Chapter 43.

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"Michi!" A chorus of Voices Filled the air, this most definitely came from the more overly Excited people of the group. "Come Sit next to me Michi!" Mikey Happily Raises his hand
Baji Scoffs "Ugh No!" Baji Glares at his childish leader "Michi Should Sit Next to me!" Mikey Glares at him "You Defying One Of the Leaders Baji?" Mostly Everyone Groaned at that "No One Is Defying you Mikey By Giving their Opinion.." Draken Sighs rubbing his Temple in Annoyance

While all that was Going On Takemichi Glances around the room, Obviously there wasn't many Empty Seats. Though Takemichi Easily Spots an empty Seat Next to Wakasa, who doesn't seem to be paying attention to whats going on, and he happily Leaves Hanma's Side and goes and Takes the empty Seat next to Wakasa. A very small smile Rests on his face happy to be sitting next to someone he's most comfortable with. Wakasa Glances at him before putting his phone down and Claps Loudly Causing the light argument to stop "Oiii Michi Has Already Chosen His Seat" He lazily Tells them fully ready for the reactions he'll receive and as expected A couple Whines and sounds of annoyances filled the room

"Awe Michi! Why don't you sit next to me?" Takemichi shakes his head, Refusing to move from his seat "I'd Rather Stay here" before anyone can respond Shinichiro interrupts "Alright Let's just get this dinner started" it was as if a switch flipped and suddenly the room was filled with noise once more everyone being excited for food, i mean cmon Who wouldn't be excited for food? Well Takemichi Of course we can't forget about his issue with food at the moment. Food was brought out to them by lower Workers and to say it was alot of food was an understatement it was like it was a whole buffet which makes sense considering the food is for a large amount of people.

Takemichi wasn't exactly Surprised but he also wasn't used to seeing so much food. Therefore He looked at the food weirdly before his face just goes Blank, Naoto Who was sat next to him looked over "What's The Matter Takemichi?"

Takemichi Mentally Rolls his Eyes "the Audacity he has to ask that" he angrily thinks to himself, Yes He Holds a Grudge Against Naoto and probably will for ever though he won't say that.
He shakes His Head "no Im just surprised by all this good food" he lies Through gritted teeth

Naoto Nods "Ah Well The food is Great im sure You'll love it"

Everyone has picked Random Foods they Liked while Takemichi Of course was hesitant but with his own moral support in his own head he picked a few things he thought he'd be able to eat without an issue. He Slowly began to pick through his food picking up little bits Listening to the loud Chatter that filled up the room it was emitting a happy Vibe, only one not being happy is Takemichi for very Obvious Reasons.
He slowly Stopped Eating and began to just zone out into his own little World Thinking, What Would Be a Good Way to Leave These Guys? Throw them off his Tracks in someway. Maybe Fake His Death? If so, How? What would be a good believable Death? Would They Only Believe he's dead if they saw his Body? Probably. A Fake Death Sounds Like a good Plan, it'd be hard but it'll hopefully do the trick. He'll definitely need some Help..And who would be perfect for the Job? Natalia! Yes Yes Natalia Would be more then willing to help him and with how Rich She is, it wouldn't be an issue to get the needed things for it. Now thinking about it he wonders how Natalia Is Doing, no matter How Tough she always seems to be, she has always and will always be a big worrier. Often Worrying in silence but still worried non of the less
He Hopes She Got Out From the Party Okay without any issues
"-emichi" especially with that guy he left with her, who was he again? Hopefully he didn't do anything to her, he looked like a nice guy though. Very Polite actually. Knowing that Definitely Makes Takemichi Feel A little Better.

Takemichi was suddenly Brought out of his own little world with a flinch at the sudden yell. He let's out a Quiet "huh?" And Glances around the room, everyone was looking at him all of them  had finished eating Takemichi's Plate being the only one full barely Touched
"You okay Parnter?" Chifuyu's Voice Breaks the Silence

"Yeah?" That Sounded Less Then a Statement and more like a question or Just Takemichi Trying to convince himself

"You sure?" Kazutora this time "You've just been staring into space and Barely Touched your food"

"Yeah Im Fine-"

Mikey Interupts "Do You Not Like the food? We can get you something else if you'd like, Hell We Can Kill The Chef and get a new one for you! Yeah that sounds like a good idea"

"What No!" Takemichi Cuts off his Rambling "no one needs to get killed." He has a concerned look on his face "Im Just Full Is all, Nothing to worry about"

Mitsuya Looks at him Silently, this feels like Deja Vu To him. He Remembers Vaguely his sisters acting a similar way when they were in their Teenage Years, suffering From Insecurities and other stuff. Therefore he can spot Eating Disorders and other mental health stuff when he see's them. "You Sure Takemichi? You've Barely Eaten Anything All day so how can you be full? Lets not forget you also have the smallest portion out of us all"

Takemichi felt slightly intimidated hearing the full name, he was so used to hearing Michi and other Nicknames rather then his proper name so it felt really weird to him "i just am" he gives a small shrug and a sheepish smile "i only had a smile appetite anyway. There's nothing wrong with that is there?"

They all stare at him silently for a second "Well No one Leaves this Table till you finish your plate of food" Shinichiro Concludes

Takemichi Gapes at him "What?"

"You heard me. No one leaves this Table Until You Finish your plate"

"That's Not Fair!" Takemichi Pushes his plate a way from him with a scowl "Im Not Hungry! If i force myself to eat food i don't need right now ill be sick!"

"Cmon Parnter Just Eat the food"

Takemichi Being Stubborn Crosses his arms "No. If we're Staying here till im done it sucks for you guys cause we're gonna be here for a long time"

Mitsuya sighs Muttering under his breath "Takemichi just eat your food Please?"

If there is one thing they learned about Takemichi when they were in their Teen years is that with a little push he wouldn't hesitate to Listen to Mitsuya. Probably Considering Mitsuya Never Made Takemichi do stupid shit and things like that.

Takemichi Blankly Looks at him and then back at his food and does that for a second before just staring at the food. He 100% Needed Comfort and Reassurance. He looks back over at Mitsuya Who Gives his Usual Brotherly soft smile, which usually works and luckily for them it did work.

Takemichi Reaches over Grabbing his plate and bringing it back infront of him. He slowly eats tiny spoonfuls of his food on the verge of tears, he honestly just wanted to burst out crying right then and there. The others was just silently watching him which just made it Really Awkward but he ignores the stares. He finally pushes the Plate away once more Refusing to eat anymore, he feels like throwing up and at this point tears had finally welled in his eyes but has not fallen yet, exactly like a dam

"Well Done Takemichi For Trying" was all it took to gain a small sniffle from Takemichi Before he puts his hands on his face. From Embarrassment and to simply hide the more tears that formed

Laughter filled the room
While Takemichi Simply endured the pats he got on the back from Naoto

Authors Note:
The Chapter is Finally Here!
I hope you all were excited!
The chapters are slowly but surely getting a little longer, i apologise for making you all wait so long but hopefully it was worth it!

How was Your Guys Week and Weekend? I hope it was all good! And if it was bad, im sorry to hear that:(
Hopefully this week will be better for you all even if it's only a little bit.

Remember to Hydrate and Eat! And just Generally look after yourselves

So stay Safe!

I love you all<333

{Word count:1472}

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