Chapter 22.

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"Cmon Michi! Pleeeeeaaase?"

After they visited the pet shop for a few hours Kazutora thought that it'd be a good idea to get some Icecream it was nice and hot today anyway so Icecream seemed like a good idea.

"No! If you wanted to try this flavour you should have got this one instead of Mint Chocolate Chip"

"But how would i know if i like it or not? What if i bought it and i didn't like it? It'd be a waste of money"

Takemichi Shakes his head slowly linking his icecream enjoying the flavours "You Make it sound like i care Chifuyu, you lot are rich anyway" Takemichi taking advantage of the rich? Yes.

Chifuyu Huffs "Okay fair but that doesn't mean we can't save money"

"Thats exactly what you can't do Chifuyu, you have a habit of spending any money you get your hands on"

"I- Okay You're right on that partner but still there was no need to point that out"

"Im being honest and that is a good thing, Anyway i need the bathroom ill be back in a minute"

"You're gonna have to let one of us go with You Michi" Baji cuts into the conversation

Takemichi rolls his eyes "I literally just need to go piss, were in a public park. There is some communal Toliets just across the park" he points out the toilets that are across the park "plus you'll see me enter and leave the place there is no where to go so i don't know why you're worrying so much"
Thats not true, the small building that has the toilets usually has windows at the back, so he'll crawl out the window and escape! Simple Right?
Of course Takemichi doesn't want to stay with them, just because he trusted Wakasa and was very slowly trusting Izana Doesn't mean he won't attempt to escape, that'd be stupid wouldn't it?

"Fine Be Quick then, we'll be waiting over here for you."

Takemichi nods, turning away from them and begins to quickly speed walk over to the toilets. When he's far away enough he let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding, those three are just as stubborn as Takemichi sometimes so he was surprised that they let him go on his own so easily but he's not complaining he'll just take advantage of the moment and hope for the best.
He takes once last glance at the other three who weren't looking at him at the moment and pushing open the bathroom door and steps inside and he's not particularly surprised considering it's a public Bathroom so he didn't expect it to look pristine.
It doesn't take him too long to spot the window it was a little small but not too small to the point where he couldn't fit through a grin spreads on his face
"Perfect..Just What i needed" he mutters heading over to the window and slides it open and carefully but quickly begins to clamber out the window nearly falling over in the process and lets out a quiet cheer when he successfully manages to get out through the window without any problems.
He glances around both sides you know trying to make sure there is no witnesses and just sprints forward.
Poor Takemichi is running for his life as if the devil was right on his heel and he technically was and Takemichi was not taking any chances and staying there any longer

"Baji, Kazutora don't you think Partner has been inside those toilets for quite a while?"

"Give the man a Damn Chance to Go to the toilet Chifuyu"

"Chifuyu has a point though..Takemichi has been in there for 30 minutes"
Dumb.Dumb as hell, as if they've waited 30 minutes and didn't go and check on him? Damn some people really need to go back to school

Baji looks at them like they're crazy before it clicks "...Well What are you waiting for?! Tell Mikey and the others before Michi actually Gets away!" He yells before running off in the directions of the toilets and searching the area for a moment before going off to search in other places.

"Dibs Not calling Izana!!" Chifuyu Quickly calls "ah Shit! Everytime Chifuyu"

"Well i don't want to have my ass beat by him!"

"Your ass will still get beat even if you're the one to call Mikey"

"Yeah But it won't be AS bad as it would be if i called Izana"

Kazutora sighs "You're correct on that one i guess" and then he hesitantly takes out his phone and calls Izana
While Chifuyu walks a little away from him, so they don't interrupt eachother on call you know

Chifuyu Dialed Mikey's Number for a few seconds before he picked up

"Chifuyu!" Mikey says happily "How's Michi?"
                  "Yeah about that Mikey..."

"You better Not tell Me something has happened to him. The Other Room from that guy still isn't cleaned yet and i don't have time to-"

Chifuyu Cuts off Mikey's Rambles "Mikey Partner has gone missing!" He quickly says, panic could be heard clearly in his voice
The other end of the line was silent for a minute which felt like hours to Chifuyu
"What. Did You just say?"

"Baji Is looking for him Now and Kazutora is Speaking to Izana"

"How Did you Manage to Lose him in the first place?!" He yells Angrily

"We were at the park and he went to the toilets, There was only one Entrance so we don't know how he got out without us seeing"

The Line Was Silent before The line just cut dead, Did he hang up?

To say Mikey Was angry was an Understatement he was PISSED.
More over at the three idiots, how did they manage to let him escape?
But more so Towards himself and the others, they did everything for him! Gave him expensive gifts, they protected him from any where did they go wrong?
Takemichi was supposed to like them by Now!

Authors Note:
Sorry this is so late guys! It feels like forever since i last posted. I hope you all are good and Enjoy this chapter.

Now i want you all to decide what you want Takemichi to do next Chapter considering he's escaped so now what?
For example Should he go to the Police?
Try to find Naoto?
Go on his own and figure something out?
These are obviously just some examples, but the option's are endless!!

So what do you want him to do?
It can be Absolutely Anything! So drop all your ideas here:

Remember to hydrate and eat!!
I love you all<3

{Word Count:1116}

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