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Wanda's POV
Lucy fell asleep pretty much as soon as she sat down, I think using her powers drained her as well as her hyper-mobility. She has a pretty big bruise on her face just under her eye and her Hand is bleeding slightly. I am quite tired from using my powers to lift the weapons but I am not that tired. When we get into the air and are flying steadily Nat looks back and sees Lucy asleep and gives me a concerned look. Nat proceeds to get from her seat after putting autopilot on and walks over to where me and Lucy are sat. "The mission was a success and Lucy is just asleep" I tell Nat while smiling at her. Nat still checks Lucy's pulse and goes to get the first aid kit.

"We need to clean her wounds and bandage her hand, her face will probably need some ice too" Nat informs me, I nod and leave Nat to clean Lucy up while I get and Ice pack for her face. I return with the ice pack to see Nat gently shaking Lucy as too wake her. Lucy groans and slowly opens her eyes, she rubs her eyes as to water herself while Nat smiles at her assuring her she is safe. "Hello Lucy, we are on the way back from the mission and have around five and a half hours to go, I need to clean the cut on your face and hand. Is that ok?" Nat asks Lucy. lucy just nods and closes her eyes again "erm no you need to stay awake" Nat tells Lucy who groans in response before nodding.

"I know you are tired but you are also injured, if you want to sleep than you can do that later" I add

"Can I have my hoodie please" Lucy asks, I am assuming she would put the hoodie over the suit, it is kind of cold in here.

"I'll go and get your hoodie but wait until Nat has sorted out your wrist until you put it on" I say Lucy nods as I walk over to where Lucy left her hoodie. When I return I see Nat carefully cleaning Lucy's wound as she winces at the touch. Nat has bandaged and cleaned the back of Lucy's hand. I offer the hoodie to Lucy and she takes it then puts it on but winces and the jumper must have touched her face. "Here" I say while handing her the ice pack. She smiles gratefully at me before putting her headphones on and closing her eyes again. Before we know it she is asleep

"Wow she was tired then, she worked hard on the mission?" Nat asks

I nod and reply "she used her powers the whole time and with hyper-mobility combined I bet that's exhausting" Nat hums in response.

"Do you have any injuries?" Nat asks me

"No I'm alright" I reply smiling getting up to walk into the passenger seat at the from on the jet.

"Tony was right when he said she would make good defence" Nat says while following me to the front of the jet but sitting in the main pilot seat.

I smirk "Tony was right" I state repeating her words grinning cheekily. Nat's smile drops.

"Ok no I want to take it back now" Nat replies as soon as she understood what I meant. I keep smiling "uhhhhh" Nat adds "you get some sleep, i'll wake you and the child when we get back" I forgot Lucy was a child only thirteen. She is very mature with her language and her attitude so I suppose I forget her actual age. She is quite small. Lucy really blends in like an avenger though. Peter is fifteen but behaves like he is my age and Lucy behaves like a 17 year old I guess she is very mature but she still has fun. she doesn't have to be mature all the time, I suppose HYDRA changed her as she is very quiet and has very little confidence in herself. I drift of to sleep thinking about how we can help Lucy come out of her shell.

"Wanda get your ass up we are here" I think Nat tells me. I slowly open my eyes and am greeted by Nat shaking me as to wake me. "Lucy is still asleep I think it is best to let her rest so I will carry her out" Nat finishes while pulling me out of my chair.

"Ok, do you need any help?" I ask getting out of the chair and walking over to where Lucy is sleeping.

"I think i'll be fine, come one" Nat says before gently picking Lucy up and placing her on her back as it to piggyback her. Lucy stays asleep and just flops on Nat's back. Nat makes sure Lucy is on securely before walking out of the jet. I grab Lucys bag and follow closely behind, Lucy still has her headphones on.

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