So there Takemichi is Tied Unwillingly to a chair all ready to cry for the 3rd time. This situation seems very similar one of those situations being when he was tied down next to chifuyu in one of the timelines because of Kisaki
Now that Takemichi thinks about it...Where Is Kisaki? He hasn't heard Anything or seen anything about kisaki it's as if he just disappeared off the Face of the earth "Good Riddence" he mutters under his breath
"What Was That love?"
Takemichi simply shakes his head not responding
"Anyway Love Look the food has arrived! It looks so good doesn't it?"
Still No Response
Izana Sighs the grin on his face disappeared and now has a frown instead "Cmon Don't be like that love, Don't give Me the silent treatment"
He only Got a Scowl and a glare in returnSoon Izana Just Smiles "Alright Love Let's bring Sanzu in Yeah? He'll definitely be happy to help"
Takemichi Raises a Brow "Why Sanzu of all people..? Wait...Ah shit Sanzu is crazy as fuck..."
Izana Ignores the look he's getting from Takemichi and Calls Sanzu Into the Room
"Yes Izana?""Come Help me feed Our Michi will you"
Sanzu's eyes Practically Sparkle, as if he's just taken a drug "Oh you Know ill be more then happy to Help"
The Duo walk towards the chair Takemichi is strapped too, Izana Holding the food
Izana picks up some of the food with Chopsticks and holds it close to Takemichi's mouth"Cmon Love Say "ahhh"
The boy quickly shakes his head turning his head away from the food in refusal and lets a grunt which is imitating a no.
"Michiiiiii" Sanzu whines "Just eat the food it's not like it's poisoned"
"Well it might as well be" Takemichi Spat angrily
"Ahh you know who i should pay a visit too love?" Izana Smiles widely "Naoto Im sure he'll enjoy the company"
Takemichi's Eye's widen in Surprise at the mention of Naoto, how do they even know him?
"Oh look! There's the reaction we all know and love" Sanzu Purrs out a sick smile on his face
"How do you know Him?" Takemichi askes raising a brow, though that doesn't wipe away the fear and worry he has
"Straight to the point as usual Love" Izana shakes his head
"I said How do you know him! Im not playing anymore fucking games!"
"Bad Choice Yelling Michi... Mikey's not gonna be happy seeing you all Wound up about someone who isn't him. Ill be honest im pretty annoyed by that too you know?" And Sanzu was right, he was annoyed you could see a vein popped out on the side of his neck
"What'd you expect me to do? Not worry about my friend? Act as if he didn't exist?"
"Well That would've been Preferable, but we know how Stubborn you are especially now a days"
Takemichi Looks at the two Weirdly as if they were Aliens
"Ah We're Getting off Task! Cmon Love you gotta eat then we can get this over and done with and then we can cuddle!"
Sanzu Glares at Izana "Mhm And what about me huh?"
Izana Shrugs "we can both cuddle him i guess"
Takemichi lets out a fake cough "er hate to break whatever is going on there but like im still here, yall done acting like i can't hear the shit you're saying why don't i get a say in this?"
Izana Simply smiles "Because you don't have a choice, now come on say Ahh"
"How many times do i have to say that im not going to eat the food"
"See? You're so Stubborn Love, Sanzu Force his mouth open then we'll have to do this the hard way"
Takemichi Glares once again "Do that And ill bite one of your fingers off bitch"
Sanzu Lightly Gasps "how rude of you to call me a bitch michi...Your words hurt."
Sanzu soon goes to the side of the chair Takemichi is tied to and goes to force his mouth open"Don't do it..It's not worth it" Takemichi warns but Sanzu just ignores the warning and Takemichi Is not all bark no bite, he is literally all bite and goes through with his threats and As soon as Sanzu's hand is close to his mouch he bites down really hard on one of his fingers to the point Sanzu really thought he'd loose a finger.
"Shit..SHIT IZANA GET HIM OFF RIGHT FUCKIN NOW BEFORE I ACTUALLY LOSE A FINGER!!" Sanzu's yell was that loud a few people actually came to see what the commotion was
Must were a LITTLE Concerned and Rindou was there laughing his ass off at his Co-workers painIzana Quickly Drops the food before trying to pry Sanzu's hand from Takemichi's mouth, but it seems that boy has a bite force of a lion
Curse's kept spilling from Sanzu's mouth as blood soon begins to draw and fill Takemichi's mouth and thats when he let's go, the blood spilling from the corner of his mouth
"Bleghhh" Takemichi sticks his tongue out desperately trying to get the taste of blood from his mouth "ew ew ew!""Someone Get the rest of the Bosses in here!" Takeomi Yells and Inui hesitates slightly but quickly leaves and returns once again with the rest of the bosses
Sanzu holds his now bitten hand Close to his chest, breathing heavily "What the fuck!"
"I warned you, you fuckin Dumbass!! Don't take my threats lightly!" Takemichi Shouts angrily
When Mikey first stepped a foot in the room he didn't know wether he should laugh or be concerned, Maybe both?
Shinichiro's eyes widen at the scene in front of him before he lets out an annoyed grunt "You Had one Job and it was simply to get him to eat..How hard is that?"
Senju didn't hesitate to let out a laugh, covering her mouth laughing at her brother's dismay
"Michi we thought you'd behave. We didn't expect so much Retaliation from you. Did you not listen when i said you'd get punished from misbehaving?"
Izana rolls his eyes at Mikey's words "ive told him he'd get punished but he doesn't seem to care or listen..Though mentioning Naoto seemed to strike a nerve"
Senju Raises a brow "Okay So lets get this Naoto Dude in here! If we gotta kill him for Michi to listen to us then lets do it!"
Takemichi Glares at them all "Do that and once im out of here I'll fucking kill you all, you here me?!" He spits
"Don't yell at us Michi. Do you seen to forget who's in charge here? It's us..Not you." Mikey Grabs Takemichi's chin and lowers his own face closer to Takemichi's "Take this as a warning yeah? Is it that hard to listen?"
"I think he should stay with one of us if he can't behave, That way we can keep a closer eye on him!" Senju Chirps
Shinichiro hums in thought "hm i agree, But who though?"
Authors Note:
Hey Guys! Who do you all want michi to stay with for the time being?
I hope you all enjoyed this chapter
Remember to eat and drink
Love you all!<3{Word count:1215}

Out Of Time--Tokyo Revengers.
FanfictionHe Didn't expect this to happen He didn't want this to happen What's wrong with them..? Why won't they leave him alone?...