33|Transmission 2 ~Encountering the Unknown~

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"Aw man we really needed a refreshing episode like that one, especially after all that stressful Dimple stuff." Kaminari said as he cracked his back and stretched. "Definitely, this season has been pretty stressful so far, I hope it stays as relaxed as this one for the rest of it." Mina says. "I'm sure it will be, it's not like another Claw type group could pop up when its leader was arrested and seemed to make a change for the better. Even if he was a massive dick." Jiro slightly laughs at the former leader of Claw and his strange eyebrows.

Mob didn't have the heart to tell the group what would be happening after this episode passed. He was the only one who knew what everyone was gonna be seeing. He was the only one who had any inclinations towards the next events that would be transpiring on the screen. He tried his best not to show his worry about what his new friends would be seeing, but he couldn't help but fiddle around by moving his feet against each other as he made sure nobody saw him do this and get worried for him.

While he knew everything was fine now, he wasn't sure how these new people he met would react to his rampage, he was lucky that the people who tried to help him, knew him personally or at the very least understood him to an extent. While these people had been watching his life, that didn't exactly mean they knew or understood Mob enough where they wouldn't hate him after seeing what he did. Especially after he was told about everything heroes did and how hated these villains in their world were, who's to say he wouldn't be considered a villain for destroying and nearly killing so many buildings and people? All he could do was sit back and wait in fear. He was now starting to regret be in here even if it meant he didn't meet these people, just from the fear of them possibly hating him.

The screen didn't give the audience enough time to use the restroom or get more food as it seemed to sense Mob's stress and began counting down to show the final episode before the audience would be subjected to the scenes of his rampage.


The episode began where the last one left off with the former Telepathy Club, Mob, and Reigen arriving to their destination of Mt. Mud Boat. After Inukawa had explained why they were coming to this mountain, however Kijibayashi had realized earlier that Reigen might've taken them past the sign that signaled the beginning of the hiking trail, meaning that they would be easily lost if they started Hiking somewhere else.

He defends himself for not speaking up about it earlier because he thought Reigen was going to simply bring them as far as he could with the car, but little did they know that even though Reigen was a licensed driver for around ten years, he still had very little experience with driving...

"He agreed to drive multiple middle schoolers to a mountain while he has barely any experience with driving? Why would he do that???" Midnight asks, feeling confused by Reigen's logic, or lack thereof. "It's probably because if he declined then he'd be all by himself on New Year's Eve and that would be like suuuuuuuuuper depressing." Present Mic whispers to Midnight. "That doesn't matter, he's gonna get himself and the kids lost if he keeps going that way and doesn't try to figure out where it is they're exactly going." Midnight whispers back to Present Mic.

The students begin to get a bit testy as some of them begin to argue amongst each other for either being an hour late to meeting up with the others, acting pouty for most of the trip and then suddenly being angry with another student, and multiple other things. However while this was all going down, Mob was dealing with pretty bad car sickness as he was on the verge of vomiting as he was holding a plastic bag right in front of him.

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