Chapter 20.

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WOOO We officially Hit the 20th Chapter Mark!! Isn't that exciting?

So. It was officially the next Day, As soon as Takemichi finished eating the night before Shinichiro forced him to go back to Wakasa's room and to go sleep even though he woke up from a good 2 hour Nap Not too long before.
So What did he do?
He spent the hours just looking up at the ceiling getting lost in the thousands of thoughts that were currently Living in his mind, listening to the clock Tick Antahonizingly Slow.
And By the time around 3am was when he heard footsteps heading towards the room, he turned over so his back was facing the door and pretended to be asleep. When you see Alot of Traumatic things you tend to pick up a habit of acting the way people want you to act For example if they expected a happy Reaction Takemichi would give them a Happy Reaction even though he's not  happy. So acting like he was asleep was a piece of Cake for him. Even After Wakasa had gotten into bed next to him, Takemichi Just Layed awake listening to the soft Breathing of the person next to him.
Did Him not sleep through the night affect him? Yes. It affected him Greatly, he was that tired that Wakasa had to basically carry Takemichi out of bed and downstairs do the Dining room where everyone was Gathered to have Breakfast. Takemichi Got Many "Good Mornings" thrown towards him and he'd give a tired response.

So there Takemichi was, Sat at the Table In-between Mikey And Izana, His head Bobbing forwards slightly as if he was about to fall asleep right then and there. Although hesitant, he was pushed to eat the food infront of him and when he did his eyes suddenly Sparkled and quickly Shoved more in his mouth
"Slow down there Michi. You might Choke on that" Mikey smiles at him gently patting his back.
He got a hum in response considering Takemichi's mouth is full and he was more focused on the food anyway, as he should because food is mostly everyone's priority.

Takemichi ate his food that quickly he was disappointed to see an empty plate, he frowns a little bit with a quiet huff. He really is like a child Sometimes

"So Michi." Mitsuya Speaks up "Do you want to know who You're hanging out with today?"

Takemichi Nods "Sure...I guess?" He mutters, his answer sounding more like a question
Mitsuya Pulls out his Phone to pull up his notes which has the groups of people in order who were due to hang Out with Takemichi
"The people Who you are ment to hang out with today is....Oh Fuck"

"Who Is it Mitsuya?" Draken asks raising a brow at the lilac haired boy

Mitsuya lets out a sigh putting his phone down "It's Chifuyu, Kazutora And Baji"
The three of the mentioned boys let out a cheer and Takemichi Thought his soul had Finally left his body up to heaven.
All Takemichi Knows is that those three together open up the pit of hell all on their own with just their existence

"You Hear That Michi? You're stuck with us for today!" Baji exclaims a grin on his face, his fangs Clearly Showing

"Did You read that Right Mitsuya? No mistake??" Takemichi ignores Baji's words and was hoping and praying to all gods out there That Mitsuya Read the Notes Wrong

Mitsuya Shakes his head "Unfortunately Not"

"That's just Giving me a free Pass To god at this point"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean Partner? You're acting like we're gonna Kill you"

Takemichi pushes his plate forward, and rests his head where the plate was instead and closes his eyes "That's Because you guys Probably Will" he whispers

"Don't be like that Michi. You'll definitely be safe in our hands" it was Kazutora Speaking this time

"Thanks For Lying Right to My Face Kazutora"

Izana Pats Takemichi's back Gently "There There Love, im not surprised you don't trust them. I wouldn't trust them with my life either"

"Shut Up Izana!" Baji Angrily Shouts

Takemichi Groans and sits back up properly and Rubs his eyes tiredly "..Lets Just get this over and done with."

"Alright then! Let's go Partner!" Chifuyu was Quick out of his seat heading over to Takemichi and Basically Drags the poor boy behind him while Takemichi's face is giving the "kill me now" vibes.
Baji And Kazutora looked at eachother before quickly rushing to catch up with the other two "Hey Wait up!" Kazutora Calls out
And then That was them gone

"Do you think Michi Will Make it out alive from those three?" Angry was the one to break the silence
His brother looks over at him with his usual smile
"He better or else I'll be adding 3 more kills to my Kill Count...Not that i mind though."

Shinichiro Shakes his head "Michi Will come back in one piece don't worry" Even he was doubting his own words

Mikey Nods "exactly. And if there is any problems...We'll sort them out like we usually do!" Mikey Smiles
"Now I want some Doriyaki, im hungry"

Draken Shakes his head in Disbelief "You Literally just ate Two Plate worths of food"

Mikey Puffs his Cheeks out angrily "Okay And? Im still Hungry and i want Doriyaki!"

Draken drags a hand down his face, shaking his head. This man is so done, Mikey needs to let the man rest
"Whatever Mikey, Come on lets go get you more..You ate the last lot Yesterday."

Mikey Cheers throwing his hands up in the air, eyes now sparkling happily "WooHoo! Way To go Ken-chin!" (Yall recognise this line?💀)
Mikey is quick to stand up while Draken being the opposite takes his time. Mikey not even giving him time to even breath, he heads off Draken sighing disappointingly and Begrudgingly follows after.

"Well Since we all Seem to be done here, Everyone Go do there needed Tasks" Izana Breaks the silence, Kakucho being beside him does the same. Those two never seemed to be separated they're like two peas in a pod.
And no one seems to be in the mood to argue so they do as told and all separate

Authors Note:
Sorry For not posting yesterday Guys! My brother took me out to waterstones yesterday and i got the last volume of demon slayer
And he got me a new sketchbook too, so i was slightly busy enjoying those!

Also the next chapter may be shorter, since it'll be based on the day Takemichi, Kazutora, chifuyu and baji hang out, it all really depends on the idea's i have. If you all have any ideas you want them to do leave some comments here please:)

I've got a question for you guys, Now im not ending the book obviously but i want to know should i write another one at somepoint? I already have some ideas, It'd be another AllTake but it'll be a non time travel Au. There will still be gangs and obviously this will be based when Takemichi was a teenager so all the characters are aged down too.
Shinichiro is dead and More older/adult characters won't have you know interest, it'll be more like the need to protect a siblings e.g Wakasa and Takeomi etc
Would you all be interested?

Anyway i hope you enjoy todays chapter!
Remember to Hydrate and eat!
Love you all <3

{Word Count: 1261}

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