Chapter 30.

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Chatting to one of the many Customers that are waiting in Line To order. Takemichi can be seen managing to work quickly while being polite and not messing up, Honestly No one can say anything bad about Takemichi in the area. Infact everyone There loves him platonically and have spoken to him more then twice in their life time.

"Hello My Name is Hanagaki Takemichi, What can I do for you?"

"Ah Please can i have a slice of one of the chocolate cakes, a slice of one of the vanilla cakes and 2 pieces of Doriyaki."

"Coming Right Up! Give me two minutes and ill have your order ready" As soon as those Words leave Takemichi's Mouth
The Bakery door Slams Open
The culprit? An Agressive Mikey, A crazy Izana and A weirdly Excited Senju. Shinichiro Being stuck behind the three watching them as a disappointed Father Would.

"Smith!" Mikey Angrily Yells, His eyes instantly making his way to Takemichi

"Ohhhh Fuck" Takemichi Thinks to himself
"Insides Voices Sir, You are disturbing the Customers. If you need something Wait in Line"

"In Side Voices My ass! I want everyone out this building except you!" Everyone Who was in the Bakery seemed to recognise The Group as Bonten without Issue, they were all over the news afterall
Eveyone had panicked and left the building, even leaving the food they paid.

Takemichi Groans Not even Hiding it this time "Welcome Back Here...I guess?" He shrugs lightly

Sanzu Walks Passed everyone and Slams his hands on the Display Case "Smith You Lied to us...Smith isn't even your real name!" Man is high Already

Takemichi Simply Raises a brow already done with the scenario "And How Would you know that hm?"

"Someone Lock the door" Izana Clicks his fingers "No one is leaving this building till this problem is solved.
Now Who Are you really Smith?"

Takemichi Clicks his Tongue Annoyed "For one of the biggest, Most threatening gang in Japan You all Really Are Stupid"

"Wanna Repeat That Asshole?" Sanzu pulling out his gun pointing it at Takemichi who doesn't seemed Fazed by this

"I mean Cmon, What Sane Human would give their Actual Name to A criminal Gang?"

Senju Huffs the excitement she had was gone "Any Sane Person Would Give Us their Name Because they don't want to die"

"Are you saying you're gonna kill me if i don't tell you my Actual Name? " Takemichi wanted to laugh out loud, them killing him will simply get rid of the person they are looking for
"Wouldn't be Worth Killing me..Honestly i feel like you would Regret it"

Izana Gives a Crazy Grin "Why Would i feel regret for killing a Lowly Baker who means nothing in my life? If anything I'd Get a thrill Out of it!" He laughs

Takemichi simply smiles "Sure Sure, what is it you wanted again?"

"Your Name!" Mikey Snaps

"No you're not having my name"

"Tch, Cmon Just Give us Your Name!" Mikey Glares at him, His way off Intimidation i suppose

"No. Im not giving you my name, ill take my name to the grave"

"Well You'll be going to the Grave Very Soon!" Sanzu's smile seems to get Even wider, how that was possible Takemichi doesn't know

Mitsuya Being a very Observent person Steps Forward "You Know Something don't you?"

"Hm? About What?"

"Takemichi, You know something about him"

Takemichi sweatdrops "Now Why would i know about this Takemichi Person?"

Natalia Who was Oblivious to everything, Considering she was listening to music while doing some business she steps out from her Office "Takemichi Dear-"

"Natalia Shut Up!" He hisses looking over to her in a panic
She stops speaking and spots the large group "Oh Am I interrupting something?"

"Yes You ar-" Izana was about to say but Takemichi Cuts him off with a glare "No No you're Not! These Lovely people are just about to leave"

"No we're Not, not after hearing what came out of her mouth Takemichi" Mikey Scowls at the boy

Takemichi Rolls His eyes while acting annoyed he secretly just wants to book it "I Already Told You I don't know who Takemichi Is! Get that through your thick skull"

Mikey Rolls His Eyes "Yeah Okay So Why Did that woman Call you Takemichi?"

"I got Him Mixed up, My Mother Used to Know The Takemichi You're looking for Mother" Natalia Steps up
"They Looked Similar so i got them mixed up quite often"

Izana Stares at the woman "Liar"

Natalia Raises a brow "Now Why Would I Lie To a Customer?"

"Cmon Let's Just End this Here Bitch!" Sanzu Laughs removing the gun from Takemichi's face only to point it at Natalia who didn't look at all worried.
In response she pulled out some throwing Knives
"Think A gun can scare me asshole?"
Quickly throwing one of the knives at Sanzu who barely moved his head in time and knife Lodging itself into the wall where his head use to be
"Oh you Crazy Bitch-"

"Alright Alright That's Enough!" Takemichi Glares at them all, multiple Veins popping out showing how angry he is.
Now he's Willing to do anything For Natalia and if that means handing himself in, he will. Even Though He knows how to fight doesn't mean he'll be able to take All of them On

"Let's Fucking sort this out in a Civil Mannar" Takemichi Smiles Though Anyone Could Tell he was still pissed off which just made it scary

The group all looked at eachother, some murmurs filling the room debating if they should listen and shit down or you know just shoot the place down

"Why Should we Listen To you?" Mikey Raises a brow "Were the ones in charge"

"Sit the Fuck Down Mikey, before I make you." Takemichi Scowls at the shorter Male

"Ah Takemichi Darling Language!"
Ah we all love Natalia and Takemichi's Chaotic Nature

Authors Note:
Hey Y'all i hope you enjoy todays Chapter!

You won't guess what i did today 💀
I did something to my leg and My knee moved so my mum and older sister dislocated it and im not even joking, i unintentionally put it back into place
I was laughing and crying and my sister was so concerned 🤠✋

No You guys Im not divorcing Natalia🙄😒

Remember to Hydrate And Eat!!
Love you all<3

{Word Count:1069}

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