappeared into the crownd.
Kakucho quickly rushes over Crouching down next to the Boy "Michi? Are you okay?"
Takemichi Quickly shakes his head shuffling away from him "no no...Stay away.." he mumbles though those mumbles begin to sound incoherent
Kakucho frowns and Izana walks over To Takemichi Doing what Kakucho did and crouches down next to him "Love, it's me And Kakucho" and he soon pulls Takemichi into his arms
And That Causes Takemichi's fight or Flight to Kick in and he cries even more before trying to get out of Izana's arms
"Get off me" he shrieks in complete Terror
Izana simply hugs him tighter, Making Takemichi put his head on his sholder
"It's okay Love..We've got you, you're safe now okay?"Takemichi soon slowly wraps his harms around Izana and grips onto the Back of his shirt as if he'd disappear
"See? You're safe. You're safe here with us" he mutters and simply continues to comfort Michi"Cmon Michi Lets get you home yeah? It's getting late anyway"
Takemichi gives a small nod so Izana Stands up Gently Pulling Takemichi up with himIzana Makes eye contact With Kakucho, who nods getting the Idea and quickly walks away presumably to wait outside the mall for their ride to pick them up.
Izana Holds onto Takemichi's hand gently and begins to slowly lead him out the mall. Takemichi being as close as possible to Izana without causing any troubles.Izana hides the frown on his Face and looks over to Takemichi out of his peripheral Vision, Just who was that guy? And why has it put Takemichi into this Silent, Even more clingy state?
Mikey wasn't going to be happy, Takemichi was finally actually speaking to them a little bit without trying to attack them. Now he's just in some silent state as if his whole body just shut down
They both Make it out the mall and head over to the obvious looking expensive car, Kakucho Talking to the driver and he turns around when he hears footsteps approaching "We're Ready to Go Back Izana"
Izana Nods "Alright Love Cmon Lets go back home"
No Response though Takemichi does get into the backseat of the car, Izana following in after and Kakucho goes round to the otherside and gets in. Both being on each Side of Takemichi who simply looks at his lap not doing a thingIzana and Kakucho Both Make eye contact with eachother, Both having mixed feelings though they know one thing and that is to find out Who that guy is. What did The man did that Caused Takemichi to react the way he did and how it's causing the after effect
No Response though Izana Notices that Takemichi looked at him through the corner of his eye
He continued "Who was that man?"
Takemichi quickly shakes his head looking back at his lap, Kakucho and Izana can both see him visibly shake like crazy.
Kakucho Gently Grabs onto One of Takemichi's hand Rubbing his thumb over the boys Knuckle "it's okay Michi you don't need to tell us. Izana is only asking because he's worried about you, we both are. We'll wait till you're ready to tell us okay?"Takemichi's eyes begin to well up with tears once again, How Long was it since someone was actually patient with him and didn't force anything out him right then and there? He doesn't remember but the feeling left after those words felt nice to him. He surprisingly...Felt Safe, Secure and Just supported which came as a shock to the boy considering they kidnapped him. He thought he'd just dislike them all and will attempt to escape when he can
But does he really want to do that now?
With how supporting they are he'd say no.
But his more logical thinking is still telling him to escape, he doesn't know what do to and it's stressing him out, giving him a headache.The Tears Finally Fall and He lets out a sob, using his free hand to quickly begin to rub away the tears. Why does he have to cry so much today?
Kakucho Just gives him a soft smile "It's okay Michi"
Izana soon Grabs ahold of Takemichi's other hand "Mhm"
Takemichi just cries harder in response, being the Crybaby he is.
But that's okay.
He'll be okay.
Well thats what he hopes.
Authors Note:
Y'all i literally forgot abt this chapter💀
I wrote like half of it and forgot, so sorry if this chapter seems rushed!I hope you all enjoyed this chapter
Remember to Hydrate and eat!
Love you all<3
{Word count:1084}

Out Of Time--Tokyo Revengers.
FanfictionHe Didn't expect this to happen He didn't want this to happen What's wrong with them..? Why won't they leave him alone?...