Chapter 10.

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Being the positive thinker he is Takemichi likes to remind himself that he'll get out of the situation he is currently in
Is that True? Probably not but a man can hope

One thing he does know is that he hopefully won't die, he has an idea that they love him too much to kill him.
So thats a plus..Being alive.
But he'd rather be dead then staying with Psycho's
It'd be like this:
Alive and Not caught with those criminals
Or just die. There's no in between in this situation

Now At this Point Takemichi is up and going he's not sitting still, he has no idea where this random surge of energy came from and for the past 30 minutes he's just been walking around the exact same room multiple times why? Because it's the only thing he can do with the plain but rich ass room He's in and at the moment he's just sat crossed legged on the bed simply staring at the corner Being zoned out and thats why he doesn't notice Chifuyu Poking his head in the room spotting Takemichi all Zoned out.

He sighs shaking his head and Steps into the room "partner" he calls out but he only got silence in return. He frowns slightly and walks towards the spot Takemichi is in "Partner?" He waves his hand infront of his face, Still no Response "Partner!" And with a good old Shake Takemichi was brought back to this world
"Huh?-" His eyes Snap towards Chifuyu before he Scrambles Backwards almost falling off the bed mind you the action causing the Black haired Male eyes widen in Surprise
Takemichi's face of Surprise and slight fear soon turns into a blank look "Chifuyu what are you doing here?"

"Uhhm, i was er..Tasked with looking visiting and looking after you for today."

"Do i look five?"

"Well no-"

"Do i look like i need to be catered?"

"If you'd just liste-"

"Do i look like i need a babysitter who is just going sit there awkwardly? And infact that babysitter is someone who..what was it again? Oh Yes!! Betrayed me by giving out the biggest secret I've ever had!" Was the last Part a lie? Yes

"I know what i did was wrong partner! But we care for you! And after everything you've done for us you didn't expect us to get attached?"

"Fuck sake Chifuyu, there's a difference between attatched and Obsessed and right now y'all are taking the Obsession cake! Just because i helped you guys out doesn't excuse this behaviour, all i did was something anyone else would do."

"I doubt anyone would risk there life and bother with time travel to save people partner" Chifuyu muttered shaking his head

Takemichi looks at him like he's crazy "Okay? Does that still excuse all of this? No!" He snaps scowling

Chifuyu just grunts and shakes his head having a little self control, just cause they love michi doesn't mean they stopped feeling anger etc
So right now he's just getting annoyed at how this is going.

"How about I go get the Kawata twins to bring you some food yeah? You haven't eaten since you woke up" he smiles completely changing the subject

"I'd rather fuckin star-" poor Takemichi didn't get a chance to even finish what he was saying before Chifuyu left the room and the door locking behind him with a click.

Takemichi is just like:🧍‍♀️🤨💢

"Tch, Stupid Stupid Idiots.." That rant just turned into angry mumbles about absolutely anything at this point.

One thing to know about Takemichi was that at first he wasn't only hiding his Time Leaping Abilities, he also hid his past that mixed in with some of the of timezones of when he leaped. And you're probably like okay? So what? Why's that important?
Well that past was so Traumatic it caused him to have Hallucinations at random times, now thankfully the times he did hallucinate he was usually at his home alone so no one actually ever witnessed this happening which he was grateful for. But now that he's trapped here with his old friends who don't have a clue of the hallucinations there is a fat chance they are gonna witness that. Is he Happy about that? Of course not, why would he be happy

All they're doing at the moment is reminding him of his past which is causing alot of the reactions he's having. Which is Being Defensive and Aggressive at the same time which really isn't the best mix but it's quite funny to him sometimes. Considering Takemichi is the peacemaker and tells people Violence ain't really the answer yet he restorts to Violence too alot of the time surprisingly so This Makes our Precious Michi A Hypocrite.

Now Annoyed and Stressed Takemichi is pressed up against the bed, his arms wrapped tightly around his legs making him feel Alot Safer. His Eye's flicker around the room multiple times like said before the room is plain and has no windows even though it looks rich as fuck, he taps his fingers against his leg as if he's drumming along to a random beat he made up.

While it felt like hours it Didn't take long for The Kawata Twins to come to the room and knock on the door announcing their Presence. When they knocked the door was unlocked And pushed open.

The Twins Both Look around The Room "Michi?" One of them calls out and with that they manage to spot a tuff of Black hair(Future michi of course) poke out over the side of the bed Peering over at them. Now that was when they felt like their heart Just Got Squeezed and both of them "awed" Quietly seeing how cute their Michi Is.

"Michi" Smiley Says happily "We brought you food" it seemed impossible but the mans Grin Got Wider

There was Silence for a hot minute before there was a silent nod and that gives the Twins The A-okay to head towards him not too Close though. So thats what they do they step into the room and close the door Behind them.

Authors Note:
Boom Cliffhanger, not really but you know
Anyway Hello Lovelies!
I hope you enjoy todays chapter
There is a 50/50 chance i may not post tomorrow but we'll see what happens and i hope it'll be okay if i end up not posting for tmmr
Remember to eat and hydrate yourselves!
Love you<3

{Word Count:1094}

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