Takemichi lets out a huff as he successfully manages to unlock the bakery store and shoves the door open trying not to drop any of the bags considering he had quite a bit of eggs and he doesn't want them to crack. He Stumbles his way into the kitchen and puts all the bags down onto the main Counter he lets out a grin "That Wasn't Too Bad Now was it Takemichi?" He mutters to himself "Alright the Sooner i get all this packed away the quicker i can go home and have some good food" Hyping himself up with food just so he won't be lazy and leave it for tomorrow.
After a little bit his phone Rings, yes he managed to get himself a new phone
He answers without looking considering he doesn't really talk to Anyone apart from Natalia and a few of the older workers in other shops who treat Takemichi as their Child."Moshi Moshi?"
"Takemichi Darling! Are you home yet?"
"Ah No Not yet Natalia, ive put away about half of the stuff ive Bought"
"Okay Take your time Darling! But me on speaker so we can talk while you finish up"
"Alright" Takemichi Puts his phone on speaker and puts it in an empty space on the counter "Hey Natalia Did Mr Katoka Tell you?"
"About What Takemichi? You're gonna have to be more specific darling"
"Mr Katoka Said there was a big group going round That separate into smaller groups, which were aparently still big even though they separated"
Natalia Hums in Thought "Ah! Yes Yes i know What you're On about, I walked by them when they were all together on my way home"
Takemichi Raises a brow Stopping what he was doing for a second "Oh? Really? What were they like?"
"Pretty Loud Not gonna Lie Darling, though i heard from other people that they thought they were intimidating"
"Well did you think they were intimidating Natalia?"
"Not at all! No One Can intimidate me, I intimidate them!" Natalia Loudly Laughs
Takemichi shakes his head with a smile
"That's me done packing-" the chime of the bell at the door interrupts him "oh i must've forgotten to lock the door on my way in..Considering the bakery should still be open ill go serve whoever is out there""Alright Stay Safe Darling! Ill see you in work tomorrow"
"I will, See you Soon Natalia"
And with that Takemichi Hangs up, adjusts the apron he's wearing and peaks out the kitchen door seeing quite alot of people. He heads Behind the counter
"I Apologise For the Wait, i wasn't expecting anyone To come in for the rest of the Day" Takemichi looks up and cringes not visibly though, he can recognise everyone there Hell Since when Did Kisaki and Hanma Work With Mikey and Naoto etc? They Don't seem to recognise him which is good"Now, What Can i do For you?" He flashes a grin to them all
Izana Steps Forward "Well What do you sell? We're new to the area and don't know whats best"
"Ah I could tell Your all not from here, You All Stick out like a sore thumb." He laughs a bit "Anyway We sell Mostly anything, what you name we probably have"
Mikey Happily Bounds up next to Izana "Do you Have Any Doriyaki?"
Takemichi Nods "Yes Yes Of course, One of the most common things people buy from here. We have 6 left from the last batch of the day."
"We'll have a bit of Anything!" Senju Exclaims interrupting mikey from what he was about to say
"Sure Let me Bag that up for you" And he does exactly that
While everyone was waiting and chatting with eachother Izana, Mikey and Senju wait by the counter simply watching Takemichi.
Wakasa Walks Up to the Counter And speaks up Lazily "Can We ask you a question?"Takemichi raises a brow looking up and stopping his bagging momentarily "Sure Go Ahead"
"Have you seen this person?" Wakasa slides his phone Close to Takemichi, there was an image of what Takemichi used to look like a year and a bit more back. Thats probably why they didn't recognise him, not only is his appearance different curtesy of him stop covering all his battle scars and his dyed hair etc. He also grew Taller, he used to be at least 5'8 then(i Headcannon that Michi is more taller then shown, More huggable you know?)
And he shot up with height and is now 6'0 nearly as tall as draken and hanma, like i said the more huggable the better"Ah No Sorry" Takemichi Sweatdrops, he can literally feel sweat form on his forehead he's honestly getting a little nervous he is not liking that he's talking to these lot all of a sudden after so long
"I remember Face's Quite Well and if he was in the area i would remember him. So No Sorry"Izana Stares at Takemichi For a really long time to the point, Takemichi can feel his stares burn through him. He looks over to Izana, he nervously Chuckles "Do you need anything?"
"You Sound Like Michi" he Blankly says, the one thing Takemichi couldn't change was his easy recognisable Voice
"Don't worry About it Mr!" Senju Grins "he's on about the person we're looking for, they went missing""Oh- Im so Sorry About that-"
Mikey stares at him now too "He's not wrong though...You do Sound like Our Michi What's your Name?""Oh Shit Oh shit-" Takemichi Thinks to himself "I was not prepared for this moment" he panics in his mind, Out of all times why now? When life is so great
"Mr?" Senju Calls out snapping Takemichi Out of his mindspace "Im sorry about that, Im a foreigner so my name is a bit different from Names over here. My Name Is Jay Smith"
Takemichi Quickly Finishes Bagging the items "Here you Go That'll be 7,575.35 Yen Please" (Once Again i used Google to get the Yen amount, I apologise if that is incorrect, apparently that's around £50)Izana And Mikey Both Continue to stare at Takemichi who was visibly uncomfortable and had a nervous smile on his face While Senju hands him the right amount of Money. Mikey and Izana Both Grabbed the bags and simple left no words the others noticed and was confused but followed after the two leaving senju "Im Sorry About that Mr, thanks for bagging our food! See you around!"
She waves as she leaves the Bakery and once she does, Takemichi Lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding and just grabbed his Stuff, Turned off all the lights, flipped the door sign to closed and leaves locking the door behind him and rushes off to his Apartment, the opposite Direction the group went.Authors Note:
Woah Im posting this Way Early then i usually do which is around 8pm or later but im 4 hours earlyAnywho This Is Natalia!
This was made on the Picrew Website as i didn't have time to draw her myself but this is what i imagined her to look like.
I recommend picrew for those looking to make Characters! You can make all different characters in different styles, it's amazing!
What do you all think of Natalia? Do you all like her as a character?Anyway I hope you all enjoy Todays Chapter!
Remember to Hydrate and eat
I love you all<3{Word Count:1255}

Out Of Time--Tokyo Revengers.
FanfictionHe Didn't expect this to happen He didn't want this to happen What's wrong with them..? Why won't they leave him alone?...