Chapter 19.

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With a groan a man Begins to stir awake, well he tries to but it's quite hard when you can't move so instead he opens his eyes and squints them when he's flashed with a bright light.
Once his eyes have adjusted to the light he looks around and soon comes to realise he's surrounded by people..Lot's of fucking people and all of them seemed to be Glaring at...him? At first he didn't understand why, But then he recognises two of the people as the guys Who were with Takemichi at the Mall.

Mikey Steps forward, Izana and Senju Right behind him "ahh You've finally Woken up." He smiles widely "That Means we can get this show Started!"

The Man Raises his eyebrows "I don't even Know who you are?!"

"How Can you Not Recognise one of the Bosses in the Biggest Crime Organisation In Japan? Do you already Have memory loss from the beating you took?"

Izana Rolls His eyes when he see's the shock and slight fear begin to fill his eyes "Why Even Ask him? It's not like he's going to live another day to know the answers"

"Takemichi is hanging out with the bosses?!" He thinks to himself in a panic.
The man doesn't even know what he got himself into

"Well what am i even doing here?" He quickly responds

"Don't play dumb, you know what you did" Senju spits angrily, Glaring at him.

If glares could kill that man should be dead with the amount of glares he's getting

"No i really don't know what ive done!" How stupid.
He doesn't know when to give up does he.

Ran appears behind the chair the man is on, gripping his hair pulling his head back "well how about we remind you hm?" He smirks, his brother soon appearing next to him "I think we should start by breaking some bones...Get the Heart pumping, just like old times eh Ran?" If anything Ran's smirk only got bigger "I think thats a good idea! What about you guys?" Ran looks over to the rest of the people in the room and most seemed to agree, while others wanted to be a bit more...Gory and bloody. But they'll get onto it later.

Mikey smiles sitting down on a crate "lets get this show on the road!" Cheers filled the room and Mikey would get his fill later.

Everyone who was in the room, Which was Everyone in the whole building apart from Shinichiro and Takemichi, Surrounded the man. Some holding blunt Objects others planning to use their bare hands.

Izana was stood Right in front of the man, a blank yet intimidating look was on his face he crouched down to meet the man's eye level. Not Saying a word he grabs onto one of the man's fingers slowly pushing it backwards
"So How Do you know Michi?"

Everyone Ignored the man's pleas To let go and to stop. If Anything Izana just fully pushed the man's finger Back successfully Breaking it "Didn't Michi ask you to stop? So why should we?"
They didn't get a proper response all they got was Jumbled and panicked words

"Ill ask Again..How Do you know Michi? If you actually answer this time, ill make sure to break your finger alot quicker this time" Izana Gives A Malicious Grin

"He was just Involved with some Shady Business Years ago!" The man Quickly states

"What Kind Of Shady Business?"

"He was Used As a Trade! He'd get passed all over the place for something else!"

Hearing those words Cause Frowns to appear on their Face's. Izana Didn't hesitate to quickly Push Back another finger, slowly getting a little annoyed at the screams "So how Do you personally Know Michi then?"

"I was One of the business People He ended up with him as a trade!" The man lets out a cry "Now Please Let me go!"

"Huh? Now why would we do that? We're Only Just Getting Started."

Takemichi Flinched and awoke with a start, thinking he heard some screaming..He did. But he doesn't need to know that now does he?
He rubs his eyes to see a little better and see's Shinichiro Looking down at him with a soft smile "Evening Michi, you've slept for awhile."
Takemichi Looks at him with Surprise "Wasn't i just with Izana?" He mutters

"Ah yeah You were. Something came urgent came up and there was no one else to look after you while he was gone"

"Ah..I see."

"You Hungry? It's nearly.." He Takes a Glance at his phone "6pm and you've been sleeping for a good while."

"Er No im Okay.."

Shinichiro Raises a brow "You Sure, When was the last time you ate?"

"...This Morning"

Shinichiro simply sighs, He feels like a disappointed Father "Well Thats all the more Reason to eat, Cmon. Ill Make you some noodles or Something"
He stands up, Dragging Takemichi with him who Wanted to Protest but settled on being silent and Simply allowed the man to do as he wishes.

"Now You go sit and wait at the table Okay Michi?  Ill Make your food as quick as possible"

"There's no rush..Take your time" he mutters, while he was slightly hesitant to leave the man's side, he heads over to the Concerningly Large Table and slides into one of the many seats letting out a Yawn, Probably from over sleeping.

It Only took Nearly 10 minutes For Shinichiro to enter the room holding onto a bowl of noodles which he puts down Gently Infront of Takemichi.
"Thank you for the food." And with That Takemichi Began to eat the Noodles, Blowing on them lightly to cool them down slightly. While Shinichiro Spoke about Anything and Everything Distracting Takemichi From the Screams. And Takemichi Simply listened to the man, Giving Nods everynow and then to indicate he was still listening.
Though One thing was on Takemichi's mind, What was everyone doing that caused them to be so busy?

Authors Note:
Yall i am literally so tired
Im sorry this is out Late!
Y'all Concerning me in the comments with how you all know those Torture Techniques...Pretty cool though
Enjoy this chapter, the reason I didn't go into detail abt what was happening to the man cause i know some people get triggered so you can leave your imagination for that
Remember to Hydrate and eat!
Love you all<3
{Word Count:1083}

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