21|Annoying Tony

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Natasha's POV
Lucy and Peter have school today. I am training with Steve and Clint that is all I have planned. I am so hungry so I am going to eat, I pick up my phone sand glance at the screen, 6:12 I should be the only one up. I walk to the kitchen and find Lucy sitting at the table with her headphones on eating porridge while gently humming. Why is she already up, Lucy and Peter don't have to leave until 8:30 or something which is hours away. I cautiously walk over to Lucy as I know she can get jumpy. I gently tap her shoulder and what a surprise she flinches and turns around, fast. She sighs loudly relieved and smiles at me. "Hello, what are you doing up so early?" I ask while sitting next to her with a glass of water and and apple.

"Oh I had a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep so I just though I would just get ready for school" Lucy tells me while sipping at her glass of water. I hug Lucy and resume eating my apple.

"What time did you wake?" I ask Lucy, she frowns and seems to get lost in her thoughts.

"Erm about 4 I think" Lucy tells me "but I was asleep early so it isn't as bad as it sounds" Lucy adds nervous. Lucy looks at the floor like it is very interesting and i decide not to press the matter.

"Alright" I respond not wanting to stress Lucy out anymore. Lucy smiles at me relieved and continues eating. "Oh and Vision is going on another mission in a few days it starts on Thursday I think and Tony told me it will last a while around three to four months, He is the best for the longer mission." I tell Lucy she nods

"I suppose being a robot would make you the best for the longer missions as you wont get tired" lucy says humorously. I nod agreeing.

It has been around an hour and Lucy has moved onto one of the sofas and is fiddling on her phone. "Hello Nat" I hear a voice say from behind me. I recognise it as Peters.

"Hello Parker" I respond Peter smiles at me and gets some cereal to eat.

"Is Lucy up?" He asks me while sitting down next to me, I just nod my head to where Lucy is sat on her phone. Peter nods "what time?" He asks

"Well I got down here at around 6:15 and she was here then" I reply peter nods again and starts eating. Lucy is ready for school as I watched her pack her bag so she can do what she wants for an hour, I think she is just going to stay on her phone. Peter has more to do that's what waking later gets you. Peter actually looks like he is going to fall asleep, Lucy turns her head and sees Peter eating she must have hear our conversation. Lucy smiles and uses her air powers to make a breeze which attacks Peters face. I chuckle at his reaction which was a loud high pitched scream.

"That was so cold Lucy" Peter says shivering. Lucy chuckles

"You scream like a girl" She responds "oh and I made it cold" Lucy adds which makes me chuckle more

Lucys POV
It is time for me and Peter to get to school, Happy is outside waiting for us and Peter is running out to Happy, I don't see the point in running so I am not. I get in the car and Happy starts the engine as Peter is already sat in his seat. Me and Peter chat the whole way to school.My lesson Today are double Science, Maths, English and technology. Therefore me and Peter have the first three lessons Together. I think me and MJ have every lesson together which is Cool. I am at my locker getting my books Peter is next to me as we decided to get books then go and find MJ and Ned.

Me, Peter, MJ and Ned are walking along the corridor to get to science when we hear someone shout "Hey Penis Parker" Peter puts his head down while I walk over to the boy who shouted and punch him square in the nose forgetting I have super strength, luckily I punched him weakly so all I gave him was a nose bleed. I then walk off like nothing happened and go back over to Peter smiling happily at my success.

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