"So? How'd it Go with Michi?" Mikey Gets straight to the point like Usual.
After Inui and Kokonoi Left Takemichi in his soon to be proper room, they headed to the meeting room as planned. The room Was Very big so Obviously everyone was there, not wanting to miss the chance to listen. about Their Precious MichiKoko Shakes his head "At the Moment he Seems to be quite...Rude and Aggressive. Certainly Not willing to talk to us at all, he wants us to figure out why he's acting the way he is."
Inui Nods in Confirmation "All that was said is True. Maybe Its an after effect of the drug Injected into him, how much did you give him again Mikey?"
Mitsuya Shakes his head In Disappointment at his clearly Stupid Friends. As much as he's willing to kill for Michi, it doesn't mean he's stupid he knows why Takemichi is acting the way he is it's pretty obvious
"I didn't give him anything too strong just something enough to knock him out for a little while. Not something that changes his attitude completely"
"Well Clearly One of you bastards Did something to make Michi Act out this way. You Guys were the ones who decided to get him no plan included" Ah Smiley with his classic smile as usual though at the moment you could see a vein popping out showing his clear annoyance. He still Has his Curley hair but it's slightly longer than it used to be when he was a teenager.
"Non Of us Did Anything You Smiley Fuck all we did was do what we were told to do"
"Welllll" Senju Hums "You guys did Scare him quite abit"
Izana Laughs "It was all Worth it though, seeing his cute face so Scared just makes Michi Ten Times more prettier then he already is!"
Wakasa Shrugs with a nod "ive got To agree with Izana there, he does look pretty cute Being scared or when crying" he mutters, no shame at all
There was nods and murmurs of agreements.Draken huffs annoyed already "You Guys Are getting off Topic"
Rindou Shrugs "Then We're clearly going at it the wrong way, there's gotta be a different approach."
Ran Nods in Agreement with his brothers words "We should Shower him in gifts, he's surely gotta like those! Who doesn't like gifts? Expensive ones at that."
Mikey just shakes his head "That Won't Work Michi Is the most selfless and Stubborn person to exist. In the past he's never accepted any gifts from us and instead gets gifts for us, he doesn't give a fuck about himself"
Mitsuya hums in thought "Hm Even So What about food? Nothing can go wrong with good food"
It was Souya or Commonly Known as Angry by his constant angered expression speaks up this time "Tch that Won't work either, we don't even know what food he likes we've never actually sat and ate with us it was him making food for us all the fuckin time"
Everyone By Now is visibly Deflated running out of idea's Quickly
A sigh soon was heard throughout the room "All we Can do for Now is just treat him with care, not until we learn enough to know about him so we can start buying gifts and food for him."
Most people were shocked seeing who said that and can you Guess who it was? If you Guessed the Drug Addict Sanzu you are correct.Everyone was looking at him weirdly
"What?" He snaps Glaring at them all, well apart from his King MikeySomeone simply whistled and glanced in a different direction
Finally Mikey Comes to a decision "Chifuyu Can Visit Michi Later and will hopefully get a better Reaction then Now."
Chifuyu Raises a brow In confusion "Don't get me Wrong Im glad..But why me?"
Baji Nudges chifuyu in the side with his Elbow "Isn't it Obvious? Unfortunately you're the closest to Michi, Hell you both called eachother partner for fuck sake. Thats like a whole new Level of Close"
Mikey Nods "As Surprising as it is, Baji is right."
There was a loud Angered Hey! From Baji but everyone simply ignored himChifuyu nods "Alright Ill Visit him in an hour or too, let him calm down before i go into see him"
Everyone seemed to agree and had no problems with the plan though there was some slight Jealousy lingering in the area at the fact Chifuyu was the One to See their michi next. But what could they do? Even if they argued they'd ultimately get shot down by the bossesMikey Claps his hands together "Alright everyone! This Means the meeting has finished and has come to A close. Go back to any Duties you have for today and if you have any issues or problems that Can affect this Organisation make sure to Report it to Me, Shini(mikeys Nickname For Shinichiro), Izana or Senju, you are all dismissed!"
And with that everyone is up they bow slightly before leaving, some heading to their rooms, others going in different groups planning to hang out with eachother and the rest doing as the bosses said and went to do their tasks for the Day.
Now Back to Takemichi, he was laying there his Mind Racing he couldn't help but feel like he was in a similar situation at somepoint in his past. That's something that unlocked in his mind that he spent years trying to forget.
A past Not even Toman Knew about when they met Takemichi was Crawling up and out its grave ready to haunt and make Takemichi Go Crazy.What past you may be thinking?
Well im not going to tell you that, where's the fun in that?Hanagaki Takemichi.
I hope you're prepared for the Unknown future..and i hope you're ready to face your past and survive this time.Authors Note:
Hey Guys! Sorry this is so late something came up and i haven't had a chance to post!
I hope you all enjoy this Chapter
Thank you all for the wonderful Comments!
Remember to eat and hydrate
Love you all<3{Word Count:1034}

Out Of Time--Tokyo Revengers.
FanfictionHe Didn't expect this to happen He didn't want this to happen What's wrong with them..? Why won't they leave him alone?...