Chapter 7.

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Takemichi Lets out a screech when the executives, who were only walking towards him suddenly moved quicker taking the poor Boy Off Guard he did attempt to move backwards once more but he's now pinned to the floor by the Executives.

Now you must be like whats the point in that? Its not like Takemichi Could Fight and take them all on, so its pointless pinning him to the ground. If they just let Takemichi be, it doesn't mean he won't throw hands again so they are improvising and holding him down so there is no chance he won't harm anyone while mikey injects the Drug. Mikey soon begins move towards towards Takemichi once again, and he quicky reels his leg back before pushing it forward, Narrowly missing Takeomi's Face and in Response his leg is held down harder. At this Rate Takemichi was trying so hard to get out from under the executives, you can see Veins popping out of his arms. The Full Panic and Realisation Finally Sets in, He's Gonna be drugged and is about to go missing and will never be seen again

"No..No....No" Takemichi shakes his head muttering those words over and over again
"You Brought this on yourself Mitchy...You should have just listened and this wouldn't have happened." Mikey Smiles crouching down next to the boy at this point the tears that had built up again suddenly overflowed shaking his head quickly "no.No! Im sorry!" He cries "It won't Happen again! Ill be good i promise!" By Now the Alcohol he drank was also Taking affect so some of his words were Slurred

Mikey sighs a smile still on his face "You should've thought about that before..You shouldn't have taken our Warnings lightly. We told we wouldn't let you leave...Did you actually Believe you could leave us again? That Wounds me Mitchy."

"Please Just Leave Me alone" he Sobs " Your Obsessed Just let me go" He cries even harder though the sounds of his cries seem to blur and just sound like ringing in his ears and Takemichi Soon lets out a noise Similar Of a whine when he feels a pinch in the side of his neck the effect of the drug injected almost immediately Taking affect. And only a minute or two later with takemichi crying does his eyes finally roll back passing out he'd be asleep for a while they had plenty of time to Take him Back to their HQ Or Base whatever you'd liks to call it.

Mikey soon stands back up to his full height "Now thats over and done with, we can finally Take him Back to the others. Im sure they'll be very Happy."

Senju Nods Happily in agreement "Mhm Ive not heard the others shut up about Michi Ever since word got back that he came back from the past"

Izana Simply Grunts in response before a thought comes to mind "Now All We need to do is Get Rid of...What was his name again? Nao..Naoto! Thats it, we have to get rid of him before he finds Michi And makes him go back to the past again. I'd rather not lose Michi again, I'd go More insane then i already am!" He grins saying that as a normal thing

Now It's Shinichiro who speaks up "The only issue with that is it'd make michi Hate us even More. And that'd make him resent us even more.."

Mikey Shrugs his sholders "He'll learn to notice that those who are going to die is simply because he disobeys. Think of it as a punishment, all we need to do is break him and he'll learn to love us and only us."

Senju Claps her hands in Joy "Oh Yes yes!! The thought of Michi Listening to only us is very Exciting! That would mean no more worrying about him leaving us again" She sighs Happily wanting this plan to happen faster

Shinichiro Simply sighs "Don't Push your luck guys, you have no idea what'll happen in the future" and he shrugs

Izana sticks his tongue out at him "You Worry Too much Old Man."

At this point you could see a vein pop out of Shinichiro's forehead even though he has a sinister smile on his face "What was that Izana? Would you like to repeat yourself? Ill Whoop Your ass, no Hesitation."

The Executives Eye's are just flickering between the two Brothers as if they're Watching some Interesting movie. That's before Mitsuya Steps up to say something, being the more..Calm one of the group i guess "Cmon You guys, the more time you all waste the Quicker Michi will wake up..You don't want another bitewound do you Mikey?"

"Welllll If it's by Michi im perfectly Happy With that!"

Draken Looks at the supposed 'boss' who's currently Being a child. Clearly Nothing changed from when they were teenagers "Whatever Mikey, Mitsuya Has a point. We need to bring him Back before the others decide to come out to find him.. they'll end up arrested for being Reckless"

"Pffft!- You Make me laugh Ken-Chin, the police won't do shit! You know that..We're the Biggest Crime Organisation in Japan! Even if they tried they'd just end up dead so i don't think they'll bother us"

Both Ran And Rindou Nod in agreement, before Rindou the logical thinking brother decides to mention one key thing "Yeah But if he wakes up He'll be able to see the directions to the HQ Therefore Making it easier for him to escape since he'll know the directions."

Takeomi Drops a cigarette he had onto the ground before stopping on it "im sure Michi is smart Enough To not try anything funny, he does have quick thinking and Recklessness so we need to be careful. One thing he isn't good at is Lying so that'll make our Job Alot Easier."

Senju Hums "Takeomi Does Make a point...Anyway lets take him home!! I dibs Being the first to cuddle with him!"

Mikey Huffs Pouting "Thats not fair!"

Authors Note:
I am so sorry this chapter came out so Late!!
I hope you all enjoy it though!
Thank you all for the Votes and Lovely Comments! Seeing your guys Comments make my day so much better!

Remember to Eat and Hydrate Yourselves!
Love you<3

{Word Count:1065}

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