"Takemichi Darling Can you come to the back and help me with something please?" A Woman's thick, heavy russian accent filled the quiet store
"Coming Right now Natalia" Takemichi Calls Back to the woman, finishing helping the last customer in the store before making his way to the back
"What do you need Natalia?" A Tall Woman, with long wavey black hair came into view
She was smoking "like usual" Takemichi thinks to himselfThe woman who is now known as Natalia turns fully to look at him "Didn't you Run out of ingredients for the Kitchen?"
Takemichi nods "Ah Yeah Luckily i had enough to make the last batch for today, now that you've mentioned it you've reminded me that i need to get some more"
"Yeah I thought so, I'll give you some money so you can get some ingredients, Organise the stuff and then you can go home"
"Er Natalia the store is ment to be open for another" Takemichi looks over to the clock " For Another Two hours"
Natalia Nods "I know That Darling, But Business has been slow today so i doubt we'll have anyone else in today, Plus it's winter and it's very cold so not many came in today"
"I suppose you're right about that..Alright Ill close the store too are the keys where they usually are?"
"Yeah They are, I appreciate you doing this Takemichi"
Takemichi waves her off with a soft smile "Im Just Doing my job"
"I know But still, you're one of the best employees ive ever had"
Takemichi Laughs a little "Natalia Im the only employee you've had since you've opened this place
"Your point is? Still the best one"
Takemichi shakes his head the smile on his face never leaving "Whatever you say Natalia"
"Alright here is the.." She pulls out an expensive looking purse and pulls out a large sum of money Handing it to Takemichi "the money, here you go dear"
Takemichi isn't surprised by the amount of money he's used to Natalia giving him large sums of money at the most random times.
Natalia was one of the first people Takemichi properly met when he moved to this place (can be any place in Japan apart from Roppongi and Shibuya, will not affect the story) When Takemichi got off the train, the first thing he did was look for a job which is when he eventually met Natalia who had recently opened up a bakery and was obviously looking for employees so Takemichi took advantage of that and tried to get the job. The only issue is that he couldn't bake, so while the place was getting it's last furnishes he baked and baked teaching himself of course there was alot of trials and errors but that didn't throw Takemichi off at all and eventually he gained the reputation of being one of the best bakers in the area. So by Now Takemichi has been working with Natalia for a year Nearly two and since then Natalia has been his best friend considering they were similar ages.
"Alright Thanks Natalia, ill call you like usual when i get home"
Natalia Made Takemichi call each time he got home, simply so she can be sure he made it there safely and with no problems. Though there has been a few problems when Takemichi went home so Natalia took it in her own hands to teach him how to fight freely, so that's how he learned the basics and a little more, just enough to be able to atleast survive in a fight."Okay Darling Be safe, ill speak to you soon" And with that Natalia Leaves the Bakery, Waving goodbye on her way out
Takemichi who waves back puts the money he was given into his pockets and grabs the store keys, making sure he has everything he leaves locking the place behind him.
Takemichi was so glad to have met Natalia, she helped him out so much he practically owes his life to her. She didn't question him in anyway shape or form and when asked she helped takemichi grow his hair a little below his sholder and dyed his hair a nice cream Colour with White tips on the end. He looks completely different from when he first arrived here, you know helps him hide himself better.
He almost Forgot about Mikey and all them, well not really his memories of them got pushed to the back of his mind and doesn't think about them at all though there is the odd times where he'll have a flashback and on those days he usually locks himself in his quaint apartment and even then Natalia didn't question him when he said "just having some bad flashbacks" and let him have that day off. Even though they are close in age and Natalia is seen as quite an aggressive and intimidating woman she was really like a worried mother and she showed that quite often.Takemichi hums some tune he heard once and walks down the pavement happily, anyone who walked by him could just feel that happy aura and half the time it made those people happy too even if they were having a bad day. Like said before Takemichi was pretty well known and eventually Takemichi got to know everyone in the area too and they treated him like any normal person which made him feel good.
He enters a small local Grocery Store Grabbing a cart on his way in, slowly taking his time around the place Grabbing the things he needs Crossing them off the list and even got himself some things to bring home, to treat himself you know? He pushes the now full cart to the Checkout conveyorbelt"Ah Takemichi You're back, How was the Bakery Today?
Takemichi Flashes the old man with a bright smile "Hey Mr Katoka, the Bakery Was very slow today not many Customers so it was nice and quiet for once. How is business doing here?"
The old man begins to Scan The items "It's the usual Amount, though there were multiple different groups of friends that seemed to make on big group"
Takemichi Raises a brow "Oh really? New people here isn't common, they better have been nice to you"
"Ah they were Kind, very kind a few of them looked a little scary"
Takemichi's Chuckles "Anyone is Scary to you Mr Katoka"
"That's not True Takemichi anywho That'll be 11,303.29 Yen Please" (aparently that is 75pounds in yen, so im sorry if it's incorrect im just rollin with it)
"Whatever You say" Takemichi Takes out the correct amount of money and hands it over. He then picks up his now bagged items and heads to the door
"Bye Mr Katoka! Stay Safe"
Authors note:
BOOM Cliffhanger!!
Not a good cliffhanger but it works and this chaper is longer then the last two! That makes me happy
All you guys literally have me cackling so late at night with your comments, they are just too goodOnce again i thank you all for the support
I hope you enjoy this chapter:)
Remember to hydrate and eat!!
Love you all{Word Count:1200}

Out Of Time--Tokyo Revengers.
Hayran KurguHe Didn't expect this to happen He didn't want this to happen What's wrong with them..? Why won't they leave him alone?...