Chapter 3.

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After a while from resting when Takemichi was in that state of half awake half asleep he could feel many different people looming over him. As if people were all just stood up surrounding him, and at first of course he was scared but when he opened his eyes he was quite surprised there was no one there. The roof was as empty as it was when he first Climbed up to it, not a soul in sight just him and his stuff.

Rubbing his eyes with a yawn and sitting up he Grabs his phone, Powering it on. Its been a day since he came back to the future so at some point he's going to need to gather more resources and potentially see if he has any money on him, If he does maybe he can find an actual Hotel with people inside of it.
The more people the better, he'd definitely feel safer as long as they didn't look like his old friends or his old friend futureselves he'd be fine with being in a public spot.
Anyway Takemichi Noticed the messages finally stopped but there was over 100 unread messages from each different unknown number. That is the least of his problems though, he needs to figure out the area he is in, If Bonten is still a Criminal Organisation because he saw future Rin And ran from the Bonten timeline so that makes Takemichi wonder if that gang is still around. And if the gang is still around he can't exactly go to the police Bonten being that Big the police is basically in Bonten's Hands so thats a big No at the moment. And Most Obvious thing he needs to do is get out of here, maybe he can move to a city far from the place he is at right now.

Thats all he has as a plan at the moment, i mean can you blame him? His minds a little foggy at the moment and the pressure he's feeling right now is throwing him off his Game.
So for now he'll take a quick breather and will simply start planning for example will he do better moving night or day? To answer that it would be day and public places? Yes. The more crowded the better, he'll lose them all quick.
So thats what he does spends most of the day planning but the only issue is that he felt eyes on him all the time, even though there was no one there but him all he could feel is eyes burning into the back of his head. It's making him go INSANE with Paranoia, what if they're already here..just watching him and his every move?
What if they're making him believe he's safe to go on with his plan and when he's close enough at succeeding they'll snatch him away.

And thats the moment he cracks, the first time he started crying since he came back. It wasn't even a small amount of tears he was full on Sobbing, sure in the interactions he had with others he was being all tough and snappy but it didn't mean he didn't feel fear when being near them. Poor Takemichi was that overwhelmed with the situation and as he should, you'd be overwhelmed too if you were being hunted down wouldn't you?

Why him?

What'd he do to deserve this?

What Sin's has he committed that the gods decided to punish him for?

Takemichi let's out a little huff, Crying isn't going to get him anywhere for now he'll need to suck it up and continue moving forward unless he wants to get caught and that is the last thing he wants to do. Shaking off the usual feeling of eyes on him, he pulls himself up off the ground with a determined grin now on his face, though with the red puffy eyes he has would probably mean otherwise to other people but he won't let that drag him down. Now if the eyes belong to who he's thinking about he needs to move quick, as soon as he sets a foot off the building they'll probably be after him so he can't mess about.

Packing up the little things he has, he swings his slowly worn out backpack onto his sholder and giving himself a little pep talk he begins to head down the fire escape stairs and he jumps down the part where the ladder was broken off. Without pausing his movement he begins sprinting out the alleyway and down the pavement it didn't take him long before hearing multiple other footsteps after him, slightly happy that he was actually correct with his theory. Though that doesn't stop him and he continues running for a little bit till he spots a large group of Civilians up ahead a grin breaks out on his face and begins to go as fast as he can to catch up with the group when he got closer he swore he could feel something graze his shirt as if attempting to grab onto it though his arm ending up pulling forward avoiding the hand. He ends up pushing through the crowd, his fluffy Black hair disappearing mixing in with the 20 or more people

Takemichi mentally cheers in his head Happy that he successfully escaped from the Psycho's once again. He continues to hide in the crowd for most of the day while glancing at some signs that gave little to no clue on where he is  but he's not complaining, he gets to live another day so of course he's grateful.
As the day slowly began to end alot of people he was with disappeared in different directions, he did end up finding an actual Hotel he kept his guard up though because he didn't want what happened with the last hotel to happen again because that would actually suck ass. When he walks into the building he actaully finds the place bustling with life the complete opposite of the last one. Sighing in relief he goes to the front desk and pays for a room that he'll most likely be in for a day or two considering money is very scarce at the moment.

Now Laying ontop of his temporary bed, which is pretty comfortable for a hotel bad, takemichi just takes a moment to take everything in i suppose. Sure he knows whats going on but it's as if his brain isn't functioning properly and refuses to believe his old friends is hunting him down. And for what reason? Sure he left but why does that make them so....Possessive and Obsessed?

Do they simply want to protect him?

Keep him to themselves being selfish as they are?

Or is it all of that but with a much darker reason?

Well for now he can't think about that all he wants to do right now is chill. He's not stuck on some roof anymore, he is actually in a nice clean and a very welcoming room. Which reminds him, he really needs to take a shower, his hair is dirty, he's sweaty from all the running and overall just stinks which is to be expected i guess. And so with that he begrudgingly slowly gets up off the bed, grabs the spare clothes and his bodily essentials and heads into the bathroom humming some Random Tune that came to mind.

Now Takemichi isn't ashamed to admit that he was in the shower for a little over an hour he hasn't had one in days and he really doesn't want to leave the nice hot water. But Alas he has no choice.
Now just in a Oversized T-shirt and sweats he walks out the bathroom drying his hair, he found it abit strange that the unknown numbers haven't messaged again yet, but as soon as he thinks that his phone which was on the bedside table lit up and began vibrating violently
"Speak of the Devil and he shall arrive" he muttered.
He wanted to laugh at the whole situation it seemed so stupid

Ignoring his phone he simply gets into bed, closing his eyes with a satisfied sigh and he dozes off

Thats him for the day

He has won the battle once again
But there is so so much more to come.

When that does come Takemichi most likely will not be surprised.

Authors note:
Hello Hello You beautiful people!
I hope you enjoy this chapter, im sorry if it seems slow but i do not want to rush the story so its gonna be a slow burn.
Thank you all for the votes you guys are amazing!!
To the people who comment thank you, i hope you enjoy this chapter as much as you liked the others, you all know who you are:)

Please Remember to Drink, eat and rest well!!

{Word Count: 1486}

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