Chapter 32.

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Shutting the door with a sigh, Natalia Slumps Back into her couch closing her eyes.
Takemichi who sat down next to her Laughed Slightly "That was very draining wasn't it?"

Natalia Groans still not opening her eyes to look at him "I do not know how you managed to put up with that."

Takemichi shrugs with a sheepish Grin "Well i did spend time with them in middle school, and then a few months with them over a year ago."

"Still! By now i would've hit someone" Finally opening her eyes to look at him

"Ah Well Natalia, even though they are Psycho's now they still act like they did when we we're younger" he smiles sadly, missing those days. They seem to be different people but they were still close friends of his.

The Boy Shakes his head "Anyway thanks for letting me stay at your place for a while Natalia, I appreciate it."

Natalia Waves him off with a smile "it's alright Dear, You're a very close friend to me and im willing to dominate the world if it means keeping you safe"

Takemichi Chuckles "Well You won't need to go that far so don't worry. And I'd do the exact same thing too if i had the chance"

"Awe How Sweet, The Giant Crybaby Wants to protect me" She teases Ruffling his hair who in response whines pulling back away from her
"Well if you're gonna tease me i take it back" he huffs

"You know You Won't do that Darling" She leans over and Ruffles his hair once more
"So what do you plan to do?"

Takemichi Shrugs "I dunno, we can't exactly Abandon work but they now know what i look like and know it's me in general. I also don't want to leave cause I've actaully built myself a life despite the circumstances i was in. And no doubt they are gonna try and figure out where i live" He groans leaning back onto Natalia's lap who simply hums and runs her hand through his hair

"We'll Figure Something out for you darling, Atleast you know a little on how to defend yourself so that isn't an issue" she goes silent for a minute "For now until we figure something out for you maybe you can get some little defence items like a tazer and some pepper spray, you know to keep them at a distance for a little while"

"Hmm That's actually a good idea, Ill get that as soon as i can what about you Natalia?"

Natalia Raises a brow looking down at him "What do you mean?"

"Well Everyone who has been involved with me that wasn't apart of the Bonten Group were attacked and killed. And Now they Know You're Involved with me im worried they'll do something to you.."
He frowns closing his eyes

"Don't Worry About me Takemichi, worry about yourself. You are their Main Priority therefore they'll mostly be after you. But even if they do come after me, you know they won't be able to get close" she grins "All That Training in The Military wasn't for nothing you know, ill be able to defend myself."

The frown on his face soon turns to a small smile "I completely forgot You went to the Military for a few years Natalia"

"Good Keep Forgetting about it, That way i can surprise you all the time with my amazing fighting Skills" she snickers grinning widely

"Yeah Yeah Sure Natalia, im pretty sure even if i didn't forget ill still be surprised either way"

"Okay So that problem is out the way, now we have a new one"

Takemichi raises a brow up at her "and that is?"

"Okay so! I heard from a little Birdie that there's gonna be a big party" she begins to plait random parts of Takemichi's hair

"A Big Party?" He hums out

"Mhm Yeah, this party though is like a business party i guess. All the big businesses in Japan are gonna be there"

"Okay? So what? We don't own a big popular Business Natalia, we own a tiny local Bakery"

"Ah ah- you didn't let me finish Darling, You should know by now that i have multiple connections"

Takemichi sweatdrops slightly " yeah, you know how shady that makes you look?"

"Naaaahhh" she drawls out "it just gives me slight power i suppose" she shrugs with a grin "Anyway back to what i was saying, with the connections i have, i managed to grab us two tickets to go!" Her grin widens "isn't that exciting?"

Takemichi slowly nods "..I suppose it is, but wouldn't that be dangerous?"

Natalia quickly shakes her head "no no, we have tickets to go in so we don't need to worry"

Takemichi sighs "No What i mean is like you said, All The Big Businesses in Japan are going what if something happens?"

"You gotta stop worrying so Much Darling! At this party you'll be able to let all your stress go for one night and get drunk! We'll be able to just have fun"

"I guess you're right about that Natalia"

"Im always Right, When have i ever been wrong?"

Takemichi opens his eyes looking at her blankly causing her to stop plaiting his hair and just look down back at him

"You're lying to yourself Natalia, i am not gonna answer that question for you Natalia" Takemichi Snorts before Laughing aloud

Natalia rolls her eyes "Yeah Whatever! So either way, do you wanna go to the party?"

Takemichi goes silent for a minute just weighing out all his options.
By you know, first of all making sure his schedule is clear and just goes through the pro's and con's of going to the party.
"Alright Fine Ill go"

Natalia Lets out a WOOOOO Laughing after "Hell Yeah! This is gonna be the best night of our lies"

"Yeah i hope you're right" he mutters quietly under his breath, purposely making sure Natalia didn't hear him.

Authors Note:
Hey Yall!! Here's todays Chapter
I hope you all enjoy it<3

Christmas is Right around the corner!
What are you all wishing for?

Also Someone asked if i had a discord(i have already responded to them)
But Yes i do have a discord! I am planning to make a group for this book eventually at somepoint but for now

Here's my Details: nox_1nn1t #0916
Feel free to add me:)
Ill be happy to talk to any of you!
And hopefully make some new friends with similar interests.

Obviously please don't feel pressured to add me or smth if you don't want to

I also Noticed we reached 40k reads! So thank you all so much, i always say ill do a q&a but never get around to it, so im letting you all decided what we should do for celebration!
Do you want a q&a?
An art Contest?
It can be anything that comes to mind:D

Remember to Hyrdrate and Eat!
Love you all<3

{Word Count:1174}

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