13|Holy hammers and Elements

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Natasha's POV
The movie ended a few hours ago, Bucky carries Lucy to her room as she fell asleep, being stabbed will make you tired. Pepper went to Tony's room to rest, she does own stark industries, I bet she is exhausted. Everyone apart from Lucy and Pepper is still awake even Peter which surprises me. All the boys are seeing who can lift the 'holy' hammer.

"You are simply all not worthy" Thor announces after Clint has had a go, he went first.

"Boys do you not remember this happened around three years ago, then Ultron showed up" I point out "no one has been developing a killer robot have they?" I ask glaring at Tony.

"I don't think so. I certainly haven't don't know about anyone else though " Tony says whilst looking around the room glaring at everyone "actually icicle over here can't even work a phone so we don't have to worry about him, along with metal arm"

"Oh I can teach Mr Rogers, Mr Stark" Peter says enthusiastically "I know all about technology and computers, Lucy could help too"

"No that's ok Peter I am learning" Steve says, whilst glaring at Tony, Steve proceeds to walk overt to Tony and kind of whisper "stop misleading the Kid you are such a bad influence"

All of us heard this and everyone starts chuckling "you really need to learn how to whisper Steve" i say as Tony scoffs at Steve's remark

"Kid come here" tony says while beckoning Peter to come. When Peter gets there Tony says "kid I am not a bad influence am I?"

"No absolutely not Mr Stark, you are a good influence on me" Peter says while smiling at Tony "in fact you are a great influence on everyone"

"Aw thanks kid" Tony says while smiling widely and staring at Steve, Tony looks directly at Steve and shouts "HA, I was right you are wrong" Classic Tony of course he ruins the good example he set

"Really mature Tony" i say pointing out his stupidity "even Lucy is more mature than this" I suggest

"I think she is actually" Wanda confirms "good point Nat"

"You know theses few years I have matured and grown on a personal level, I even have a kid" tony says while pointing at Peter, "I also have a long term relationship. I think I should get another go at the lifting of thy holy hammer" Tony says while pointing at Thor's hammer.

"Absolutely Stark" Thor says before dropping his hammer on the floor and gesturing for Tony to come and have a go at lifting it.

"Here we go again" i mutter, annoyed at all the stupidity around me, I think Wanda is the only person here who is not full of pride and stupidity maybe Peter as well.

"I wasn't here last time but I'm judging what what has happened so far it wasn't the greatest experience" Wanda says, while lightly chuckling at the boys antics

"You could say that" I say "Tony and Rhodey got their metal hand jets and using the power to try and lift the hammer but it didn't work. Then Ultron showed up and kind of blew the whole floor up, but this was in Stark tower not the compound" I finish and Wanda looks at the floor.

"I'm sorry" she say

"What for" I ask confused, I can make a guess on what it's about. I think she still feels guilty and has put the blame on herself for Sokivia. "If this is about Ultron, save it I don't want to hear it. You know what really happened none of it was your fault" I finish. Wanda smiles and hugs me.

"boys I am going to bed, I am not dealing with this" i say "farewell"


Wanda's POV
It is the next day form the party and I think everyone who can be on a hangover is on a hanger over, except me and Nat. I didn't drink last night and Nat only drank a small amount. Me and Nat decided to really annoy all of those on a a hangover, like Tony. So we have opened all of the blinds, made sure the room is really bright and when everyone comes down we are going to turn the blender on and make some smoothie, just to increase the volume.

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