He didn't know what to do. What could he do? He's in an area he doesn't even know, and he honestly just wants to cry he should've thought about this more..No.No! If he thought about it more when would the next opportunity come for him to escape? Next Week? Next Month? Next Year?! He doesn't even know.
What he DOES Know is that he can't go back on this now, he can already imagine that Senju, Izana, Mikey and all the others are probably Pissed or Furious even and he doesn't want to know what'll happen to him if they manage to get their hands on him once more.
Why Would he let that happen though?
Staying with them all once was Enough and he'd rather not go back.It was getting late now and he still doesn't know what to do. Hell he doesn't even know how long he's been walking about now, he stopped running long ago when he was close to falling over from exhaustion. It was also the one day he forgot his phone back at the HQ i mean he didn't even have a chance to grab his phone considering he was dragged out the HQ as soon as he finished Breakfast, well the past is in the past there is nothing he can do now.
Glancing around the street he was walking on was empty the street lights on the side getting rid of most of the darkness which made Takemichi feel a little safer, that means nothing can grab him from the darkness now right?
"Ive got to stop being so Negative. I've Managed to escape so i have some time to actually Plan Something." He mutters to himself kicking a random rock that was on the pavement into the road which was just a simple way of distracting himself from the situation"Takemichi?" Someone Calls out from behind him
Takemichi freezes in his spot, who was that? And why did he sound so...Similar?
Takemichi Slowly turns around quietly hoping it wasn't Mikey or any of the others and almost Starts crying right then and there when he realises who it was
The guy who was now Identified as Naoto Lets out a sigh of relief and begins to walk over to Takemichi"Takemichi where have you been? You just disappeared off the face of the earth just leaving a note and nothing else you caused my to panic" Naoto Rubs his temple feeling a headache coming on, probably from the stress of finally seeing Takemichi after what? Nearly a year?
"Naoto" Takemichi says once more before breaking down crying, Naoto is probably one of the people Takemichi actually wanted to see
Naoto frowns now concerned "Cmon Takemichi let's go find a place that's open and we can talk" Naoto gently psuhes Takemichi Forward to get him to start walking
"You have No Idea how Happy i am to See you" Takemichi Cries rubbing his eyes in an attempt to stop crying, Finally Everything has caught up with him."How Have You Not Found him yet?!" Mikey Yells to some Random Person who's lower in the gang on the phone
"Check the Cameras, ask Witnesses show them a photo of him I don't know and i don't care How you do it i just want Michi Found! Now!!""We've Tried Everything We Can Sir!! There was No Witnesses of That Boy disappearing and the only time he was seen was for a few seconds when he sprinted by a camera."
"Send the Camera Footage Over and get any Files On Takemichi Hanagaki sent to us Now."
And that was that Mikey had ended the call and slammed his phone onto a table and for a second he was worried he broke it but then he remembered he was rich so he wasn't worried no more
You're probably wondering what he needs the files for when that has absolutely nothing to do with helping them find Takemichi
The files aren't going to help them find Takemichi, anything useful on Takemichi's file will help them...Control Takemichi i suppose. Something to give him a little push into obeying them like an obedient puppy that way no more problems to worry about and they don't have to worry about Takemichi Escaping again and they can simply give him plenty of love and affection just like they've always wanted to."So Takemichi...What happened?"
Here Takemichi and Naoto were, in a 24 hour cafe building(before any of you say, ik there isn't any 24 hour cafe buildings i just kinda wanted the vibe to fit and i don't actually know any 24 hour places that serve coffee and food and an area to sit at) and it was currently 9:30pm"I don't exactly know how to explain it.." Takemichi mutters sipping on his drink
"Just start from what you know"
"Er i guess it'd be.. when the past was perfect and the future was fine i ended up coming back to the future but i seemed to be in the middle of no where and on the run.." Takemichi continued to explain everything that happened up to now, avoiding the topic of one person
"And they Just seem So...Obsessive of me and i don't know why!" Takemichi sinks into his seat ready to start crying again "and the way they're going i don't think they'll ever stop till they get me again"Naoto didn't know how to feel or even react, Just what exactly happened?
If the future and past was as perfect as Takemichi said What went wrong?"Well We need to get you out of this city as quick as possible Takemichi, you're obviously not safe here. Hell It'd be better to get you out of Japan!"
"And How Am i going to do that Naoto? I have no money, Hell Bonten has all the sources they need! They have fuckin eyes everywhere they'll probably find me within the next half hour if i stay in one place for too long" Takemichi Shakes his head Clearly Stressed.
It was All coming Back to him, his past is arising once more. They're coming for him just Like Them.
No No he doesn't mean the one guy he encountered at the Mall He Means Them. Those Two.
They Ruined his life
They made his life miserableAh Kisaki.. The one who seems to hate Takemichi so much he just destroyed his life with the snap of his fingers.
But that's not it..Kisaki May Hate him but that Changed after Hina Left with Emma...Takemichi was the only thing that was closest to Hina..
And if he can't have Hina..He'll simply have her best friend!And Hanma, Kisaki's right hand Man.
A man who rarely seems interested in anyone he's only intrested into those who give him a thrill.. A reason to be excited, Get the Adrenaline Pumping.
But Also the type of Guy who will Break all you're Limbs Just to see your reaction.
A sadist.
A Monster.Takemichi Found it Hard Enough to Escape from those two, But Now he has a Whole ass Gang on his tail?
At this point he's considering throwing himself off a bridge.And Now they're both After Him Bonten...Kisaki and Hanma
They don't let up do they?Authors Note:
Hey Guys!! I hope you enjoy This Chapter since i posted the last chapter at midnight/1am this chapter would kinda be a 2nd post since it's only 11pmSo What'll Happen Next?
I love reading your guys ideas because they are literally so good and creative!
It makes me want to put atleast one idea you guys have in each chapter
So what do you want to happen next?
What'll Takemichi And Naoto decide to do?
Drop all you're ideas here!!Remember to Hydrate and Eat!
Love you all<3{Word Count:1323}

Out Of Time--Tokyo Revengers.
FanficHe Didn't expect this to happen He didn't want this to happen What's wrong with them..? Why won't they leave him alone?...