Takemichi Had Finally Let go off Draken, freeing the poor man of his bone crushing grip.
Now Imagine how Takemichi feels when he finally wakes up and realizes he's not in his room, to be honest the room does feel similar to him. But not even that, when he's hit with migranes and the urge to throw up he gags covering his mouth. There is two doors in the room one being the enterance and the other is a bathroom well he hopes it is. Just as he practically throws himself into the other room which was luckly a bathroom the other door opened and someone stepped in hearing the commotion in the bathroom he heads over to it "michi?"
Takemichi Can Recognise the voice to be Angry though all he does in response is ignore him i mean he can't exactly respond when he's practically Throwing up his lungs. Angry Visibly Cringes at the sight and Crouches down next to Takemichi and gently rubs his back as support, when Takemichi had finished he kinda just slumped/leaned on the toilet trying to catch his breath with tears falling down his face, he never did well with throwing up as he has a slight small fear of it, therefore anytime he throws up you should expect him to be crying aswell
"Are..You Okay Now Michi?"Takemichi just nods not being able to find himself to fight back, being very tired and sick at the moment so he'll just Rest For Maybe A moment.
Oh who is he kidding, no matter how much he fights, no matter where he goes they seem to find him all the time and treat it as if it was some game, As if he was some Toy.
Angry Helps The Boy stand up and leads him back to the bed and helps him lay down "ill go get someone to bring some Medicine and some water, ill be back soon so stay where you are" he mutters
"Is he Being Funny?" Takemichi thinks to himself, where does Angry Think he's gonna go anyway? Though the blueberry Head doesn't seem to notice or if he did, didn't bother to acknowledge the expression Takemichi had and left the room closing the door behind him with a thud and soon a click follows indicating the door had been locked.
He doesn't know what to do..he's sick of running away all the time just to get caught again and dragged right back to square one. What did he do to actually deserve this? He can't actually remember...Are They Holding a Grudge Against him for not being able to save them and cover it up with a lie Saying they love him? He can't even begin to Decipher What's true, Whats not, hell even who to trust! The one person he trusted was Natalia and she stayed true to her words, would he be able to actually trust someone like that again? Last time he did it was with Naoto...And look where this has him now. He Grips his hair tugging at it with Frustration, Angry tears now rolling down his face
He misses Hina And Emma, He Misses Everyone...Everyone when they were Happy and Hanging out around eachothers houses constantly doing stupid things and just acting how Teenagers Should. He Wishes Someone Could Take Him Home and shield him away from everything and Away from these Monsters. These Were not his Friends Certainly Not the Friends who he Laughed, Cried and Grieved with. These are Completely Different people.Medicine Was Eventually Brought To him and Takemichi decided to sleep the rest of the day away. Sleeping doesn't require Anything Special Anyway this is the only time he can truely Escape Reality, so he'll take it.
It's Been...A Few Days Now? Takemichi Doesn't Really Know there's no windows in the room so he can't tell, Food Gets brought into him by the lower people in the Gang and at first he was fine with but he soon frowned on a daily. Waiting..Waiting For Mikey Or Anyone to step in the room, he hasn't seen anyone he actually knows apart from when he first woke up and Saw Angry.
He Cries and Pleas Seemed to Fall on deaf ears, Was this his Punishment? Being Ignored and Locked away into a room for however Long? He doesn't like it, he feels like he's going insane, Maybe He is! This Continued and Eventually fell into a routine For Takemichi until his cries and pleas Finally Stopped and Silence Just Took Over. He slowly Began to eat Less and Less And he felt Weaker and Weaker as time goes onWill This Kill Him?
Will this Finally set him free?
If Starvation Doesn't Work He can Figure Something out!
Yeah...this punishment isn't right..His Only Punishment can be death!
Well One Can Hope I suppose, Everything that Had Gone on in the room has obviously been reported to the higher ups. Of course it has and they feel like they've broken him enough for now. And they are ready to re-build him once more into someone more Obedient but still has his kind Nature.
It doesn't work like that though, Are They Trying to Play God And Make someone they Need?
Authors Note:
Yall i ain't even Playing when I tell You some Kid In School in the younger years purposely slammed the door open their obvious intentions being to hit me
Did it? Unfortunately
So what did i do? Tripped them up One being Purposeful and the other i somehow made him trip on his own feet
Karma Is a bitch<3Anywho Who's excited for the Weekend?? I know i am! I have no plans like, but the Weekend is like the days i recharge myself from socializing with so many people.
I hate Socializing so much, it causes me so much anxiety it isn't even funnyAnyway I hope You Loves enjoy this chapter!!
Remember to Hydrate and eat!
I love you all<3{Word Count:1015}

Out Of Time--Tokyo Revengers.
FanfictionHe Didn't expect this to happen He didn't want this to happen What's wrong with them..? Why won't they leave him alone?...