Chapter 16.

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Spending the day with Izana and kakucho

Takemichi Has no idea how a small hangout turned out like this, One second he was by a window looking at the wildlife outside and the next he's dragged outside and into an expensive looking car sandwiched in between Izana and Kakucho, Being forced to Hold their Hands while they simply Chat as is nothing is happening.
Though Takemichi doesn't mind Holding their hands because it turns out their hands are surprising soft he's definitely gonna need to find out what Hand Moisturiser they use.

"So Uh Where exactly are we Going?" Takemichi interrupts whatever conversation they were having in the politest way possible.

"That'd Ruin the Surprise Love" Izana simply says not giving any clues at all on where they're going

Takemichi Huffs " Cmon Please just tell me"

Kakucho Shakes his head "Like Izana said Michi, it'd ruin the surprise"

Takemichi angrily mutters under his breath a small pout now formed on his face

"Awe Don't be like that love, look on the bright side we're nearly there"

Takemichi Takes a Glance out the window and spots a giant building which he can make out to be a...Mall?
"Are We stopping by that mall?"

"Bingo Love! We're taking you shopping and after that we're taking you to some Restaurant we found a while back"

Takemichi gives a quiet nod and follows Izana And Kakucho out the car which has finally Stopped in front of the mall.
Once he's out the car the two other boys don't hesitate to grab onto his hands again.
Before Dragging him into the Giant building, basically merging into the crowds

Takemichi glances around cautiously tightening his grip on both of their hands trying to match the pace the other two are going at. Takemichi lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding when the three of them finally got out the crowd and into a more secluded area. The three of them finally slow down and simply wander around, currently window shopping and while Takemichi was distracted both Izana and Kakucho stopped forcing Takemichi to stop with them.
"Hm? Why did you both stop?"
Takemichi looks over and see's them both looking at a formal Clothing shop, Takemichi can guess that there about to go in there to pick out clothes for this restaurant.

Izana Looks over to Takemichi "Hey Love, you okay to come in here?"

Takemichi gives a nod "yeah i don't mind"

Thats all they needed before Dragging him into the shop looking at all different kinds of suits. Alot of them looking more expensive then others and that made Takemichi Cringed when he had a glance at a few of the price Tags.

Izana Holds up a suit to show Kakucho And Takemichi "What Do you think of this one Love?"

Takemichi looks at the suit properly, looks like any Normal suit really, though it has some Gold Accents to it
"It Looks Nice, Simple but nice"

Izana shoves the suit in Takemichi's arms and begins to push him towards some changing rooms "Well Go try it on Love and see what you think! Me And Kakucho will continue to look around okay and then we'll meet you back here okay?"

"Er Sure ill see you soon i guess"
Izana Gives a nod before disappearing in the many rows of expensive Suits, Dresses, skirts, shirts and Anything formal really.
Takemichi Lets out a quiet sigh and heads inside the changing room changing out the comfy clothes he was in and into the suit instead.

Now stood in a full body Mirror Takemichi looks at himself, as nice as the suit was.. it wasn't comfy. Not that he expects it to considering its a suit but it was the fact it was so uncomfortable  he found it hard to move about in. So he gets back into his clothes and steps out the changing room quickly heading to put the suit back from where Izana Got it from Originally.
Though he spots something out the corner of his eye, it seems to be a vest type suit wandering over to it he picks it up Having a better look at it he lets out a little "hm" this type of suit looks a lot more Comfortable then the other suit.
Having a Glance around he can't seem to spot Izana or Kakucho, now this would be a good time to run though Takemichi has that deep pit feeling in his stomach, like he has that feeling if he does run away something bad would happen. All sense's seem to disappear when he sees someone a couple Rows away, someone he wished to never see again and that someone Made Eye contact with him so with that he completely ignores the pit in his stomach he doesn't hesitate to quickly leave the store dropping the outfit along with him.
He easily Merges in With the Croud The person following after him.

When Izana And Kakucho Reappear more into the Open of the shop they were concerned on where Takemichi had gone and Panicked when realising he wasn't in the store. Izana Quickly storms over to one of the employees grabbing them by the sholder "Where Did the Black hair and blue eyed boy go? The shop is empty so you'll know who im talking about."

The poor Employee who was shocked from getting grabbed stuttered out an answer "h-he Left the Store i-in a hurry a man quickly followed after. Now please let me go!"  The employee gasped when they were shoved away and somehow managed to stabilise themselves

Izana Grunts "For Fuck Sake." He snaps "Come On Kakucho." Izana doesn't wait for a response before leaving the store
Kakucho quickly following behind.

Takemichi Pushes himself through the Crowd and lets out a Cry when he was suddenly grabbed by the hair and thrown onto the floor. Takemichi Glances up to the person and already has tears in his eyes "Did You Miss me Michi?~"

Authors Note:
That art Mock exam was awful💀 we were in silence the whole thing and i wasn't aloud to do a little practice plan before starting even though we had a few hours so i had to go straight onto a Canvas unprepared. I literally wanted to throw myself off a bridge

Anyway this is how im thinking Takemichi will look in the story. I haven't drawn them but i think he'd have a few fave scars considering the amount of Face beatings he got, he's also got piercings. And obviously he has the black hair and slightly longer hair like mentioned in the last chapter or the other one

Before you question i imagine Takemichi to be atleast a little Curvey so Obviously he has a bit of curves around the hips and has some thick thighs i honestly think it turned out pretty nice looking.

Sorry i can't rotate it.
Anyway i hope you enjoyed todays Chapter!
Remember to eat and drink
Love you all<3

{Word Count:1178}

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