Stumbling into his Apartment Takemichi Let out a Relieved sigh, Glad that even though he was stupid to Leave Natalia and not go to her Apartment he was glad that he still had his Apartment Keys that definitely makes his night a little better.
He turns on all the lights in the Apartment After Taking off his heels and he heads into the Kitchen which looks exactly the same as it did when he left. He was now stood in the doorway looking around the kitchen trying to see if anything changed even though he knew nothing did, he was tensed and paranoid. Yeah That's what it is.
He makes himself a glass of Cold Water and doesn't hesitate to drink it all in one go, this sobers him a little he then also debates wether he should eat something too but ultimately throws away the idea considering he had eaten quite alot not too long before, he doubts he'll be able to eat anything for a little while anyway especially after hearing the Crack of that man's nose breaking. That sound Constantly replayed in his head and it was nauseating. He puts the glass in the sink and sticks his tongue out in disgust.Well Atleast he can sleep now, this was the thing he was looking forward to all night. His Precious Comfy Soft Bed. He walks down the hall the soft patting of his feet breaking the very Scary? Awkward? Silence. He steps into his room and was hit with a cold Breeze, he stops from the sudden cold and shivers before looking over to his Window, had it always been open? Probably Not but he's only staying here for a few hours to sleep and then he'll be back at Natalia's
Well he'll probably eat aswell before going back to Natalia's...Yeah That sounds like a good plan to him.He Closes the Window and Goes back out the room and goes into a different door, The Bathroom obviously. He quickly Brushes his teeth getting rid of the long lasting Taste of Alcohol and suddenly remembers..He's wearing Makeup. Him going to bed with makeup is just asking to stain his pillows with that, so he does the most sensible thing and washes off all the makeup and while he looked good he felt better getting the makeup off, he gently pats his face with a towel.
He turns off the light in the bathroom and turns off the light in the hallway and goes into his room closing it quietly behind him. He flops onto his bed with a groan all the tension in his muscles finally leaving and he just laid there still for a minute before reaching his arm out and turns off the lamp on the bedside table and just quiet snores filled the room.Imagine Sanzu's, Ran's And Rin's Disappointment When they Showed Up At Natalia's Apartment to Find no one is there. Not even the Woman Herself was there Considering the Party Went on as if nothing Happened and Natalia Was Drunk enough to not Notice that Takemichi wasn't there Anymore. So they Disappointedly Messaged The Bonten Groupchat And let them know that Takemichi Wasn't there and that Gave The A-Okay To Draken and Izana and can now head over to Takemichi's Apartment and those two were more then happy to do that.
Izana was the most happy like scarily happy and while they were on their way it had Draken Eyeing Izana Suspiciously though The latter didn't seem to notice and if he did, he didn't care one bit. Though they both seem to think the same thing, what if he wasn't there? Now that would be Worrying considering the area they were in didn't have any Nearby Hotels and he didn't have his phone on him so that would mean he'd be walking about..All Alone..Drunk Which Means there is a high Chance Of One of the many Things Takemichi Could Get Mugged, Kidnapped, Murdered or Literally any other possible Crime. Realisation seems to smack them in the face, if he isn't there all hell will definitely break Loose thats for sure.
It didn't exactly take them too long to get to Takemichi's Apartment and it wasn't exactly hard to get his door Open even though it was locked perks of being apart of a crime organisation i guess, you learn All types of stuff.
They Slowly and quietly Open The door and Cringe hearing a quiet squeak follow after, they both pop their heads in and Glance Around before Fully Entering the Apartment when they don't see anyone in the Main Area.
They Both Separate and Quietly Search all the different parts of the Apartment and both end up meeting At the Last Door, His room. Draken Gives a Small Nod at Izana Who in turn Opens the door Quietly and A large Grin spreads on his face when he can spot a certain Someone Laying on the Bed Snoring away without a care in the world
He looks over at Draken And Nods "He's Here" he whispers Before Stepping into the room, Draken Who now feels Relieved Follows in after. Both Now Stood On Eachside of the Bed, Izana Carefully Rolls Takemichi So he's laying onto his back before waiting a second, Trying To Be careful so he doesn't wake Takemichi Up before Deeming him as a deep sleeper which was completely true. He looks over to Draken "He's Out Cold" he doesn't even bother to whisper because he has no need to, this makes Draken Turn on the Lamp so it's easier to see and will Make Izana's Next Job Easier aswell. Izana Puts his hands On Takemichi's Leg And Is About to Dislocate it but With Takemichi Suddenly Rolls Over Muttering something under his Breath and he scrunches his Face So either a Sad Dream or Just A nightmare. Draken Was about to Tell Izana To continue but Stumbles abit When Takemichi Grabs onto his arm pulling him slightly obviously mistaking him for a pillow.Had Takemichi Always Has a Strong Grip Like that? Draken Can Literally Feel the boys Nails about to pierce his skin.
Authors Note:
Yall i am not excited for school Tmmr
I gotta get up at 6am😫😭
Either Way I hope you all Enjoy this Chapter
Lightton2 Please Give Me more of your ideas Cause i am All here for it😫🤝🤝🤝
Also Guys We're Nearly About to Hit The 40th Chapter Mark!! How excitingRemember to Hyrdrate and eat
Love you all<3{Word Count:1105}

Out Of Time--Tokyo Revengers.
FanfictionHe Didn't expect this to happen He didn't want this to happen What's wrong with them..? Why won't they leave him alone?...