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Lucy's POV
I enter my room, quite nervous about the party, and sit on my bed staring at the white plain ceiling. I think that I will listen to some music, no actually I will play the piano

After I have finished playing the piano I decided to go and see if peter has any work for me to do.

"PETE" I shout "do you have any work for me to do?"

"yes I am just coming" peter replies " oh and I loved your piano playing"

"I can and will kill you," I say trying to make it sound menacing.

"Yeah right, you know you love me," Peter says

"Uhhhhhhhh, just be quiet," I say annoyed

"Here are some of my assignments from school, I do need some help," Peter tells me

"Ok I will help, oh come on Peter I thought you were smart these are easy," I tell him

After about an hour of me helping Peter, I manage to get all of the answers done. It was quite easy for year 11 work. "Thank you so much Lucy," Peter says

"No problem" i tell him

"IT IS DINNER, COME DOWN PLEASE EVERYONE" I hear someone shout, I think it was Steve

"COMING" peter shouts

"Race you" i tell Peter before turning into a medium sized dark wolf with red eyes
"Oh come on you have an unfair advantage" Peter shouts to me as I am running into the kitchen

"Hello" I hear Nat say to me as I enter the kitchen

"Wroof" i say back before turning into a human and saying "hello"

"Hi" Wanda says "how are you"

"Good, I helped peter will all of his work, he's getting dumber by the day" i tell them

"You helped peter with his work?" Nat asks me

"Yeah" I say slowly slightly confused "what's working with that?"

"Isn't it really hard?" Wanda asks

"No it was really easy actually" i tell her

"Oh-" Nat says before getting cut of

"Not fair Lucy, not fair" peter says

"And the winner is Lucy Parker" i say loudly Nat and Wanda start chuckling along with Steve and Tony who have just entered the room.

"How is everyone?" Steve ask

"Hungry" I tell him "we came down for food did we not?"

Peter starts sniggering as he nods.

Steve puts all of the food out and we all start eating, it was lovely, I couldn't manage it all and left just under half. I have been struggling to adjust but I just haven't been saying it, HYDRA really did a number on me.
CRASH we all hear

"What in the world was that?" I ask

"No idea, JARVIS what is happening" tony replies
"Mr Stark I believe there to be intruders in the building" Jarvis says

"hydra" i mutter before getting into a fighting pose and brining my wings out of my back
"Everyone get ready" Steve shouts

"Peter put on your suit" tony says

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