Class 1-A is just having a normal day in the dorms after class until they're kidnap- I mean teleported into a theater where they, some of their teachers, the big 3, Eri, and one other person watch the story of a Middle School Esper and his journey...
The audience were shocked into silence as they didn't know what to say, a lot of them had expected for Mob to be late to save the boy and he would've gotten hit, but the opposite had happened and Mob saved the boys life by pushing him out of the way! They knew Mob was ok, but... the shock of seeing him bleeding that much sent shivers down all of their bodies.
Some of the members of the audience even looked back towards Mob to make sure he was still there and that they didn't imagine he was here, but all they saw was him hiding his face from everyone, they thought that it was because he didn't want to relieve his traumatic experience of getting hit by car... little did they know.
"It's here. My rampage will be shown in a matter of seconds! No matter what I do everyone will see what happens next!!" Mob clenched his teeth in fear and anger as he couldn't help but look away from the screen, he just couldn't watch what would happen next. He knew nobody died, and nobody was gravely injured, but that didn't help his growing guilt. If he was just a hair faster he could've lifted the boy in the sky with his powers and he would've never gone on his massive rampage.
The more sensitive members of the audience like Uraraka, Momo, Jiro, Midnight, Izuku, Kirishima, Mina, and some others began to feel tears come out of their eyes, how could something like this happen? How could this come to pass? Mob hadn't done anything to deserve this to happen to him, so why did this happen then?!
The episode begins with a small recap of what happened in the final moments of the last episode and after the recap was finished Mob was shown again still lying in his own blood as the boy he saved looks on in horror.
Rain clouds begin to cover the blue sky as multiple people around the accident begin to question what happened. The man who hit Mob with his car slowly stumbles out of car, not believing what had just happened as he slowly realizes that he needed to call an ambulance and when he questioned which street they were on the boy pointed out how Mob wasn't moving.
The audience's breath hitched as they were forced to look at Mob's seemingly lifeless body. The adults in the audience couldn't help but feel distaste for the man who had hit Mob as if he had been paying attention, then Mob wouldn't be laying in a puddle of his own blood at the moment, at the verge of death.
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Mob's hand quickly twitches.
The audience let out a sigh of relief, as while they knew Mob was alive and seemingly had no lasting damage from the car crash, it was good to see that he was ok.
Tokoyami for a moment felt a shiver go through his whole body as he saw Mob's hand twitch. "What was that feeling? I should be happy that Kageyama is still alive, but my body feels like something horrible was just awakened..." Tokoyami looks back at the screen as his body begins to tremble.