Chapter 42.

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"And the person to go and Check up On Michi and bring him here to join lunch is Is...Hanma!" As soon as the name left Shinichiro's Mouth shouts of protests left alot of people's mouths, all of them knowing how weird Hanma could get when he wanted to. While the said Man simply had a laid back posture and a lazy grin on his face

Draken Slams his fist against the Table, a very annoyed smile and some very Obvious Veins Bulging out on his Arms and the odd one on his face "Your Telling me We Have to Let this Damn Zombie go and Check on Michi"  Emphasis on the Zombie part

"Yeah Ken-Chin Is Right!" Draken Doesn't even call him out for the name this time too bothered by the Fact That Hanma Of All people gets to go

Shinichiro ignores His Younger Brothers Pout "We All Drew Fairly and Hanma was picked therefore he gets to go" he shrugs "We'll pull again later the next time we're dealing with Michi that way it's fair for everyone and it's not the same people going all the time"

Mikey Knew Shinichiro was right and has nothing to say in retaliation so he just huffs and continues to pout like an angry Child.

Shinichiro grins at that and Clasps his hands together "Okay! Anymore Objections?"

Everyone Apart from the Man himself clearly has some Objections but don't bother to voice them out knowing it won't lead to Anything.

Now with Takemichi he was starting to rethink things through, 'can he Really Do this?' He knows Mikey or Literally Any of them could easily Harm him if they wanted to. All of them without a doubt are 10× Stronger then him well maybe apart from Shinichiro, from what he knows that Shinichiro was a shitty fighter and the fact that Takemichi learned how to fight a little he definitely has a higher chance at winning in a fight against him but that's all there would still be 15+ people
So fighting against them is Definitely off the List, what else could he do...? Well He'll Cross that bridge when he needs to and that moment is most certainly not now

Takemich was just sat on his bed now fresh as ever and was just minding his business. Now used to the current Routine he knows it's around the time for someone to come and bring his lunch. So to his surprise, instead of the usual knock that alerts him of someone coming, the door Slammed open Causing the boy to practically jump out of his Skin and his heart to leap into his throat. His head whipped towards the door with many questions running through his head

"Ta~ka~mit~chy~!" A very annoying, Teasing and a very Recognisable voice filled the air before the person stepped into the room.
As soon as Takemichi Saw Who it was his Face Dropped as if he seen someone just purposely drop his food and stomp on it
"Awe Don't Give Me that look Michi!" Hanma looks at him with his usual grin, he'd never say it but he was slightly surprised isn't Takemichi Ment to look a mess? Did the Lower Gang Members Lie to them? Stupid Question they obviously did when Takemichi Looks as if nothing happened to him, as if any trauma he had disappeared only scars left behind to serve as a distant memory.
Takemichi Continues to Just look at him Silently for a minute before Sighing running a hand through his hair "What Do you Want Hanma?"

"Am i Not allowed to Visit you?"

"No." An instant Response which kinda made Takemichi want to laugh

Hanma Just Looks at him before shaking his head "Im here To Take you to Join us for Lunch!"

"I'd rather Starve then eat with you guys" Takemichi Crosses His Arms

"Well We can't Have that Happen now can we?" Hanma Raises a Brow the grin on his face never leaving

"Tch A shame really" Takemichi rolls his eyes "Whatever let's get this over and done with" he stands up purposely taking his time and just walks past Hanma without sparing him a glance and just stands there waiting for Hanma To lead them to the dining room. That's what he does and aparently Hanma Doesn't know when to Shut up Because even though Takemichi was silent and was very obviously ignoring him Hanma Just Kept Talking and Talking and it made Takemichi want to rip out his hair
"Alright We're Here Michi" Hanma Glances at the boy, it felt slightly weird considering Takemichi used to be so much shorter then him but now Takemichi is like an inch Taller
As soon as they even get near the room all the noise in there stops and when they walked into the room all eyes went to them

Authors Note:
I am so sorry i made you guys wait so long for this Chapter, it isn't even great either but i hope you all enjoy it anyway!

For those who hadn't seen my announcement i wasn't writing for my mental health BUT I am now going back to half days for school which means i get to go home after 3rd lesson so maybe it'll be easier to write. But my writing will still be a little off though so please don't expect a chapter everyday

Also i Noticed Something went wrong with my Wattpad and while i wasn't writing for my mental health even if i wanted to i couldn't go on it for some reason? And when i managed to get back onto it my newest book was deleted. Im not to worried about that though as there wasn't too much with that at the moment.
Ill keep working on this book before releasing another just to make it slightly easier for myself.

I want to thank you all for being so supportive and patient with me! You Guy's do a better job then some people i know in real life so thank you all again<3
Every single one of you are amazing people so i wish nothing but the best for all you lovely people

Remember To Hydrate and eat!
Love you <3

{Word Count:1047}

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